Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1249: Destroy mouth


A series of chaotic screams kept ringing, and the small courtyard house had been turned into a pot of porridge. Even those who were hiding at home were not spared. Phantoms kept drilling into their bodies and controlled them like puppets. stand up.

"Unexpectedly, I'm back again, kill me all ..."

The smirking mature woman suddenly waved her hands, and a dozen of the crickets who were controlled by her body rushed out immediately, but the first rushed was Huang Li, she looked crazy like a living person, her face was violent and Bloodthirsty madness.

"Rhubarb! Go outside ..."

Xia Fuer pulled out the electric rod without hesitation, and Rhubarb was lying on the ground and opened his teeth to dance. The helpless little eyes didn't know how to start. He heard Xia Fuer's shout and hurried out the door.

"Slap ~"

Xia Fuyi sticked on Huang Li's chest, and when a "crack" blew, a cloud of shadows bounced out from behind her, Huang Li also screamed and fell to the ground, but After bouncing in the air for half a circle, he turned his head and flung at him again.

"Come to the house ..."

Xia Fuji slammed the yellow lily open, kicked the electric rod and smashed two maggots, and the ghost that fluttered thought he could not care about himself, and directly slanted it at super fast speed, Who knew that Xia Fuer suddenly leaned back and fell out of the ground while pulling out the electric rod.

"Papapa ..."

The stick slammed directly into the other person's body. The virtual ball was sticking to the electric stick like a marshmallow. The blue sparks jumped wildly in it. After a few moments, it heard a terrible sound and suddenly exploded into a ball of water. The fog disappeared.

"Quick! Give me all ..."

The mature woman roared in anger, and after more than a dozen hesitations hesitated a bit, and then rushed to Xia Fuer again, completely in a suicidal way, it seemed that she did not want to kill him, but just wanted to kill him. Just topple.

"Bang Bangbang ..."

Xia Buer suddenly jumped up and pulled out a pistol. A pistol and a flashlight were used at the same time. All the people who rushed at him were shot to the ground, and they quickly retreated backwards while shooting, and did not encounter any flying shadows. His chance.

Xia Fuji let these ghosts control, knowing that they must not have any contact with them. Once touched, they will penetrate into his body, even if they can only be controlled for a few seconds. So many people attack at the same time. Kill him.

"Papapa ..."

The two groups of phantoms were almost penetrated at the same time, and the sticks on the electric rods were drawn as if they had taken a rat medicine, but when they both exploded, the power of the electric spark suddenly became smaller, and Xia Buer stabbed a ball again. After the ghost image, he couldn't stick it, only flew it by electricity.

'Oops! out of battery……'

Xia Buer sank suddenly in his heart. In this era, the lithium battery has just come out. His imported electric rod only uses nickel-cadmium batteries, which is far less powerful than lithium batteries, but now it is too late to change the battery. Every second could kill him.

"Oh ~"


The rear window was suddenly smashed by a cloud of phantoms, and thundered at Xia Fuer in a flash of thunder, and Xia Fuer pumped it with a stick in his hand. Who knew that it was two phantoms stacked on top of each other? While the first was being pumped, the second one was killed at once.

"Oh ~"

Virtual shadows penetrated into Xia Fuer's body almost at a glance. With Xia Fuer's current physical fitness, even if he reacted, his body could not keep up, but he had already prevented the other party from playing this hand, and his wrist turned when he turned the electric rod. On his own chest, he suddenly flew out to the other side.

"Bang ~"

Xia Fuji was also thrown down by the electric head, but he never expected that under this electricity, he threw the electric rod out, and the uncontrolled right hand kept calling, watching the seven or eight wilds. Daxian rushed at him, and he had nothing to do with his empty hands.

"Wang !!!"

There was a loud scream from the gate of the courtyard. Rhubarb even went back and rushed directly to its cheap old lady, but a smirk appeared on the face of the mature woman. She waited for Rhubarb to attack with her chest raised, obviously she wanted to Take the opportunity to occupy its body.

"Oh ~"

Rhubarb slammed the mature woman to the ground. Who knew that the mature woman twitched like a catfish, shaking more violently than a shofar attack, she did not occupy Rhubarb's body at all, and even her white eyes rolled out. .


Seventy-eight wild immortals suddenly brushed their heads together, desperately rushed to rhubarb, the mature women were clearly their leaders, and Xia Buer took the opportunity to pick up the electric rod on the ground.

"Haha ~ you dog spirit ..."

Xia Fuji jumped from the ground with excitement. Rhubarb is much smarter than when he was a dog. I do n’t know where to pull a wire, but I must see him using an electric rod to electricize people. This silly dog ​​has greedily bitten the wire before, leaving an indelible impression.

"Save me !!!"

