Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1266: Choice of old lover (missing part)

Refugees entering the city have not caused any waves, but everyone feels that there are many more people on the road, more crowded than before, it seems to be more than the official 20,000 people, and there are more sturdy people. I feel bad.

"It's miserable! Hongjiashan is going to be crowded. I'm afraid something will happen ..."

Several guards at the city gate were chatting, one of them echoed, "Yeah! All the gangs are sending people to the city, and the cows, ghosts, and snake gods hiding outside have come in, and the registration office is almost busy, even Ouyang The personal soldiers of the family have been promoted, and the first batch of elites is more than 800! "

Someone wondered, "Why are they calling so many people? They can't fight in the city anymore. They should go outside to fight. This is not a gangster!"

"The scene is stubborn! Zhang Ziyu Chengtian pedaled a broken bicycle and walked around blindly, for fear that people would not know how many women he was, and would not let him look at our strength. He thought we were bullying ..."

"Fart! Do you have a brain? What kind of scene can people support? How many people can hold up ..."

A captain came to disdain: "Zhang Ziyu was besieged by Huang Daxian last night. He can't get back where he is today. Although Daxian Temple doesn't have many thugs, he can't stand the number of believers. Once there is rebellion, there will definitely be chaos. These, People are here to deal with the Daxian Temple! "

"So this is ah……"

A few big soldiers finally realized, but some people still wondered: "No! I saw Zhang Ziyu before changing positions, he took a few girls to watch monkeys by the roadside, and bought a few candy men to lick there, It's not like looking for a place! "

"What? He still has the mood to play monkeys ..."

Numerous question marks appeared on the captain's face, and the other party replied, "Yeah! His soldiers did not show up at the station either. It is said that they invited the girls from the Cultural Regiment to perform. Many people lie on their walls and watch them. Zhang Ziyu's My dear friend also bought a few dogs and ran to Dongshi to fight dogs! "

"What is the way? Is it to paralyze the enemy ..."

The leader of the team was puzzled by his head, but Xia Fuji did not do business at this time. He was taking a few girls around the city, buying a bunch of things in a big bag, just like a fine person, even Daxian Temple's eyeliner was dull, I wonder what medicine he sells in the gourd.

"Sister! Is this Zhao Tonggang's house ..."

Xia Fuji pushed the door and walked into a run-down courtyard. A thin woman was drying clothes, but she turned back and cried in surprise: "Oh ~ Ziyu! Why are you here, don't you know me? I am your sister-in-law, Chang'e. Come in and sit down! "

"Haha ~ sister-in-law! It's getting more and more beautiful to see you for two years. Isn't Gang just home ..."

Xia Buer passed the gift with a smile, and Dahua and Huang Li also followed in. Chang'e quickly took something and laughed: "Come here! What do you want to bring, your brother just went out Work, I'll make him call him back! "

Chang'e ran into the house to call people. Who knew that there were more than a dozen men and women sharing the house? There was no place to settle in the mess. Chang'e could only take out a stool for them to sit, but even a decent cup I couldn't find it, so I embarrassed to go and borrow a cup next door.

"Don't you say that this Chang'e person is just like his name, why is she a country woman ..."

Huang Li asked curiously, Chang'e should be 35 or 66 years old, but she looks older than the actual age, but her delicate features are still there, if not dressed in rustic and shabby, why? Can be considered a beautiful woman.

Xia Fuer had no memory of the Chang'e couple and could only repeat the words of his cheap daughter-in-law, saying: "They are the old neighbors of my family.

I suddenly moved away two years ago, and I haven't seen it since then. It's enough time to change a person! "

"Ziyu! You are coming ..."

A dark and strong man suddenly walked into the courtyard, his breathless appearance apparently ran over, listening to the tone should be Zhao Tonggang they were looking for.

It happened that Chang'e also came back from the next door with a cup, and said, "You saw nothing, Ziyu didn't forget you at all, but what did you say rich in the mountains and distant relatives, poor in the downtown, no one asked, you go quickly Pour someone a glass of water to drink, I'll borrow a cigarette at the intersection! "

"Sister! You're welcome. I'll go to the house and tell the old story ..."

Xia Fuer got up and took out a cigarette. Zhao Tonggang was obviously a man of few words. He buried his head and walked into the room. After Xia Fuer came in, he closed the door.

Xia Fuji asked on the ground cigarette: "Brother! Our brothers are not outsiders. I have entered the city with great fanfare. Why don't you come to me? If Jiang Xiuna saw you in the street, I would even I never thought you were alive! "

"I have no face to see you ..."

Zhao Tonggang lighted a cigarette and said dullly: "I didn't think of helping you when I was in the scenery, but now it looks like an unlucky one. Even my wife ran away with others. How could I go to find you? Know the shame! "

Xia Fuer wondered: "Run away? Aren't you outside?"

"Ziyu! Have you slept with a wolf-like woman ..."

Zhao Tonggang said with a somber expression: "I thought this kind of thing would never happen to her, but after she reached the age, I found out that I was wrong. At first, she wanted to ask me every night. I couldn't help but just poured myself Drunk, but do you know what she did? "

"I do not know!"

