Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1244: Fairy servant


"Oh ~"

A phantom flew from the air, and the angle and timing were extremely tricky. If it wasn't for a few police officers who happened to find this thing, Xia Fuer would surely be hit by it.

"Crap ~"

An electric rod slammed out of Xia Fuer's shoulder. Although his physical fitness was bad, the reaction speed was not much slower than before. When several police officers ran away, he responded, and at the same time he pressed the button, he jerked. The ground turned away.

"Ah ~"

The virtual shadow was blown out by the electric baton, and a screaming scream was heard in the mouth. He smashed on the side window, shattered the entire window glass, and shrank his body. Just want to drill into the window.


Xia Buji stepped forward and staggered again. The electric rod in his hand was comparable to Pikachu's 100,000 volts. A living person can be electrolyzed alive, and only listen to a crackle, the electric sparks are constantly in the shadow. The body flickered as if an electric mosquito swatter had hit a large group of flies.

"Oh ~"

A ghostly face suddenly appeared in the virtual shadow, like a bald man with a distorted face, a painful but desperate howl with a wide mouth, but Dahua also rushed over quickly, and similarly picked up an electric rod and struck it in the past. Escape from left to right and not let it escape.

"Slap ~"

At the same time as the explosion sounded, the blue electric spark flickered, and the blurred vision suddenly exploded into a mist of water, as if someone sprayed a large mouthful of water, both of them sprayed head and face, but then The mist was falling, and the miserable shadow disappeared completely.

"What the hell? It's a little fishy. There's no toxin ..."

Dahua hurried back a few steps and sniffed on her body. Xia Buer also smelled a faint stench, like someone spit on his face and rubbed it hard, but he pressed the flashlight on the electric stick, After illuminating in the hut for a long time, no ghost was found.

Xia Fuer wiped the liquid on his face, and Wu Wu said, "No wonder you are afraid of electric shock. This thing is made up of water molecules. It should be bombed by us, right! Did you see where it came from? "


Dahua shook his head and said, "The guy who showed you the way before, turned around to report you looking for a lady. I followed a few policemen and just saw it emerge from the roof. The goal is very clear. It should be special Coming at you! "

"Are you here ..."

Xia Buer turned around and walked out of the alley. After the big flower nodded, he pointed to a golden building far away and said, "There should be the Daxian Temple. I am afraid that the ghosts came from there, and there was no one there." Dare to search, it's the best place to hide wanted people! "

"You mean, the black corpse is linked to the Daxian Temple ..."

Dahua frowned and leaned over, Xia Buer sank and said, "I don't know! But from the point of my attack, the ghosts seemed to be controlled by people, and they came directly at me. They talked with the black corpse. The possibility of hooking up is very high, we have to go and see! "

"Don't be too aggressive ..."

Dahua said, "The place is likely to be a nest of others. If we rush out a dozen Huang Daxian at a stretch, we can't deal with it. I think I will send someone to touch the road first, and then find someone to understand from the side. Come on! "

Xia Buer nodded and said, "Okay! Listen to you, you will arrange someone to explore the road first. I will go to Huang Lily. Her news is still well-known and dare to tell us the truth!"


"Wow! You are so pretty ..."

Huang Bailing jumped up from the chair in surprise, only to see Huang Li walk out of the back room, wearing a bright silver dress, perfectly outlined her good figure with unevenness, black straight straight hair, even more Ion hots just now.

"Hee hee ~ You want your brother-in-law to kill you ..."

Huang Bailing hugged her frowning smirk, Huang Bailing held up his chest and proudly said, "I don't show off, but he wants to kill me. It's his job. Anyway, I won't seduce naked like Xie Fangfang." He doesn't care for his own woman, nor will a man love her! "

Huang Bailing sighed. "Hey, no wonder my brother-in-law said that you love pretending to be aggressive, so don't pretend to be overly pretentious, and then let people bury me alive and see what you can do!"

"What does pretend to mean ..."

Huang Li looked at her inexplicably, but her father led a group of relatives into the room and said, "Lily! Everything is almost packed. You can see if the shop has been transferred for a low price, or we will go to Shiniu County, it will definitely make people take up for nothing! "

"What else can you do if you don't transfer it, who of you dare to stay here as a pioneer like the Su family ..."

Huang Li looked at her relatives helplessly, a bunch of people all bowed their heads and said nothing, and her father nodded and said, "We all want to understand that the days of killing and killing are not suitable for us. Let's be content, let alone. It ’s not bad for you either, just the gift is enough for us to spend! ”

"Cai Li? What Cai Li ..."

The sisters were all surprised, but their uncle said, "I just sent someone here. The two carts are full of rare items. They also asked your dad to sign a letter of appointment and let your dad go. Dajiang Town is the mayor, saying that all the industries in the town belong to our home! "

"Big ... Dajiang Town? Is that Dajiang Town, our family, that town is not small, has he given the whole town to our house ..."

Huang Li stuttered with excitement. Her second uncle said, "Yeah! We have allocated more than 600 farmers and workers to us. The rest let us recruit ourselves. He also said that it was all yours." Caili, he doesn't care about your little sister's share, waiting for you ... Lily! What happened to you? "

The second uncle slammed her into a hand, Huang Lily almost covered her chest and fell to the ground, but Huang Bailing smiled and said, "It's okay! My sister is so excited, I told her long ago, marry Whatever you want for Zhang Ziyu, she has to toss herself and almost lost her life! "

"I don't know if he will chase me with blood ..."

