After blowing Li Rubin's head off, Fang Chen turned around and disappeared.

The next moment, he appeared next to the guard again and carefully took down the incubator.

Then, he snapped his fingers.

Everything returned to normal.

The guard staggered.

He looked at his arms in disbelief.

In his mind, he had his arms crossed in the previous second, but how did they open in the next second? Why didn't he have any memory of the opening process in between?

But soon he forgot about his strange behavior, and looked towards the direction of the building again with a horrified face.

The freezing coldness quickly receded like a tide, and the frozen areas also melted quickly, and the terrifying icy pressure disappeared.

For everyone, this terrifying and desperate cold pressure came quickly and went away quickly.

""What was that just now?" the guard asked absentmindedly.

The guards guarding the Weapon Management Bureau were only transferred from the police system, not even martial artists, so they were naturally at a loss as to what to do with the chill just now.

Fang Chen smiled slightly and said nothing.

At the door of the conference room, everyone was completely stunned.

Li Rubin was dead. He died right in front of them!

Su Xinyi even wondered if she was dreaming.

From their perspective, Li Rubin had just taken a step forward, and then his head exploded instantly.

Clean and neat, weird and creepy! They didn't feel any attack at all!

It suddenly exploded.

"This...what's going on?" Zhang Baihan's voice trembled, and his pale face shook uncontrollably. He was almost scared to death.

The expressions of the other people were as if they had seen a ghost, and they couldn't believe it.

A fifth-grade master!

The next helmsman of the Taiwu Alliance!

A super genius!

A god-like figure!

Every label on Li Rubin was enough to shock the world.

And now he was inexplicably beheaded in front of them.


On what basis?

The one-eyed Cang Snake was killed, and the master Jin Changhe was beheaded. Now the next leader of the Taiwu Alliance was beheaded in front of a group of branch leaders in the branch.

Is today so exciting?

For a moment, no one could digest it now.

Su Xinyi took a deep breath and walked up, and the others hurried to follow. Li

Rubin's body stood in place and did not fall down.

There was still a faint smell of blood in the air, and blood foam was still floating.

""What did you see just now?" Su Xinyi turned around and asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

"Suddenly my head exploded, and I felt nothing."Jiang He forced a smile on his face that was uglier than crying.

Su Xinyi frowned.

She knew that it was a waste of time to ask them.

Even she, a master, didn't know what was going on, let alone a group of warriors like them?

It was really a ghost!

Everything that happened today was weirder than the last!

Li Rubin's death was definitely a huge loss to the Taiwu Alliance, and it was unimaginable. She couldn't imagine how furious her father would be after knowing the news.

But for her, it was a good thing.

According to Li Rubin's character, he would definitely go to trouble Fang Chen after knowing his existence, and might even attack him.

But now that Li Rubin is dead, Fang Chen is fine.

"Check the surveillance immediately! And seal off the entire Armed Forces Management Bureau! Check! Check for me! Don't let any inch of it go unchecked!" Su Xinyi immediately gave the order.

"Also, move his body away. The news of Li Rubin's death should not be spread for the time being. Wait for the headquarters to make a decision. Collect evidence at the scene first, and then send someone to clean up immediately. It should not affect work."

Although she was very unhappy and didn't want to see Li Rubin, and even felt that he deserved to die, she couldn't ignore the death of the second best and future leader of the Taiwu Alliance. She still had to investigate what needed to be investigated. She was also very uneasy about the sudden headshot of a master-level expert.

Maybe she would be the next one?

She didn't want to die yet, and she wanted to live with Fang Chen for a very long time.

After explaining the task, Su Xinyi went straight to her office.

If Li Rubin could be killed in full view of the public, it would be useless for her to guard against him. She couldn't prevent it at all. Too much noise would affect the operation of the branch and the outside world's view of the Taiwu Alliance.

Su Xinyi knew that she had no way to handle this matter, so she could only report it, and what she had to do now was to stabilize the morale of the army.

The subordinates looked at Su Xinyi's departing back and looked at each other.

This reaction was too calm, right?

But thinking of their previous conversation, it seemed reasonable.

""Tell me, was this done by the minister's secret admirer?" Zhang Baihan asked in a low voice.

Shang Lisi glared at Lao Zhang fiercely and cursed,"What are you thinking about! Let's go and get to work! Li Rubin's death does not mean that we will survive! This matter is more serious than Jin Changhe's death! I think we are doomed this time, and we can only hope not to implicate the minister."

Shang Lisi's words made the others look gloomy again. They nodded slightly and left separately.

"What happened?"

Shang Lisi's phone rang. It was her assistant calling.

The meeting room was on the top floor. No one was allowed to come up during the meeting. So only the nine top leaders knew about Li Rubin's affairs. The rest of the military management bureau was completely unaware.

"Director, there is a man named Fang Chen at the door who is delivering dinner to the Minister. He said he is the Minister's husband.……"The assistant's tone was very nervous.

If it was someone else, she would have ignored the call, but since it concerned the minister, she didn't dare to make the decision.

Shang Lisi frowned and said unhappily,"Do you have to report to me just because someone says he is the minister's husband? The minister doesn't have a husband. It's a capital crime to pretend to be a warrior's family member. Drag him out and execute him.""

""Okay...Okay, Director!" the assistant responded hastily.

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