
Jiang Feng figured this out, but he was still confused about one thing.

So he asked.

“Then why do you know the language of the China Alliance?”

This is Jiang Feng’s biggest doubt.

The Antarctic continent is too far away from China, why do they understand the language of the China Alliance.

And why do they look so similar to Chinese people.

Hearing Jiang Feng’s question in black, the four human fighters also looked at each other in blank dismay.

“Hua Xia, this name sounds familiar.”

The bearded man stroked his chin with a thoughtful expression on his face.

The same goes for the other three.

In the end, a young man who seemed to be the most refined among the four slapped his hands and remembered.

“I remembered, that’s right, our language is Huaxia.”

“I once heard my grandfather say that a long time ago, our ancestors still belonged to a very backward civilization. They drank blood and had no unified written language. Later…”

The young Nasiwen began to tell the history of their Antarctic continent.

As for where the real origin of the Antarctic continent is, the gentle young man doesn’t know, and probably no one knows.

Because it is too long ago, just like the Huaxia Alliance, the predecessor was the Huaxia Kingdom, but where did the ancestors of the Huaxia Kingdom originate from?

There is no unified answer at all.

Some experts also say that all humans in the world originated from a continent called Africa.

However, there are mixed believers and unbelievers.

The origin is unclear, but the relationship between the natives of the Antarctic continent and the Chinese people is very deep.

I don’t know exactly how many years ago, but anyway, it was a very long time ago when a group of people from the ancient country of China traveled across the ocean and came to the Antarctic continent.

They didn’t know why the Chinese people at that time could travel tens of thousands of kilometers across the ocean to reach the Antarctic continent, even though they didn’t have the current level of technology.

All they know is that after the Chinese arrived in Antarctica, they did not oppress the natives of the Antarctic continent at that time because of their great strength and high civilization.

On the contrary, the relationship between the two parties is very harmonious.

At that time, the natives of the Antarctic continent welcomed the Chinese people very much, and the Chinese people did their best to teach the natives of the Antarctic continent the ability to make fire and barbecue, build igloos, etc.

Yes, the igloos that Jiang Feng in black saw before were actually taught by the Chinese people in ancient times to build them.

Even though igloos are made of ice and snow, they can effectively prevent cold and keep warm.

First of all, the igloo is well sealed, so that there is no gap between the ice bricks, protecting people from the cold wind.

Secondly, the thermal conductivity of ice is poor, and the heat generated in the igloo can be largely sealed inside the igloo, which has a very good heat preservation effect.

Compared to the polar low temperature of tens of degrees below zero outside,The temperature in the igloo can be maintained between a few degrees below zero and more than ten degrees.

This was definitely a treasure for the natives of the Antarctic continent at that time.

At that time, although they could already get used to the low temperature.

But the temperature on the Antarctic continent does not remain constant. Sometimes it will enter a severe winter period, and the temperature will be nearly twice as low as usual.

Normally, at that time, nearly one-third of the natives of the Antarctic continent would not be able to survive.

But with the igloo, everything is moving in a good direction.

For the first time, they survived the harsh winter with ease, with no more than 1% casualties.

Later, that group of Chinese people stayed behind for some reasons.

In the course of time, the Chinese people and the natives of the Antarctic continent were completely integrated.

With the help of the Chinese people, the civilization of the indigenous Antarctic continent has achieved a qualitative leap, although it is still far behind the current civilizations of the Huaxia Alliance and the Empire on which the sun never sets.

But it has almost reached the level of civilization in the feudal period of ancient China.

Speaking of which, today’s natives of the Antarctic continent more or less have some Chinese blood.

That’s why they look very similar to Chinese people.

“I see.”

Hei Yi Jiang Feng nodded, and understood everything.

“Then which settlement are you from?”

Jiang Feng in black asked again.

At this time, the faces of the bearded man and the gentle young man clearly showed pride.

The bearded man said.

“We don’t come from any inhabited area, but from Snow Wind City. Snow Wind City is the only city on the Antarctic continent. Uh, you can understand it as a very large inhabited area, with hundreds of thousands of people living there.”

“However, there is still a big difference between Snow Wind City and settlements. How should I put it, the rules in Snow Wind City are stricter. I don’t know how to say it. Anyway, if you experience it, you will definitely be surprised.”

The bearded man thought that Jiang Feng in black didn’t know what a city was, and tried to explain it to him very proudly.

Although Jiang Feng in black thought it was funny in his heart, this situation was like an ancient man racking his brains to explain the principle of a car to a modern man.

However, due to the issue of politeness, Jiang Feng in Hei Yi listened carefully.

“By the way, Snow Wind City was established by the Huaxia people back then, and the city owner is also a descendant of the leader of the Huaxia people at that time.”

The gentle youth added.

Heiyi Jiang Feng nodded secretly when he heard the words.

Although a city with hundreds of thousands of people can only be regarded as a very ordinary third-rate small city in the China Alliance, it can indeed be regarded as the largest human force in the Antarctic Continent.

He thought, if there is a chance, he can go to the so-called Snow Wind City to take a look.

Of course, the most important thing right now is to find Xuanbing that is tens of millions of years old for Tangtang.

So, Jiang Feng in black asked again.

“This is Icewind Dale, the place with the lowest temperature in the entire Antarctic continent?”

The four of them looked at each other again after hearing the words.

The bearded man replied.

“We don’t know if it is the place with the lowest temperature, but this Icewind Dale is definitely one of the most dangerous places on the Antarctic continent. No one dares to enter it. Even we only dare to go outside and hunt some low-level beasts.” .”

“But you also saw it just now. Even if it’s only on the periphery, there will be a beast as powerful as the white bear just now, let alone inside the valley.”

“Rumors say that in the depths of Icewind Dale, all kinds of powerful monsters emerge in endlessly. Among them, there are even many ancient monsters that have lived for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. They are very terrifying.”

The more he talked, the more dignified the bearded man’s expression became.

Deep fear clearly flashed in his eyes.

It can be seen that he did not lie.

The gentle youth also added.

“I heard from my grandfather that someone once saw a thousand-meter-long monster flying in the sky above Icewind Dale. The sound it made made the heart pound even if it was heard from a distance.”

Section 438

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