Huang Li straightened up and said incoherently, "This is a big town. He said it was given to me. My dad is the mayor. If I knew he was willing to spend money for me, I ... I would have If you stay in Shiniu County, you will not come back. What are you doing? "

"Miss! Uncle Grande has come to pick you up and says he will take you to dinner ..."

A maid hurriedly rushed in, Huang Lili flew into the room, picked up the makeup bag and applied lipstick and perfume. Finally, she trot to the gate of the courtyard and took a few deep breaths. Only pretended to go out.

"Well? Why are you alone, shall we go by bike ..."

Huang Lili looked at Xia Fuer in surprise. Xia Fuer was riding a 28-bar bar bike, and his clothes were very ordinary jackets and jeans, but he asked, "Why? Miss Huang, your **** is expensive, but Want me to drive a BMW to pick you up? "

"How can I? I just wonder how you ride a bicycle. I usually like cycling a lot ..."

Huang Li sat on the back seat shamefully, picked up a small bag and hugged his waist, and Xia Buer shouted and walked forward. Huang Li didn't feel crying while sitting on the bicycle, but raised her head. I greeted my neighbors with a chest, for fear they would not know that Zhang Ziyu was riding a bicycle.

"Are you classmates getting married tonight? I heard Xie Fangfang say ..."

Xia Fu asked without answering the question. Huang Lili thought for a while and said, "Do you say Zhao Jiacai? Although he sent me a wedding invitation, I didn't dare to go. I heard he recruited Daxian last month." Although everyone made a lot of money, but the whole person became stupid, this marriage is just for joy! "

Xia Fuji pretended to be surprised. "What's the matter, come and listen?"

"Zhao Jiacai was so idle that he couldn't live longer, so he ran to Daxian Temple to recruit Daxian ..."

Huang Lily said, "Originally, the success rate of recruiting Daxian was very low, but he recruited Daxian once, and then he went to the casino to gamble and won a lot of money to go home, but he was dumb within a few days. , His mother went to the Daxian Temple every day to scratch his head and begged for mercy. As a result, his son was not rescued, but he became a fairy servant in the Daxian Temple! "

"How does it sound like a trap ..."

Xia Fuji murmured instinctively, but Huang Lili hurriedly said, "Brother! Don't say this blindly, Daxian's ears are working. Whoever speaks it badly knows it!"

"Haha ~ it knows the fart, you let it have the ability to come to me ..."

Xia Buer smiled indifferently, and then said, "Anyway, I'm also idle. Let's go and send a gift to your old classmates. By the way, I also saw your other classmates and friends. I just told them you should treat me. Little wife! "

"Hello domineering, I have made all the arrangements for you, but I really like ..."

Huang Li held him tightly, his cheeks sticking to his back like a spring breeze, and after a while he came to the alleys full of lights. Compared with the slums, they were much cleaner. The people passing by were all dressed in beautiful clothes. You do n’t need to guess that you are in the rich area.

"How do you know he lives here, you won't ..."

Suddenly, Huang Lili's face changed, and she hurriedly said, "Brother! Don't make fun of me, I will do whatever you want, but Huang Daxian is really evil, you must not touch it, let's go, Zhao Jiacai is **** It's the fairy servant! "

"Yellow lily! Actually you are really smart, but you just like to see the wind to make the rudder ..."

Xia Buer stopped the car directly, then stepped down and held her waist with one hand, whispering "But from now on, you must learn to trust me unconditionally, because the only person who can change your destiny is me, and you just guessed By the way, I'm here to engage in Huang Daxian. I only killed one half an hour ago! "


Huang Li changed suddenly, and swallowed her mouth hard to calm her heartbeat, but immediately he held him back and said, "Okay! Marry a chicken, a chicken, a dog, a dog, and a bandit. I can only follow him. I hope I can I didn't bet on the wrong treasure again, but this time it was my life! "

"This is like the Huang family. I like your ruthless look, just like your niece ..."

Xia Buer blinked with a smile and explained nothing to the wondering Huang Li. He pushed the bicycle directly to the front of a magnificent courtyard, and the front was already very lively, even though the owner of the house was already hit. Evil, but in order to get rid of the rich, there are still a lot of goods that are not afraid of death.

"Lily! Why did you come here, is this your boyfriend, what is it ..."

A group of young men and women greeted from the courtyard, all looking at Xia Fuer up and down.

I did not recognize that this was Zhang Da, the sensation of the whole city ~ ~ And he looked like a unemployed young man, and pushed a rusty 28 bar, a few cowardly little ladies There was also irony.

"Hehe ~ this is my fiance, Zhang Ziyu ..."

Huang Li smiled subtlely, pretending to be very low-key. Who knew that a group of men and women actually laughed, and some people shouted "Xiu Xiu! Come out and see, is this you?" Ex-boyfriend with the same name as Director Zhang? "


Xia Buer looked at Huang Lili in doubt, and a pretty girl quickly ran out in the courtyard. When she saw Xia Fuer, she sneered and said, "Zhang Ziyu! You did not come to Hongjiashan, but you were divorced or Widowed, you have a wife! "

"Wu Xiuxiu! You and my fiance ..."

Huang Lili pointed to the two back and forth in suspicion, but someone immediately mocked and said, "Your fiance is Xiu Xiu's ex-boyfriend, or Xiu Xiu dumped him. Later he married a country girl as his wife, Miss Huang! Wouldn't it be deceiving? Hahaha ... "

Deadly Poison @B

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