"When I woke up, I saw only a woman with a shawl sitting on me ..."

Zhao Tonggang said vulgarly: "She just smashed down like a madwoman, and I went through it severely. From that day on, I knew I was finished, and I couldn't satisfy her anymore. I would wear a green hat sooner or later. Later, I ran into it with my own eyes! "

"Uh ~"

Xia Fuer opened his mouth a little dumbfounded, and somehow talked about the green hat. He didn't persuade such a thing, and it wasn't good to persuade him.

Zhao Tonggang said coldly, "I can't help thinking, how could a pure girl who would blush even holding hands at first become a shameless scam, can you tell me?"

Xia Fuji said with a smirk: "Gang brother! As the saying goes, if you want to live a good life, you have to wear a little green on your head. Anyway, it's yours. She's washing and cooking for you, you should find a babysitter." Come on! "

"You killed her for me ..."

Zhao Tonggang stubbed his cigarette **** and straightened up. Xia Buer looked at him and thought that there was something wrong with his ear.

"Zhang Ziyu! You're the one who hasn't climbed into the Three Treasure Hall, I know what you're looking for ..."

Zhao Tonggang looked directly at him and said, "I spend every day suffering, and I ca n’t wait to smash the stinky **** to death, but I do n’t want to kill her, so I can only let you go, as long as you give her body to Me, I'll draw the drawings for you right away, guaranteeing accuracy to the centimeter level! "

Xia Fu'er narrowed his eyes and asked, "How did you know?"

"Is it hard to guess? I participated in the design of this film and television city, and I know all the grooves ..."

Zhao Tonggang stooped down and sneered and said, "Furthermore, the Hongjia Mountain is turbulent and windy. You such a big leader actually came to me to talk about the old. You didn't come for the underground structure map, but you can find my wife to relive the old dream.

Did you hear that she was still your first woman, right? "

"You fart!"

Xia Fuer stood up sharply, but Zhao Tonggang also stood up and sneered, "What do you pretend to, whenever I am on a business trip, go to my house to feed my wife, and sometimes call her to your house to play, knowing why I have been for so many years Have n’t you ever wanted a child, because I ’m afraid that the child is yours, you are the jerk! ”

Xia Fu'er frowned and asked, "What the **** do you want to do?"

Zhao Tonggang opened his eyes and said, "I told you that I didn't kill her. It wasn't my courage. I wanted to kill her adulterer together, but I can't fight you now. I can only ask you to draw a period. , Where to start, where to end! "

Xia Fuji said angrily: "Zhao Tonggang! You are psychopathic. If you want to kill someone, kill yourself. Don't disgusted me here!"

"Don't you really want a block diagram ..."

Zhao Tonggang got up and said, "There are two secret culverts in this city. They can not only let your people sneak in, but also lead to many important places, and those who know it are dead. Only I know the entrance is at where!"

"Hoo ~"

Xia Fuer breathed a sigh of relief, and said impatiently, "How much do you want, just pay a price. I promise you will have nothing to worry about in the next life, but if you dare to dislike me again, then I'm sorry, I can only let You might as well die! "

"Don't threaten me, I'm not afraid ..."

Suddenly Zhao Tonggang took out a bottle of eye drops and sneered in his mouth: "There is a night ghost virus in it, as long as I bite it down, I will mutate within five minutes, and if I die, my friend will Give the structure drawing to Commander Fang for the reward, and you will never use it again! "

Xia Fuji exclaimed: "Are you **** crazy? You do n’t even have to die for a woman. Now you just give me the picture and I will kick your wife out of the city ~ ~ Send you ten more beautiful women! "

"Zhang Ziyu! Don't treat me like a scum like you ..."

Zhao Tonggang said with red eyes: "Chang'e is my favorite woman. Even if she doesn't love me, I can't tolerate other women in my heart. I didn't let you kill her because I hated her. I just wanted to tell her, The man she was dreaming about didn't love her at all and asked her to come to me as a husband again in her next life! "

"I don't love her, but I won't kill her ..."

Xia Fujiji said with regret: "When anyone has done something wrong, she has given you her most precious youth. Now she is suffering with you, which is enough to prove that she loves you in your heart. You can Because she is neglecting her love for you for a moment, then you are too selfish to deserve to talk about love! "

Zhao Tonggang roared: "Don't tell me these principles, I only give you two choices, either kill her and take away the structure diagram, or you can't get anything!"

"Squeak ~"

Xia Fuji suddenly turned and pulled open the door, shouting, "Chang'e! Your husband knows what we were doing. He is going to turn his face with me now, and I will give you two options. One is to go back and enjoy the riches and riches, The second is to stay here and continue to suffer with him. Which one do you choose? "

"What? He ... how did he know ..."

Chang E ran over in horror and saw Zhao Tonggang look like a madman, but Xia Fuji asked again: "You better make your choice quickly. He has a night ghost virus in his mouth. If you can't even save the deity from dripping into your mouth, do you choose me or him? "


Chang E opened her mouth with a pale face, her legs snoring like sieve bran.

(I do n’t know why this chapter did n’t update automatically. It was only discovered at night that I was depressed and died. I quickly changed with Chapter 1267!)

Emperor Jiutian

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