Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 784: Grand Guard Law

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"Son! Where are you going, have you eaten ..."

Xia Mingliang was standing in front of his alley with a big box of roast ducks. Xia Buer was walking side by side with his dog sister, followed by a curly tailed siberian husky, while Xia Buer said with a full voice: "Please! You only come after you've finished, why are you busier than me? "

"You're embarrassed to say, if it weren't for your choice, could I be so busy ..."

Xia Mingliang looked at him in depression and said, "Two corpse tides have appeared one after another on the way to the front line. If the natural corpse tide is still okay, it would be troublesome if the corpse is dispatching troops. You should go back to the host earlier The big picture, we didn't have a quasi-idea after studying all day! "

"I don't do it! Why should everyone expect me to be a model worker ..."

Xia Fuji pouted his lips, and the three sisters of Gao came over from behind. The girl was dressed tonight, wearing a pink short marten and a low-cut bottoming shirt. The young and beautiful girl Gao also wore a lively and cute pigtail.

"Have fun, be safe on the road ..."

The elder sister Gao Qi pushed Gao Sanmei to Xia Fuer, Gao Sanmei tugged at Xia Fuer, and after Xia Buer said hello to his father, he took them out of the alley, Gao Xiaomei He also held Rhubarb behind him, and he kept talking to Xia Buer.

"This boy, Yan Fu is everywhere ..."

Xia Mingliang shook his head, shook Gao Qi, and walked home after glancing at Gao Qi. After entering the gate, Gao Qi hurried in, picked up the teapot and said with a smile, "You are my second brother's father, I I've seen your photo upstairs. Your house has been taken care of by me. My name is Gao Qi! "

"Add me a bowl of rice ..."

Xia Mingliang sat at the table with an indifferent expression and opened the roast duck he brought. After Gao Qi poured a cup of hot tea for him, he hurried into the kitchen to help him with a bowl of rice, and brought a few dishes to laugh. Said: "Brother Xia! I made these side dishes by myself, so try them!"

"Your two sisters are hanging out with my son, why don't you go ..."

Xia Mingliang picked up the chopsticks and tasted, Gao Qi laughed: "The most important thing for a woman is self-knowledge. Men like young and beautiful girls, and I'm already 28. Instead of going out and shameful, I would rather stay at home and watch Read a book and accompany you for a drink! "

Gao Qi picked up Wuliangye on the table, poured two cups tenderly, and sat down at the table. He respected Xia Mingliang a lot, and Xia Mingliang was also a visitor, not to mention that Gao Qi is a very likely event. Woman, half a bottle of white wine during a joke, she was persuaded.

"Gao Qi !!!"

Suddenly! Some middle-aged men and women came in aggressively outside the door, and the scared Gao Qi suddenly stood up from the chair, but the old ladies headed at Xia Mingliang and said angrily: "You are so brave, you dare to take the public The house is your own property. Who allowed you to cook here? "

"No! Deputy Chief Zhang, he ..."

Gao Qi pointed at Xia Mingliang incoherently, but the old ladies glared at her again and said, "Don't think about sophistication, we have long received complaints from the masses, saying that you can raise a small stove with a public house and raise a man. Now you have evidence and evidence, and you will tomorrow Come to my office for treatment in the morning, our unit cannot keep you like this maggot! "

Xia Mingliang put down his rice bowl and looked at the other party and said, "Gao Qi! Do you have any personal grudges with her? A deputy district grows up at night to come and grab your little braids, and also puts on the line to show off the official power. You tell me It ’s been a long time! ”

An old bald man pointed at him and snapped at him: "Do you know who you are talking to, and if there is any king law in your eyes, immediately take out your residence permit and check it with me. If you are a recidivist in the adultery department, , I can't take you for a walk tonight! "

"Without a residence permit, you are not eligible to see ..."

Xia Mingliang lit a cigarette slowly and leaned on a chair and looked at each other uneasily. His look and posture were almost the same as those of Xia. The mayor Zhang immediately exasperated, "Call me the military police, I'll let the dog know how to write dead words tonight! "

"Even the military and police brought it, it seems that your resentment is not small ..."

Xia Mingliang looked mischievously at Gao Qi, and Gao Qi resentfully said: "I just unintentionally found evidence of her bribery, leaving no copy at all, but she refused to believe it and forced me to take a picture With that kind of undressed photo, I didn't expect her to come to me again today, she just wanted to kill me! "

"Shut up for me, you **** ..."

Zhang District Chief slaps and slaps on her face. Who knows that Xia Mingliang turned her to the ground with a kick. After the old lady's hands stunned, she immediately ran out to kill and yelled, and immediately there was a team. The policemen came to the door, and the scared Gao Qi hid directly behind Xia Mingliang and squatted.

"Catch it! Catch him up ..."

Zhang District Chief lay on the ground and shouted like a vixen, but when a group of military police came in, they knelt down and fell to the ground. The leader's officer even lay on the ground and shook like sieve bran, tremblingly said: "Large protection! It's not about the villain, I ... I was called by the surname Zhang, I don't know anything!"

