Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1272: Inner fear

'calm! I must calm down ... ’

Rhubarb warned that his voice kept echoing in his heart, and suddenly gave up observing the Spider Girl who was getting closer, and turned to look at the flesh-blooded corpse behind him, because he always wondered why he would freeze when he heard the voice. This does not fit his perception at all.

‘When you do n’t think about one thing, simply bypass it and start with the details, often the most critical thing is in the details ...’

Xia Buer's voice reappeared in his mind, and Rhubarb's high-speed spinning brain stopped suddenly, settled on a seemingly normal but weird detail.

‘Why explode the body? Why does my head explode? Is it powerful and useless? Do not! A cold-blooded hunter wo n’t show off unless it ’s ... scaring me ... ’

Suddenly, Rhubarb trembled all over his body, and finally realized the abnormality, and immediately realized something. The "Death Brahma" that made him paralyzed was very familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere, and he was vague about the name. impression.

‘This Purdue Cihang is a true portrayal of the Daxian Temple.

A wonderful man leaned against his arms and swallowed the clouds, and the taunting color on his face made him remember freshly. Rhubarb recalled it immediately. The woman who said this was Hei Muqing. After the two turned the clouds and rain, she let go. A set of ghost films is the source of the "Call of Fortune Brahma"-"Ghost Girl 3".

Hallucinations! !! !!

The blood of Rhubarb's whole body instantly boiled, and sure enough there was no unexplained paralysis. A monster would not be able to read the scriptures well. The origin of hallucinations came entirely from the bottom of his heart, as Xia Fuji often said. heart.

Rhubarb closed his eyes suddenly, slowed his breathing, shielded the annoying commanding Brahma, relaxed his body to the greatest extent, and soon he got a different feeling. He was lying flat on the ground with python-like things entangled. He seemed to be sucking his blood on his right leg.

"Dog Mongrel !!!"

Rhubarb immediately yelled, desperately lifted his weak and weak right hand, and suddenly pulled down a grenade around his waist. The fingers pulled open the pull ring above him, and he dropped it directly on his leg, the black grenade. Immediately rolled down the slope.

"Oh ~"

The grenade burst into the air not far away, and the big yellow brain of the tremble hummed, and all the splashed dirt was slammed on his face, but the snake-shaped object on his leg was also shocked and shrank back, his numbness Most of them disappeared in an instant, and then they sat up.

"go to hell!"

As the number one battle dog of Xia Fuer's family, how could Xia Buer's famous stunt not be, he did not look at the specific situation in front of him, and pulled the grenade out of his waist again and threw it forward, followed by jumping up and running away Throw thunder backwards and secure a copy of the bomb maniac.

"Hmm ..."

A lot of mud was scattered and scattered, and the rhubarb rushed to a tree before turning back suddenly. At this time, he realized that there was a spider woman on the farm, almost the same as he saw in the hallucinations.

The difference is that the spider woman's whole body is dark. She is lying in the grass with her teeth and paws open. It is difficult to distinguish in a dim environment, but there are dozens of corpses lying on her side, all of which are slender from her belly. The tentacles were entangled, including Shaxian Guan and Hei Muqing outside the barbed wire.

"Ah ~"

The Spider Woman suddenly made a strange cry, and when it suddenly retracted the tentacles, it jumped directly from the farm and rushed to Rhubarb like a flying spider. The super bouncing force scared the rhubarb. Split, run without wanting to pull a leg.

"Oh ~"

A black light suddenly swept across the back, and the big tree with a thick waist was actually cut off. Rhubarb rushed into the residential area. Despite his courage to fight to death, he did not have the strength to defeat his opponent. Xia Fuji's ability is not something you can learn by looking at it.

"Don't chase me, I didn't mess with you ..."

Rhubarb was mournful and mournful. The Spider Woman didn't know what was going on. He would rather give up dozens of prey and chase him to the end, but just as he rushed into a clip lane, he heard someone scream: " Get down and roll! "

Rhubarb almost formed a conditioned reflex on this order. He fell into the ground and rolled it hard if he didn't want to, and a slender tentacle shot instantly, and it pierced into the pothole's concrete floor, but a dark shadow also fierce. The ground turned out from behind the courtyard wall.

"Oh ~"

When the spooky spear with a cold light came to the air, the angle was tricky and fierce, and the spider woman who was rushing at the positive speed was completely unexpected. When it responded, the spooky spear had stabbed in front of it, and “snapped” through it. Got its head.

"噗通 ~"

The spider woman fell heavily on her back, and a large hole was knocked out of her forehead, while Xia Fuji fell steadily not far away. Who knew that the spider woman's belly suddenly slammed, hundreds of slender The tentacles burst out instantly, as if all arrows were firing at Xia Fuer.

"Oh ~"

Xia Fuji picked up a bicycle and smashed it in the past. He knew that the woman was just a cricket. The master was a parasite that was parasitic in her body. When the bicycle smashed the dense tentacles, he kicked and rushed again. Ghostclaw Spear was impervious to his dance.

Who knows that the Spider-Woman suddenly kicked her eight claws and jumped straight up into the air, and the spooky ghost-claw spear swept away from it, but the Spider-girl seemed to have tasted so bad that her body fell to the roof as soon as she crooked. Run outside the residential area at an escape-like speed.

"You stay still ..."

