Greetings from eighteen generations of their ancestors


Jiang Feng was also taken aback when he heard the words.

He had heard of the name pirate, but this was indeed the first time he had seen it.

The so-called pirates, as the name suggests, are robbers who rob at sea.

Their targets are generally cargo ships moving between countries.

In this era of revival of monsters, humans still have much less control over the land, let alone the ocean.

So much so that in the early stage of the era of monster recovery, the countries lost contact with each other for a while, but as the human strength gradually became stronger, the contact between the countries also gradually recovered.

Just like before, envoys from various countries traveled across the ocean to the China Alliance to participate in the 300th anniversary of the National Day.

Just because the dangers in the sea are greater than those on land, there are very few exchanges between countries unless necessary.

And once there are cargo ships coming and going, the value must be extremely high.

Because the cost of trade between countries has become higher, the benefits must also be higher.

Depend onSince then, the profession of pirates has been revived.

The profession of pirates really belongs to opening every three years, and it takes three years after opening.

They rarely encountered commercial cargo ships, perhaps only once every few years.

But as long as they successfully rob once, they don’t need to work hard for several years or even ten years, and they may even be free for a lifetime.

Therefore, the profession of pirates is still very popular.

“The sea area we are in now belongs to the middle of the Huaxia Alliance and the Sakura Island country. From this point of view, this pirate group should be from the Sakura Island country.”

“I have indeed heard that there are pirates in this sea area, and I even heard that these pirates were actually secretly established by the Sakurajima country officials, with the purpose of dealing with the foreign traders of our Huaxia Alliance.”

“Because this sea area is one of the necessary routes for our Huaxia Alliance to do business with foreign countries, and even the officials of Sakurajima have deliberately cooperated with our Huaxia foreign trade merchants, and then led our caravan cargo ships here to rob them directly. Let’s leave us with nothing.”

Section 319

Zhou Zhen explained in Jiang Feng’s ear, his tone full of anger.

Obviously, his attitude towards Sakurajima Country is also very bad.

In other words, basically two-thirds of the people in China dislike Sakurajima very much.

This is engraved in the genes.

“Sakura Island Country? Hehe.”

Jiang Feng sneered.

Originally, he still had the mentality of not causing trouble if he could avoid trouble, so he directly avoided this pirate warship.

But now after hearing Zhou Zhen’s words, he changed his mind.

Jiang Feng had a very bad impression of the people of Sakura Island. Not to mention his past life, even in this life, he had contact with devils from Sakura Island a few times.

The first time was at the God’s Tomb, and the second time was at the National Day Ceremony of China’s 300th Anniversary.

Especially the latter, that idiot from Sakurajima named Mei Chuan Ji Zhao, dared to take advantage of Tang Tang.

Although he also paid a huge price later, the hand touching Tangtang was cut off by Jiang Feng, but this did not prevent Jiang Feng from feeling disgusted with Sakurajima Country.

So, when he learned that the pirates on the battleship should be from the country of Sakurajima, he decided to deal with them severely.

“Just stay here and let them come over.”

Jiang Feng said, the flying demon fish that sat down really stopped.

Soon, the battleship approached and stopped when it was about 50 meters away from Jiang Feng and the others.


Immediately, the dozens of forts on the battleship were aimed at Jiang Feng and the others.

However, instead of launching an attack directly, more than a dozen men with ferocious looks stepped out from the bow of the ship.

Each of them was holding a sword, with ferocious faces, or with several scars on their faces, or one-eyed.

However, the dozen or so of them all have one thing in common, that is, they are too short.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that they are dwarfs, the tallest one is only about 1.5 meters.

The shortest one can even reach 1.2 meters.

Putting this in Huaxia, it’s probably about the height of a sixth grader.

So much so that although they look very ferocious, they don’t give people a scary feeling.

On the contrary, after Jiang Feng saw it, he felt the urge to laugh.


At this time, the tallest 1.5 meter pirate on the board held a big knife and pointed at Jiang Feng and Zhou Zhen in front of him.

Balabala said a lot of things Jiang Feng couldn’t understand.

“The devil said that they are the Skeleton Pirates, and that this sea area is under the control of their Pirates. If they want to pass through, they must pay tolls.”

Zhou Zhen acted as an interpreter for Jiang Feng.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng almost couldn’t help laughing.

This group of pirates don’t know how to innovate. They still use the old-fashioned rhetoric of Chinese pirates, saying that I opened this road and planted this tree.

Seeing that Jiang Feng actually smiled, the pirates on the opposite board all showed strange expressions.

The 1.5 meter tall pirate shouted again.

“Baga! Why are you laughing?”

This time, although Jiang Feng couldn’t understand the meaning of the whole sentence, he still understood Baga.

Knowing that this was a curse word, she suddenly became upset.

“What about your mother, Baga, you Sakurajima devils, you know how disgusting we Chinese people are, today, grandpa, I will let you be buried in this sea!”

Jiang Feng cursed unceremoniously.

But those pirates obviously couldn’t understand Huaxia language, and they showed puzzled expressions on their faces.

“Can you speak Sakurajima language?”

Jiang Feng asked Zhou Zhen.

He scolded so much, but people couldn’t understand him. This made Jiang Feng feel like he was punching cotton.

feeling bad.

So he has to let these Sakurajima pirates understand.

“Understand a little.”

“Then translate my sentence to them as it is. It’s better to add some curse words. It would be best if they can curse until they commit seppuku.”

Jiang Feng said indignantly.

Zhou Zhen scratched his head, but did as he did.


Immediately afterwards, Jiang Feng heard a series of incomprehensible words from Zhou Zhen’s mouth.

But what he can be sure of is that among the words that this guy Zhou Zhen said, there are not many repetitions.

This means that this guy definitely knows a lot of curse words.

Sure enough, although Jiang Feng couldn’t understand, he could understand the faces of those Sakurajima ghost pirates, which got worse and worse. First, they changed from normal yellow to black, then purple and cyan.In the end, it turned red directly, fisted with both hands, and the veins on the arms and neck immediately burst out.

Jiang Feng even doubted whether they would be so angry that they would explode on the spot.

“You bastard, what did you scold them for?”

When Zhou Zhen was tired of cursing and stopped, Jiang Feng couldn’t help asking.

“Hoo hoo… It’s nothing, just according to what you said, I cursed all the curse words I know, and basically greeted their eighteen generations of ancestors.”

Zhou Zhen said pantingly, but it can be seen from his fiery eyes that he really had a good time scolding.

“Have you enjoyed it?”

“Hahaha, super cool!”

Zhou Zhen laughed loudly.

Jiang Feng suddenly showed a wicked smile.

“Since you’re so happy, then it’s up to you to bear the wrath of those devils.”

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