The mature woman suddenly growled hysterically, but Rhubarb slammed the wires around the mature woman's neck, and the dog barked immediately and ran away, perfectly inheriting the fine tradition of the corpse, but not running.

But the wild gods swooped in desperately, risking being killed by electric shock, and tore up the wires to rescue the mature woman, but a group of ghosts shot from her instantly, almost sprinting with a hundred meters. Speed ​​over the wall, disappeared in a blink.


Xia Fuji slammed into the past with an electric rod, who knew that the remaining wild immortals also got out of the body and flew into the sky and fled away, while the controlled puppets all fainted to the ground and turned west. Lying all over the place.

"Be careful not to approach, beware of ambush ..."

Xia Buer took the electric rod forward and quickly replaced a rechargeable battery, but when he just wanted to go up for a knife again, Wu Xiuxiu suddenly cried out: "Help! Come on! , Save my mom, Ziyu! Come here soon ... "

"what happened?"

Xia Buer rushed over and kicked the door open, only to realize that the window that had just been smashed was Wu Xiuxiu's home. At this time, Wu Xiuxiu was kneeling and hugging her mother, and her mother ’s There was a kitchen knife in her chest, and her upper body was all red with blood.

Wu Xiuxiu cried, "I let Huang Daxian get on my body. I took my knife and stabbed my mother. I can't control it at all. Please hurry up and save my mother. I beg you!"

Xia Buer squatted in the past and only checked the pulse, then he shook his head helplessly and said, "It can't be saved, the knives have been inserted into the heart, but they are directed at you. Mom, please take me out and sneak in again. They are killing people! "

"Why did they kill my mother, why ..."

Wu Xiuxiu looked at him with tears in his face, and Xia Buer replied: "It is estimated that I don't want to expose myself. The Daixian who just took the lead is very strange. The thinking mode is almost the same as that of normal people, and they risk coming back to death, I'm afraid I just don't want to let you. Mom said the address of the goddess! "

"Brother! Are you okay ..."

Huang Lili came in with Rhubarb. Wu Xiuxiu saw Rhubarb crying and fluttered, hugging his neck and crying, but Rhubarb said: "The one who killed her was Voldemort, who was very small and insidious. It's safe to check in the house! "

"Can you see them ..."

Xia Fuji turned his head in shock. Who knew Rhubarb shook his head and said, "I can't see it, but I can smell it, they have a very light scent, like a puppet pulled by a stinky cat, just drilled. It's the Voldemort that enters your body! "

"Uh ~ that smells ..."

Xia Buer laughed a little silently. I'm afraid that only Rhubarb thinks the **** is fragrant, but his words haven't fallen out yet, and a large group of people suddenly rushed in. Not only did they have big flowers to talk to them, Even the people from Daxian Temple came.

Xia Buer got up and said, "Oh! You immediately led someone to surround Chaoyang Lane. Don't let a fly out, to prevent energy attacks. The little four sent someone to tell the commander Fang that they were controlling Huang Daxian. Harm to innocent people! "

"it is good!"

The two immediately followed him and went out. There were dozens of people in Daxian Temple. He was talking to Dahuang's cheap lady. He walked directly to the mature woman and said, "Now you know the fate of cheating. These ghosts have milk. It's your mother, you can't control it at all! "

"Director Zhang! Please don't stigmatize our reputation ..."

A woman in black said positively: "People are divided into good and bad, and ghosts are also divided into good and bad. Liu Yi's mana is low, so they can't resist it ..."

"Okay! Little **** makes excuses, don't you know what you think ..."

Xia Buer glared at her very politely and said, "It looks like you should be a small person in charge, you have already seen things here ~ ~ More than ten innocent people have died. When you go out, people will put the account on your head, and you Daxian Temple don't want to stand here! "

The woman in black raised her chest and said, "Our temple has always been keen to help justice. This incident was indeed an oversight of ours, and the Xiaoxiao generations found a hole, but we will certainly give the people an account, and these tragic innocent people will also Get our care! "

"What's the matter if you don't understand people? I used to be an official ..."

Xia Buer glared at her and said, "Let your boss come to see me and make it clear to me. I now seriously suspect that you have attacked me with Huang Daxian. If I can't see her before 10 o'clock tonight, I will You all rushed out and blasted your ruined temple. Did you understand? "

The woman in black said calmly: "I don't have the right to grant your request, but I will report your request as soon as possible. I believe there will be results soon. Please be calm and calm!"

"Fuck! It turned out to be customer service ..."

Xia Fuer turned his **** up and walked away. He went back to the house to comfort Wu Xiuxiu, and then rushed to Chaoyang Lane with rhubarb. Now, only rhubarb's nose can smell those ghosts. @B

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