Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1230: Forced marriage


The early morning air in the village is always refreshing, but some people get angry early in the morning. Huang Li took a dozen stations in the middle of the highway, but in front of him was a large flooded country. The roads and houses were all Smashed by the flood.

"Oh ~ how could this be so good, how could it be a flood ..."

Huang Lili hurriedly turned around with her hands on her hips, and the medicinal material processing plant was thousands of kilometers away. Without a telescope, she could only see a silhouette, and she would definitely not be able to get along without a boat.

A female bodyguard came over and said, "Miss! Don't worry, we haven't found any vehicles along the way, and Juan Zi has protected them. Miss II must have arrived at Zhang Ziyu safely. Besides, who else can be Zhang Ziyu? Help her escape! "

"This dead girl is so brave, we are going to kill her ..."

Huang Lili slaps his forehead with anger and said, "The news of the marriage was spread last night. Once the fleeing marriage is made known to outsiders, our family is equivalent to hitting Ouyang Bai's face in public. With his temper on the surface, Harmonious, but it will certainly not make us feel better! "

"Miss Huang! Good morning ..."

suddenly! An armored convoy slowly stopped by the roadside, and a big bald head with sunglasses jumped off the head of the car. Huang Lili's face changed immediately, hurriedly greeted with a smile: "Big Dong! Why are you here in person, Are you going to meet Zhang Ziyu? "

Dadong took off his sunglasses and asked expressionlessly, "I heard that your sister left the city overnight, doesn't it seem like she can't come back?"

"Dong Dong, don't get me wrong ..."

Huang Li hurriedly laughed: "The child rebelled, knowing that our family is burdened, she wanted to help me share some of the pressure secretly, and ran to find Zhang Ziyu overnight, want to credit a batch of goods and come back early to sell, but give us Terrified! "

"That's good! I thought she looked down on our second son and wanted to escape from Zhang Ziyu's marriage ..."

Dadong nodded indifferently, turned to look at the flooded area ahead, and said, "How are you going to pick up your sister? The medicinal plant is almost flooded into an isolated island. If you think about it, you can only go from Shiniu County. I ’m going there, do n’t you have the guts? ”

"Don't worry! We can go by finding two boats ..."

Huang Liying patted her chest with a smile, but Dadong pointed to the front and said, "Did you see those water ripples, are all the water ghosts moving below, and the night ghosts are still moving freely, our boss I hope you do something for him, you better not go to death! "

"Thank you Dadong for reminding me, I really don't know that there are still water ghosts ..."

Huang Li took two steps back in horror. Who knew that her words had not yet fallen, and suddenly I heard "bangs" a few gunshots, and from a distance I saw several ropes shot into the woods in the water and extended to Across the river, a few big nets were pulled up shortly after.

"That's Zhang Ziyu's person, they won't fish ..."

The gunmen all came over in surprise, and Dadong took a telescope suspiciously. Who knows that a few big nets are not fishing nets at all, only half of them sink into the water, and the rest are suspended on the water. Obviously not trying to fish.

"I see. They're fishing for floats ..."

The sharp-eyed people can tell immediately that the place they chose is the lower reaches of the waters, and the supplies washed down from the upstream will be intercepted by the big net, but the fishermen did not wait, and took out the stools and fishing rods one by one. , Actually fishing leisurely on the shore


Immediately someone exclaimed, "Bitch! They are fishing for crayfish, and some are catching crabs. This is too daring, aren't you afraid that the water ghosts came ashore and ate them?"

"Big Dongdong! They put things in the water, and all the nearby water ghosts run away ..."

A gunman hurriedly pointed forward, and Dadong immediately looked through it with a telescope, and saw a small cargo right next to the water's shore. There were more than a dozen thick bamboo poles inserted into the container, all of which were long and falling. The electric wires sank into the river.

"This kid is really a personal talent. He actually uses water fish to catch water ghosts ..."

Dadong lowered the telescope with a gloomy face, but Huang Lili suddenly shot a few shots into the sky. A guy with a loud voice climbed to the roof of the car and waved his hands, shouting: "Hey! We are Huangji pawnshops. , Please let our second lady come out to speak! "

All the people on the other side got up and looked over. Actually, they took a big sign from the car and inserted it on the shore. Just look at it written in big red letters-please use the Kenwood radio, please switch to channel 8 when you are buying and selling. Go to channel 6 and get away with it.

"Hurry up! Channel 8, Channel 8 ..."

Huang Lili hurriedly jumped and waved her hands, but after she handed the walkie-talkie to her, she shouted Xia Fuji twice and sneered: "Yo ~ Huang beauty! Come here so early, you are afraid I bully your sister, or am she afraid she won't go back? "

"No! I just asked, is Lark safe for you ..."

