Accompanied by!

Endless arrows rained down towards Handu, and the whole void was covered by dense arrows like a storm.


Cao Yi shouted.

The guards around him immediately raised their shields to protect Cao Yi.

The next moment, countless arrows were thrown towards Handu.



The sound of arrows piercing through armor and flesh resounded in Handu.

When the storm-like arrows fell, countless Han soldiers were killed instantly and died tragically in Handu.

The screams continued.

On the tower.

In the city.

It suddenly became a purgatory.

Blood and corpses were scattered all over the city gate.


"Hide quickly..."

It was just a round of arrow rain.

Handu City was in chaos, with Han soldiers dodging sharp arrows everywhere.

But this arrow rain was only the first round.

Thirty thousand sharp soldiers took turns to shoot arrows. After the front line shot arrows, they immediately retreated and quickly drew arrows from the quiver and shot arrows in turn.

The violent rain of arrows continued to shoot, causing endless casualties to the entire Han capital.

At the same time.

Hundreds of catapults also adjusted their angles and aimed at Han capital.

Boom, boom, boom!

One by one, catapults loaded with torches threw, and the flaming torch corpses were thrown towards the Han capital tower and the city.

The torches fell to the ground, producing a roar like a cannonball explosion, and the flames scattered.

The catapults also made the screams in the city endless, and countless Han soldiers were smashed into meat paste.

The battlefield.

It was so cruel.

In the military formation.

Zhao Feng also provided arrows and shot arrows in the air.

Tens of thousands of people shot arrows, which was an indiscriminate attack, covering the entire Han capital tower. Under such a dense rain of arrows, being exposed to the rain of arrows was almost a dead end.

"Kill the Han soldiers and pick up 5 points of strength."

"Kill the Han soldiers and pick up 5 points of life."

"Kill the Han soldiers and pick up 5 points of speed."


Although he was shooting arrows indiscriminately, Zhao Feng also seized the opportunity. Each time he shot arrows, he shot five arrows at the same time. His quiver was full of arrows, with dozens of arrows. Even if he shot arrows indiscriminately and didn't see the target, Zhao Feng's luck arrows killed the Han soldiers and successfully picked up the attributes.

"This level of arrow rain coverage is equivalent to the saturation firepower strike in later generations."

"In terms of military weapons, Qin can be respected in this era."

"It is true that if you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools." Zhao Feng sighed in his heart.

When he thought of this.

Zhao Feng also shot arrows at full speed, and the arrows in the quiver behind him also decreased rapidly.

This is a rare opportunity to kill the enemy, Zhao Feng can't miss it.

The arrow rain continued to shoot.

Accompanied by the continuous bombardment of the torch stone in the void.

Completely suppress the Han army in the city!

At this time!

Li Teng on the central army chariot saw that the time was almost right.

He immediately shouted: "My Great Qin arrows have suppressed the Han army!"

"Take advantage of this opportunity! Vanguard army! Attack!"

With a shout.

The entire army of the 10,000-general camp, which had been ready for action, was solemn.

"The sharp soldiers of the 20,000-general camp, we are the vanguard today."

"The might of the Great Qin, swear to destroy the capital of Han."


Wu Hua waved the spear in his hand and shouted loudly.



The thousands of sharp soldiers of the vanguard camp roared, with the momentum of seeing death as home, the shield army was in front, carrying battering rams, chariots, ladders, and various siege equipment and rushed towards the capital of Han.


They passed the archers in formation and rushed straight to the capital of Han.

Under the suppression of the Great Qin archers, the sharp soldiers of the vanguard camp quickly rushed to the front of the city 20 or 30 feet, and entered the range of the Han army.

Seeing this.

Cao Yi, who was guarding the city, knew that he could not sit and wait for death.

"We must not let the Qin army break through the city."

"All troops, listen to my orders."


"Shoot arrows."

"Anyone who dares to flee from the battlefield will be killed immediately by the supervisory army."

"Shoot the catapults."


Cao Yi shouted loudly.

Under his might, the Han army on the city began to counterattack under the rain of arrows.

From inside the city, the Han army's counterattack arrows were vented outside the city.

And with the threat of the supervisory army, the Han army in the city also began to defend in an orderly manner.

The rain of arrows gradually increased and became more dense.

The catapults in the city also released huge stones and bombarded the Qin army outside the city.


Wu Hua shouted immediately.

The sharp soldiers at the front immediately raised their shields.

Many arrows were blocked by shields, but many arrows directly shot through the gaps and hit the sharp soldiers in the back.



The arrows pierced the body.

One by one, the sharp soldiers fell under the arrows and struggled in a pool of blood.

The torch stones fell, causing considerable casualties.

But these did not stop the vanguard from advancing, and they still steadily approached the city.

Siege warfare is inherently very cruel.

When the war starts, human lives are worthless.

"This is the real siege."

"Fill with human lives."

"Until the city is breached."

Zhao Feng observed while shooting arrows.

Such a big battle, such a close distance, can show the cruelty here.

But Zhao Feng also saw these vanguard warriors who attacked the city. They were not afraid, but had an indomitable momentum.

When a warrior was shot to death by arrows, the next warrior immediately came to fill in.

When many warriors were killed by boulders, the warriors behind came to fill in.

March forward fearlessly!

"Is this the military spirit?"


"I will not return until I break the enemy city."

"I don't care about life or death."

Seeing this scene, Zhao Feng had a feeling about the Qin army he was in.

Or maybe.

He truly felt the invisible military spirit.

Under the cover of the Qin army's arrows.

The vanguard army has rushed to the city.

Ladders and chariots quickly approached the city wall.

At the same time, there were siege vehicles.

"Catapults continue to attack."

"Archers advance thirty feet and shoot arrows!"

Li Teng shouted loudly.

Now the vanguard army has rushed to the city.

If they continue to shoot arrows from a distance, they will hurt their side. At first, the archers also played a suppressive role, but now they need to advance.

The order was issued.

The Qin warriors advanced in an orderly manner.

"Pass on the order of the prime minister."

"Mobilize all the troops."

"For every one killed, one more will be sent. For every ten killed, ten more will be sent."

"We will never let the Qin army break through the city." Zhang Ping shouted loudly.

The guards around him immediately issued an order.

A large number of Han troops quickly rushed to the tower.

A tug-of-war.

The battle really started.

The entire Han capital was completely shrouded in war.

The vanguard army attacked the city one after another, and the Han army also guarded closely, with arrows raining down like rain, and the rain of arrows outside the city was also continuous.

Countless lives were lost with every breath.

It was extremely tragic.

"Although the Han army suffered heavy casualties under the rain of arrows, they have the strength to defend the city, and they have a lot of troops."

"With such defense, it is impossible to break through like this."

"And the city gate seems to be blocked."

Zhao Feng looked at the offensive and the comrades who died one after another, and a worry emerged in his heart.

But he was not a vanguard and could only watch!


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