Chapter 101 Include Daqin’s rule (give a subscription support)

“Anyone who violates my Great Qin Dynasty will be punished even if it is far away!”

Ten simple and powerful declarations, in the name of the Daqin soldiers, echoed on an unfamiliar land for the first time.

Not only the latest imperial decree of the emperor, but also one of their most enthusiastic quotes.

“According to your majesty’s imperial order, destroy Jizi (Zaoyue) Xian, the soldiers of the three armies obey orders, kill!”

The commander-in-chief of the three armies Wang Zhi, and the deputy commander-in-chief Chen Qingzhi, the two took the lead in riding forward to kill, and 30,000 soldiers followed closely behind.

“This is not in accordance with the etiquette, don’t, don’t kill me, Jizi (Zao Yue) rarely surrendered to Da Qin.”

Originally wanted to fight for some room, when Qin Jun directly killed him, