Boundless coldness surged out of Li Rubin's body, and a thick layer of ice formed on the seats, doors and windows in the conference room, and even began to invade the entire office building.

"Tell me, who is he!" Li Rubin's eyes flashed with a sinister chill.

Su Xinyi frowned and said,"It has nothing to do with you."

"Nothing to do with me? Do you know why a genius like me would give up the top ten leagues and become Su Yaotian's disciple? I could have achieved higher, but for you, I gave up! Now you tell me that you are married? Nothing to do with me?" Li Rubin's eyes were bloodshot, and every word was filled with anger.

Su Xinyi chuckled sarcastically:"I said, you have always been self-indulgent."

"Haha, you are being sentimental."

Li Rubin laughed and walked towards Su Xinyi.

""You think I won't attack you, right?" Su Xinyi said coldly.

After hearing what Su Xinyi said, Li Rubin's footsteps were suspended, and he took them back after a moment. Suddenly, a warm smile bloomed on his face, and the breathtaking aura suddenly faded.

"Are you testing me? Testing my sincerity and deliberately telling lies to provoke me?"Li Rubin asked with a smile.

Su Xinyi was already very impatient with Li Rubin's inexplicable self-confidence and neurotic imagination.

"I'm very busy now, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

After saying that, Su Xinyi walked straight to the door.

Li Rubin did not stop him, but his eyes gradually became cold and resentful.

When he opened the door, Shang Lisi and others were waiting at the door, their faces were panicked.

The momentum that Li Rubin exuded just now had made their souls tremble, as if they were in the depths of hell. They were really afraid that Li Rubin would do something crazy.

Fortunately, seeing Su Xinyi come out safely, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"You can go, but the other eight have to stay."

Li Rubin's voice came from the conference room.

Su Xinyi turned around abruptly, anger showing on her pretty face, and asked in a cold voice:"What do you mean?"

"You should know in your heart that a master died, and he was the deputy leader of the Yuhua Alliance. No matter what, the manager of this area cannot escape the blame, even if you are also a master. The death penalty can be forgiven, but the living crime cannot be escaped. I don't want you to be punished at all, so it is just right to leave the eight of them, and use their lives to calm the anger of the Yuhua Alliance."Li Rubin said slowly.

The eight people of Shang Lisi turned pale and panicked in an instant, but they dared not say anything.

They knew very well in their hearts that Su Xinyi could not save them, because Li Rubin was too powerful! And his status in the Taiwu Alliance was also very high.

Whoever he wants to die must die!

Whoever he wants to apologize must apologize!

Despair appeared on the faces of the eight people, and they looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

They are dead.

Because of Li Rubin's words, no one can save them.

"It's impossible with me here." Su Xinxiu clenched his fists and looked angry.

Li Rubin walked to the door of the meeting room with a smile, his eyes like a venomous snake exuding a sharp and vicious look.

"Now here, I have the final say"

"Only the lives of the eight of them can save you from harm. This matter is not up to you to decide. Their lives are worthless. Their death can eliminate the anger of the Yuhua Alliance and keep you safe and sound. It is worth it."

Li Rubin's words were cold-blooded and ruthless, and he did not care about the lives of the eight people at all.

Moreover, he said it in front of the eight of them, domineering and arrogant.

"Minister, we stay."

"Yes, we stay! Minister Li is right, our lives are worth it in exchange for your immunity from punishment!"

"Yes, Minister, you can go now!"

The eight people looked determined.

They had just planned to take all the blame, but now with Li Rubin's appearance and those words, although they were afraid, they were still willing to use their lives to exchange for Su Xinyi's safety.

"I said that it is impossible when I am here, you can try."Su Xinyi glanced at Li Rubin, his tone was very firm.

Li Rubin's smile gradually became brighter, grinning and slowly said:"If that's the case, then I have no choice but to tear off their heads now and send them directly to the Yuhua Alliance."

"You dare!"

Su Xinyi shouted angrily, blocking everyone in front of him. His whole body was filled with true energy, and the aura of a master instantly surged out. A lavender vortex swirled around his body.

"I didn't expect that a group of lowly people could receive such protection from you. I don't even have such treatment!"

Li Rubin saw that Su Xinyi was serious about him. Although he still kept a smile on his face, his eyes were already full of anger and jealousy, and there was also a hint of murderous intent.


Li Rubin took a step forward and said as he walked:

"Since you insist on protecting them, I can only knock you out first and then chop off their heads. Believe me, you don't want to fight me, it's too easy for me to deal with you now."

Su Xinyi sneered:"If you take another step forward, I will immediately declare war on you and fight to the death! You know me, I will do what I say!" Li

Rubing paused, his face gradually became distorted and hideous

"Are you going to fight me to the death for these eight pieces of trash? Good! Very good! Su Xinyi, today I will let you know whether you are qualified to fight me to the death!"

(asking for flowers, comments and monthly tickets)

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