Deadly Corpse

Vol 2 Chapter 1148: Black Sand Crest

"Boom ~"

The soldiers of the two sides slammed together. The black sand warrior with a black water is mysterious and unpredictable like a living corpse. The colorful flower demon and flower essence are also not afraid of death. They are beautiful and seductive. They had the upper hand as soon as they met.

"Ha ~ what kind of **** is it? ..."

Hua Wuyan held his arms sneer sneer, the black sand warrior had at most four bars of strength, and in the face of five bars of flower demon and flower essence, twice the number could not make up for the weakness of strength, and Kaoshu charged for them, and the large number of black sand warriors were only passively slaughtered.

But Xia Buer did not think so. He and Ren Bafang did not shoot each other. They both stood on the top of the dunes to watch the battle, but Ren Bafang with a smile was full of confidence. Moreover, if the black sand samurai were all waste, it would not be possible. Let him foresee the battle of life and death today just a few months ago.

"Booming ..."

Each black sand samurai was continuously defeated and turned into a beach of lifeless black sand. You can attack from a distance and fight hand-to-hand. The strongest Kao tree root dance flew up and down. Almost all black sand warriors Unable to approach, they rolled in an orderly manner, stepping on the black sand step by step.

Xia Fuer suddenly realized something, and yelled quickly: "Little flowers! Quickly let my grandma come back, don't enter them ..."

Who knew that his words had not yet come to an end, and the situation suddenly turned down sharply, the collapsed black sand warriors even emerged from the ground, and when they appeared, at the feet of the puppets, the puppets caught by surprise were not cut off. Legs were pierced through the waist and abdomen.


With a scream of endless screams, the puppets almost fell down one after another, but the black sand samurai who had just collapsed all "resurrected" again. They were like the evil spirits drilled out of hell, and appeared directly among the puppets to attack. We were too late to block.

"Retreat! Retreat ..."

The flower demon yelled anxiously, but Ren Bafang sneered, too late! The battlefield in full swing again changed, and more black sand warriors came out from behind, not only blocking their way, but also surrounding them with the team in front.

"Haha ~ wait for your death, after all, the victory belongs to me ..."

Ren Bafang turned and stared at Xia Fuer's sneer. Xia Fuer also decisively pulled out a red corpse bead, apparently preparing to kill him here.

Who knows that this product actually frowned and hummed coldly: "Huh ~ Do you think I would single out with you, the two armies will fight by whatever means, go to **** to single out!"

Ren Bafang even ran away after speaking, and he was almost hacked to death by Xia Fuer as early as the Demon City. Now Xia Fuer is back in the water, and he has no chance of winning.

"Don't run if you have a species ..."

Xia Fuer was chasing after the fish king gun, and the red corpse bead was carried back into his pocket. It was not a matter of urgency that such a "double-edged sword" was used, but Ren Bafang suddenly stopped and satirized. "Okay! Then I'll stop and see how you die!"

"Wow ~"

Two black knives pierced out of the sand, and looked at Xia Buer's legs almost at the same time, but Xia Fuer could have expected it with his toes. Ren Bafang deliberately seduced himself into the encirclement. He immediately Jumped out of the encirclement and chased again towards Ren Bafang.

"K198! I killed your dear sister and went to your girlfriend. It was a man who came to seek revenge on me ..."

Xia Fuer opened his voice and desperately pulled hatred, but Ren Bafang didn't blink his eyelids, but pointed at him behind and laughed: "You still care about your women first, they will be chopped into meat sauce soon, I see how arrogant you are! "

"Second Brother! I can't stand it ..."

Suddenly, Hua Wuyan's voice came from the rear. Xia Fuji quickly hurriedly looked back. I don't know when a large number of black sand warriors appeared, and they surrounded Chu Qin with them.

Hua Wuyan and the smoking woman are difficult to support, and Angela and others are also unable to protect themselves. The Kao tree far away in the city can't save the near fire. Seeing that they are more and more difficult to resist, even the little fat man Wang million mentions The sword came to death.

"K198! You wait for me ..."

Xia Fuji ran back in desperate demeanor, slammed the King of Fish King and madly smashed, but although the strength of the Black Sand Samurai was not strong, he was annoyed by the large number, and after the defeat, he was able to re-aggregate quickly. Annoying monsters are just as annoying.

"Little flower! Look for the controller of the Black Sand Samurai, it must be nearby ..."

Xia Buer yelled anxiously, this is definitely not the way to go, their physical strength will soon be exhausted, after Kao Huan was killed, their dead time has come, but there is no magic in this world, These black sand warriors must have eccentric names.

Hua Wuyan immediately released vines to search around. If a controller hides nearby, he will hide in the vast desert, but after a quick glance at Xia Fuji, he suddenly finds that Ren Bafang is still calm and calm, and seems to imagine with them. It's different.

"Bang ~"

Xia Fuer was suddenly stabbed on the back. Rao was wearing a fish king armor and was chopped to the ground. He quickly released the mental storm that slammed the surrounding black sand warrior, followed by a desperate charge of the fish king gun, but smashed. For a long time he did not discover the secret of the black sand warrior.

"Lao Xia! Come here, here is the building ..."

Angela shouted angrily, Xia Buer, who was panting like a cow, was nearing his limit, and hurriedly released a mental storm with a headache. Then he split a few black sand warriors and rushed out of the encirclement. Ran to Angela at a speed of 100 meters.

"Second Brother! Can't find the controller ..."

The flower demon and the smoke girl also retreated. Under their feet is the roof of a building. There will definitely not be any black sand samurai drilled out of the hard ground. All the soldiers who are not yet unconscious are back to back, even if they can only Sitting on the ground and letting go of his gun.

"Husband! These black sand warriors are weird, unlike living corpses ..."

Chu Qin stumbled beside Xia Fuer, grabbed a handful of black sand that had just been crushed, there was not even a little water in it, and just as she looked, the black sand in her hand suddenly formed another The knife stabbed her head suddenly.

"Bang ~"

Xia Fuji smashed the black sand out, but the black sand under his feet began to change again. He could only shout out loudly: "Xiaohua let the grandmothers go, and after a promise, the rest of them comatose Brothers all rushed into town with me! "


Hua Wuyan Jiao mobilized all the crickets and forcibly opened the way for them regardless of casualties. Xia Fuji immediately rushed out and smashed the fish king gun and swept through the thousands of troops. The mental storm was lethal. Two tubes The nosebleed soon turned red.

"Wangwang ..."

Rhubarb came out of nowhere, holding the dying White Wolf King in his mouth. Although it was transformed and no one was big, it still dragged the dog down the ground fiercely, and everyone soon understood What it means.

"Hello ~"

A group of wolf cavalry rushed in angrily, stating that they were the wolf king who wanted to rescue them, but immediately collided with the dense black sand samurai. Who knew that the black sand warrior was also an unidentified product of the six relatives. Once the wolf cavalry came, they immediately Cut it with a knife.

"Stupid! Don't come here, leave here ..."

Ren Bafang yelled eagerly on the sand dunes, but the wolf cavalry focused on their savior, picked up the machete and slashed the black sand warrior, and at the same time also made Xia Fujie notice that Ren Bafang could not control the black sand warrior, Only let them not attack themselves.

With the addition of the Wolf Cavalry force, the pressure on Xia Fuer and others was relieved a lot, they smashed into the city and ran to the edge of the city, and finally entered the fire range of Kaoshu.

"Wow ~"

A few thick black tree roots suddenly stood up and hurled off a large group of black sand warriors. The black sand warriors immediately climbed up and slashed with their swords, but the strength of the eight bars could not be shaken at all. Watching Xia Buer and others rushed into the city.

"Go down soon ..."

Hua Wuyan hurried forward to guide the crowd. The roots of Kaoshu were bare and struggling to kill the rear soldiers, but Kaoshu couldn't stop it for a long time. Once the broken army and Ren Bafang chased them, their eight-bar weapon Can easily cut black tree roots.

"Angie! Where's your dad ..."

Xia Fujie stopped in the middle of the road in horror. He had seen the same scene as his dream. The brethren he brought were already dead, and the corpse's body was piled up into a hill. Hold up a **** banner.

"He's fine! He's gone back to his world ..."

Angela ran over with red eyes, looking at the corpse not far away and weeping: "Amen died, Zhendong and Liu Yue also died, and my dad's old brothers are gone. We must Destroy the black corpses and let them not die for nothing! "

"Yes! We will win ..."

Xia Buer nodded with tears in his face. Although he had already prepared mentally, but after seeing such a terrible scene, his emotions could not be controlled, as if he was back in the year when he was in a decisive battle with the corpses That day.

He wiped off the blood on his face and then looked back. The corpse was still fighting with the Sand Lizard King, but with the addition of the new corpse, they are gradually gaining the upper hand. If they wait for the past, then The sand lizard is bound to die.

"Get off the ground !!!"

Xia Buer shouted and rushed forward ~ ~ The two black tree roots immediately retracted to the ground, and a dark hole was exposed in the middle of the road, but before he rushed through, a golden light suddenly appeared Shot from the side.

"Oh ~"

Jin Guangzheng hit Xia Fuji's chest, and knocked him out fiercely. He sprayed out before the blood fell, and then fell on top of the corpse mountain. The whole person was instantly "fractured", and there was a burst in front of him. Blackening.

"Want to run? Not so easy ..."

Ren Bafang came out from behind the building with a smile. A large group of black sand warriors were quickly condensing behind him. Hua Wuyan quickly mobilized Hei Shugen to attack, but Ren Bafang's machete in his hand was obviously a bar. Jump out and cut off the root of the black tree.

"Kill them ..."

With a wave of Ren Bafang's murderous hand, thousands of black sand warriors rushed over immediately, everyone spread out and raised their arms, but all of them showed despair.


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