Xia Fuji quickly chased out with the ghost claw spear, but the jumping power of the spider woman was too strong. After a few jumps, she escaped from the residential area, only to see it quickly climbed to the west wall. The soldier didn't even notice it, and it suddenly disappeared outside the city wall.

"What is that ..."

The big yellow thief's head and his brain touched it, and Xia Fuji went back and whispered, "The operation failed, and there was no An Qi among the people transferred from the Daxian Temple. Instead, a big-bellied priest appeared. Her parasite was approaching the mature body. After being attacked, it is mainly anti-guy! "

"Oh! It's a goddess ..."

Rhubarb suddenly realized: "Sha Xiaohong said that this woman cannot let you catch, otherwise you will know the secret of the scarab beetle. She also said that An Qi and they were not in Xianmiao, but they seemed to have caught them, but they were not in Hong. It's just a mountain, or she will definitely bring you out to threaten you! "

"Ah ~ it's a step too late ..."

Xia Fuer sighed: "That night we heard that the woman singing the tavern song must be An Qi or Xiao Hua. Even if they transfer people out of the city, they should not be too far away from here. It is convenient to stay here anytime. Come and threaten me! "

Rhubarb immediately said, "I'll go and inquire about the news. They already believe me more. Just nine days ago, Xuan Nu also said that she would give me a reward. You can wait for my good news!"

Xia Buer patted his shoulder and said, "Be careful, Sha Xiaohong may be a relative of Sha Yanji, and their family is not a fuel-saving lamp. Do n’t look down on her. She is more dangerous than Zhou Jingxiu! "

"Relax! I'm fine ..."

Rhubarb patted his chest with confidence, turned and ran to pick up a few broken tentacles, and ran back to the farm directly from the rear. As soon as the patrol team had rushed over, they gathered in the alley to probe the brain. Zhang Wang did not dare to rush in.

"Go back! Just grab the two thieves ..."

Rhubarb waved his hands broadly, but the patrolmen were all I believe you a ghost expression, but Rhubarb also walked indifferently.

Shaxian Guan and Hei Muqing were still in a coma, and he went into the farm with a pout, and found that the people on the farm were almost dead, and they were all sucked into corpses, but many of the black immortals were panting. Obviously, it was just too late to be killed.

"Hey! Chrysanthemum, wake up ..."

The big yellow thief squatted down and patted the face of a female black fairy vigorously. When the female black fairy woke up, she immediately stunned and hugged him tremblingly: "Brother! Save me, God's scarab beetle It's broken, take me away! "

"It's okay! I've been driven away ..."

Rhubarb proudly shook the tentacles in her hands and dragged her whispered directly. Chrysanthemum shook her head in horror, but Rhubarb shoved the tentacles to her and said ruthlessly: "I don't want to call my father anymore Right, grind it up and kill you together! "

"Woo ~ I can't go, Dad ..."

Chrysanthemum climbed up pitifully, squatted under the cover of rhubarb to the shed, and looked at the breathing black fairy to lead Lao Hei. She stabbed Lao Hei's heart with the tip of her tentacles. Lao Hei immediately hurt. Waking up alive, but immediately covered his mouth with chrysanthemums.

I'm afraid no one would think that Rhubarb would dare to do so under the eyes of the public. He would never stop doing it. He would kill all the responsible persons of the black fairy. Finally, with the cooperation of chrysanthemums, let the oldest one The female black fairy carried a black pot.

"You are miserable! Even the leader of the army has let you kill, you just wait to go back and beheaded ..."

Rhubarb stood side by side with chrysanthemums and shook her head. A mature woman knelt on the ground in horror, and hugged Rhubarb's legs and begged: "Cai! You know it doesn't matter to me, I ... I let the monster take control. You must testify for me! "

"What good is it to help you, you are all old, you never want to sleep with me ..."

Rhubarb pinched her chin with a playful expression, but the mature woman quickly said, "No! I can help you to become the leader of the black fairy, the old black is now dead, and you have driven the godwife away, as long as we are a few Let's help you speak nice things together, the host will definitely let you be the leader! "

"Okay! I'll wait to see how you behave ..."

Da Huang smiled straight up, and after winking at the chrysanthemum, he picked up a broken bowl and dipped a little water in the ditch. Then he drilled a barbed wire and came to the sand fairy officials, grinning and pouring sewage into it. On her crotch.

"Red Red! Wake up ~ ~ Wake up soon ..."

Rhubarb threw a broken bowl and hugged Shaxian officer horizontally. Shaxian officer woke up fiercely and looked around in horror: "Where is the worm? Where is the worm? I leave here, or I will die! "

‘Worm mother? ’

As soon as Rhubarb moved in his heart, he smiled and said, "Relax! I have already run away, and I just ran across the west wall to escape. The tentacles caused me to cut off several of them. Hurry and change the pants in the house If you let your people see that you have urinated your pants, it will hurt your reputation as an adult! "

"Yeah! Why am I peeing ..."

Sha Xianguan violently covered his lower body with flushed face, followed by hugging Rhubarb and shyly said, "Jiacai! Thanks to you tonight, otherwise our lives are gone, but you must not tell others about my pants. Sister will never treat you in the future! "

"Then you have to plug my mouth, like using my sister's tongue ..."

"Hate! You little hooligan, hurry me to the house, people are weak ..." @B

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