"Big Guardian !!!"

Zhang District Chief and others were dismayed, and the heart almost died immediately after the pumping. Everyone in the entire Hangzhou city and even the entire Mutant Group knew that the highest power center was in the hands of two people. Boss, the other is the big name.


Two of Zhang's subordinates fainted on the spot, both of which were serious mutants. They knew what Dabao means. This is their master's master. The ancestors who have to kneel down when they come However, the trouble that they actually ran to find someone else is really old Shou Xing drinking. Frost is impatient!

"What about Gao Qi's picture ..."

Xia Mingliang stretched out his hand towards Zhang District Chief. Zhang District Chief flew to his feet and pulled out a cell phone and handed it to him, fearing: "Photos ... all the photos are all In the photo album, there is a backup copy of the USB stick in my house. I'll go back and get it for you! "

"No need! You can't go back ..."

Xia Mingliang looked at her indifferently and said, "Vice Mayor Tian is your master. Someone will take you two to the front line tonight, and you idiots will not be able to run away. The evolutionists all fight for me, humans. Go to the blood slave camp as a blood slave, take it! "

"Master Xie does not kill grace, Master Xie does not kill grace ..."

The head of Zhang District, lying on the ground, desperately scratched his head, Xie En, it was better to fight on the front line than to be killed, but several humans all cried in horror. Everyone knew that it was better to die as a blood slave than to be a blood slave. Strong, but the military and policemen jumped up in a hurry and dragged them away, not forgetting to close the door.

The noisy living room was suddenly quiet and disgusting. Immediately I heard a sound of teeth trembling. Gao Qi knelt behind Xia Mingliang and trembled. Her pale face was sweating, but Xia Mingliang laughed: " Didn't expect Summer King's Lao Tzu to be a big protector? "

"No ... I didn't expect ..."

Gao Qi scrambled to his knees beside him, and his brain had already become a thick paste. Everyone knew that Xia Fuer could not deal with the mutant group, so she did not expect that her father would be The senior officials of the Mutant Group can even be said to be one of the family members, who can make Hangzhou tremble with one lame.

"Well in shape, but unfortunately a little older, not to blame my son for not seeing ..."

Xia Mingliang suddenly came without a word. When Gao Qi instinctively looked up, Xia Mingliang was actually looking at the photos on the mobile phone. The heroine of Chiguo Guo was naturally her deity, but she did n’t know what she saw. Where's the courage, shyly: "When you gave birth to your son, people were still wearing open crotch pants!"

"Never! You must call my uncle by age ..."

Xia Mingliang put down the phone with a little twitch, and directly raised Gao Qi's chin to look. Gao Qi dared to support his legs and said, "Uncle! Little niece is not only in good shape. I ’ve also studied dancing for several years, and I ’ll give you a dance where you know the beauty of others! ”

"Come on ..."

Xia Mingliang leaned back on his chair and picked up the wine glass. He drank a small glass of wine, Gao Qi immediately rose up and turned on the sound, dancing with the charm of the music, his clothes also floated to the ground. At the moment of the most passion, the door of the living room was suddenly opened.


After Gao Qi exclaimed and hid on the sofa, Xia Mingliang's old face instantly turned red, only to see Li Rong's face stood suddenly at the gate, but Xia Mingliang was not Xia Buer's old man, he pointed at Gao Qi and scolded him. : "Say! Where did you hide the secret? I honestly told you that I shot you!"

Ji Gaoqi's response was also extremely fast, and he hurried to kneel and begged: "Master! The secret is really not on the villain, I have stripped you for inspection, you believe me!"

Who knows that Rong Li still blinked vaguely: "Dad! It turns out that you are trying a prisoner, but you need to be careful about your body. These female prisoners are deep in water, hey"

I said! Li Rong closed the door and ran away, Xia Mingliang cried and covered her old face without tears. I didn't expect that just drinking a few more cups would not guarantee the holiday. If he changed to another person, he would still be confused, but he would The daughter-in-law is from a river and lake, and you can know what happened by smelling it with your nose.

"grown ups……"

Gao Qi knelt on the ground and called weakly ~ ~ The dance didn't know whether to dance or not, but Xia Mingliang stood up and sighed sadly, saying, "Get up! Let's Your little sisters are good at serving my son. When my son leaves, you will take over as the deputy mayor of Tian! "

Who knows that Gao Qi actually got up and walked to him, and said softly, "Thank you! I don't care what deputy mayor, I just think that my sister serves her son, and her sister should serve her father, our sister. Destined for your father and son! "

"Get on and follow me ..."

Xia Mingliang couldn't help but glance at the little girls. Although he knew that the words were false and hypocritical, he was still very comfortable listening, but after he said that, he pulled out his mobile phone and pressed a group of numbers and hated the channel: "Son! Don't blame Dad for betraying you, I have to look old!"

"Ha ha Rong Rong! Xiao Er went to the bar and fooled around with the girl. You have to take care of him in the main room, otherwise people have to say that you are not as good as Tang Yu, oh! You just drank too much and got hallucinations, right ... "

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