Virus sweeping, doomsday zombies?

“Some time ago, inside Shiwanda Mountain, a strange virus suddenly swept through, and even spread into Zhennan Pass.”

“Many beasts and demons in the Shiwan Dashan became more violent under the attack of this virus. At the same time, the soldiers and civilians in Zhennan Pass were also affected to a large extent.”

“Many ordinary people have turned into zombie-like existences. They lost consciousness, went mad, and were full of lust for blood. Not only ordinary people, even some low-strength warriors were not spared.”

“Whether it’s human beings who have turned into zombies or those beasts, they all have one thing in common, that is, they are hard to kill. Even if you pierce their hearts or cut off their heads, they can still move. .”

“The only way to deal with them is to completely destroy their bodies…”

Qin Tian’s expression was extremely solemn, and he introduced it to Jiang Feng.

His words at this time seemed to depict a scene of doomsday coming and zombies rampant in front of Jiang Feng’s eyes.

“When I first learned about this matter, the lord leader didn’t pay much attention to it. He just sent some powerful fighters to investigate and solve it.”

“However, those powerful fighters who were sent to investigate didn’t come back alive. Afterwards, we sent several waves of people, and the result was still the same. There were even many strong fighters at the Martial King level…”

After these things, leader Zhang Wuji finally paid attention to it.

They quickly organized an elder meeting. After discussions among the elders, it was finally decided that an elder at the Martial Emperor level would personally lead people to investigate.

But within a day, the elder at the Martial Emperor level also lost news.

Only one of his attendants escaped with injuries all over his body.

Although the doctors tried their best to rescue him, the attendant still couldn’t hold on. He didn’t even provide any information, so he died.

Just when the hospital was about to take the attendant’s body for disposal, a sudden change occurred.

The corpse actually came back to life!

No, it’s not alive, it’s a fake corpse.

That corpse seemed to have turned into a zombie. As soon as he woke up, he immediately went on a killing spree in the hospital, killing everyone he met.Then he opened his mouth to absorb their blood.

And the people who were injured by that zombie also faked their corpses one after another.

In less than an hour, the entire hospital turned into hell.

Fortunately, this hospital is near Zhenmagus. The warriors in Zhenmagus learned the news immediately and immediately went to the hospital to suppress it.

Afterwards, Zhang Wuji’s leader also quickly organized manpower to support.

In the end, they managed to get rid of all the ‘people’ who had turned into zombies and zombies in the hospital with not a small loss.

For this reason, with the hospital as the center, the surrounding area of ​​nearly half a kilometer was razed to the ground by thermal weapons.

Then, just in case, Zhang Wuji led someone to check it himself, and dealt with the zombies that hadn’t been completely blown into pieces.

This disaster is barely over.

It’s just that the corpses are gone, and they have no way of doing research if they want to.

This time, leader Zhang Wuji finally paid attention to it.

He personally led the team and took five elders from the Presbyterian Church, as well as an elite troop composed of masters, kings of martial arts, and monks at or above the Jindan stage, to Zhennan Pass.

With such a large formation, it can be seen how serious the matter is.

After listening to Qin Tian’s explanation, for some reason, Jiang Feng always had a bad feeling.

He couldn’t help but think of the Abyss of Promise.

The virus spread from the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and the Abyss of Promise is in the deepest part of the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

The original Wuji Abyss was the old lair of the Evil Zero Clan and the dwelling place of the King of Ten Thousand Zeros. At the beginning, Jiang Feng went straight to Huanglong and killed the King of Ten Thousand Zeros. black hole.

At the beginning, the black hole gave Jiang Feng a very terrifying feeling, as if there was some kind of terrifying existence hidden in it.

Although the black hole was sealed, it was the King of Ten Thousand Zeros that provided the energy for the seal. After Jiang Feng killed the Ten Thousand Zero King, the seal lost its energy support and seemed to be broken.

Although Jiang Feng later brought a large number of soul beads to serve as a temporary energy supply for the seal, he knew at that time that this was not a long-term solution.

After coming out of Penglai Xiandao, Jiang Feng got the Ten Thousand Formation Diagram. At that time, he knew what the formation method for sealing the black hole was, and he also knew how to repair it.

Originally, I thought I would fix it when I had time, but it didn’t take long for Tangtang to have an accident.

Jiang Feng was busy looking for the Ten Thousand Years of Black Ice and the Water of Life for Tangtang, so he forgot about it for a moment.

Calculated in terms of time, the soul orbs were indeed exhausted in the past few days. Without energy support, the seal would become very fragile.

The so-called virus must have come from there, right?

The more Jiang Feng thought about it, the more he felt that the possibility was very high, and he couldn’t help but look a little ugly.

Qin Tian saw that Jiang Feng’s face was not good-looking, but he just thought that he was frightened by what he said, and didn’t think too much about it.

“The lord leader has also been there for a long time, but no news has come back, and we don’t know what’s going on.”

“Mr. Jiang, I can’t do anything about your matter. The leader may know, but I can’t contact him now.”

Qin Tian had a worried look on his face.

Jiang Feng fell silent. He had a decision at this moment.

That is to go to Zhennan Pass to see what happened.

Maybe I have a way to solve it myself.

Jiang Feng wanted to help, first because he felt ashamed. If it was really because of the black hole that this disaster was caused, then Jiang Feng had nothing to do with it.

Although he did it unintentionally to deal with the King of Ten Thousand Zeros back then, he did it after all.

If there is a cause, there will be an effect. The cause was planted by him, so the effect must be resolved by him.

As for the second reason, the way to the Demon Realm, it seems that only Zhang Wuji knew about it, but he went to Zhennan Pass and there was no news.

Even if it was for this, Jiang Feng had to go to Zhennan Pass in person to find the leader Zhang Wuji.

“I see. I still have something to do, so I’ll take my leave first.”

As Jiang Feng said, he got up and was about to leave.

Section 471

But Qin Tian hastily stopped him.

“Wait, Mr. Jiang, are you going to Zhennan Pass?”

“how do you know?”

Jiang Feng was slightly taken aback. He didn’t expect Qin Tian to be very careful, and he could guess all of this.

Qin Tian didn’t answer, but begged.

“Mr. Jiang, please take me with you. As the leader’s guard, I should have been by his side all the time, but because of my lack of strength, the leader did not take me along.”

“Now the leader may be in trouble, I must be by his side!”

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