Huang Lili glanced at Dadong quickly, and Xia Fuji replied very quickly: "I arrived early. I had a supper last night and took a bath last night. I just got up and harmed my old hen. You really stuffed me with food, and I must go bankrupt if she eats it! "

"I'm sorry! I'll give you food expenses when the water is gone ..."

Huang Lily breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the person was okay, and Huang Bailing's voice suddenly rang, whispering: "Sister! What are you doing out there drowned, hurry back, I am This is so happy, no one dares to bully me! "


Huang Li made her angry face green, and said angrily, "You don't want to be okay, do you know my father didn't close his eyes for you all night, I should have locked you at home last night, and the water would immediately roll back to me Come back or I'll break your calf! "

"Why are you so fierce, I didn't say I can't go back ..."

Huang Bailing said casually: "Sister! I may be sorry for you if there is something, it is not my sister who has no conscience, but my brother-in-law is so handsome. It is estimated that I will be two when I return, but you will always be my good. Sister, I don't mind working with you, do you mind? "

"What? You you you ..."

Huang Li's eyes almost fainted when she rolled her eyes, but Huang Bailing laughed again and said, "I really don't blame people. My brother-in-law was too fierce last night. I didn't let me sleep all night. My brother-in-law said that the water had returned and went to our house Let's marry our sisters together, maybe we can have a baby together! "

"You bastard! Huang Bailing ..."

Huang Li shouted abnormally, and she knew that she was a good sister who was not fuel-efficient. She would definitely not just hide away. Once she went to ask someone, she would be in vain. Only after sleeping with Xia Fuer could she once and for all, wait for the water It's really big belly to back out.

"What's wrong? Why are you suddenly so angry ...

Xia Buer suddenly said: "Your sister is not too young. Besides, you two are still sisters. You should be more open-minded as a sister. When I look back, I will send more gifts to your family to ensure that your family will become The richest man in Hongjiashan has followed me and your sisters to guarantee that they will not lose money! "

"You know that she has a marriage contract with Ouyang's family, and you still sleep with her. How can I explain ..."

Huang Li stomped her feet hysterically. She couldn't carry this **** pot. Only by hurling it to Xia Fuer could she survive.

"Don't do me wrong, your sister didn't tell me anything ..."

Xia Fuji dismissed: "I thought it was a good practice for your family to have aunts in the house. Anyway, I have already slept with the girl, and my stomach is too big. If he does n’t mind, he will pick it up, no matter if the child is in the future Anyone can surname Ouyang, I promise to seal a big red envelope! "


Huang Lili was so angry that she just threw the black pot back without any sense of responsibility. Instead, Huang Bailing yelled: "He knows! I told him, he said Got to sleep with Ouyang's fiancee! "

"Oh, you little conscience ..."

Xia Buer yelled angrily, and simply said: "You help me to say to Ouyang second child, sorry, I drank too much last night, anyway, he doesn't care about a firewood girl, I will pay him two back. Big girl, he must be satisfied! Haha ~ "

"Brother Dong! You heard ..."

Huang Lily turned around poorly and looked at Dadong helplessly: "Zhang Ziyu can't bully our male and female, we ca n’t blame my little girl for not being sensible. I thought he was a good man, and he was bullied. Help the people! "

"give me……"

Dadong grabbed the walkie-talkie in her hand and said, "Director Zhang! Hello, my name is Dadong, and on behalf of Boss Ouyang, come over to say hello, our boss very much hopes to be able to unite with you and work together. Create a wonderful home, and he will meet you in person when the water recedes. What do you like? "

Xia Fuji said very refreshingly: "Okay! You let him wait in Hongjiashan, I will go to him in person when the water recedes!"


Dadongpi smiled and said without a smile: "We will definitely greet you with the most solemn ceremony, and there may be some misunderstandings about Huang Xiaomei ~ ~ Our daughter-in-law's daughter-in-law is Huang Li, not her Sister, it must have been her father's age! "


Huang Li was stunned, and her entire face instantly became bloodless.

But Dadong said coldly: "Now the entire Hongjiashan knows that the two of us are going to marry. If people know that the daughter-in-law of Ouyang's family has been put to sleep, where is the face of our boss, and you are ready to dowry Bride! Huh ~ "

After Dadong threw the walkie-talkie to her, he took someone directly to drive and Huang Li slumped to the ground softly. Two lines of clear tears kept flowing down.

Huang Bailing shouted again on the intercom: "Sister! I'm sorry, I don't know if it will happen like this, you can take your father and run away with them, brother-in-law can protect us!"

Suddenly Huang Li took a deep breath and wiped away her tears, saying, "No need! It's just a personal scum, I can't marry yet, but I hope you can mature faster. My sister did it all for our family. If I fall, I hope you can carry the burden! "

(End of this chapter) @B

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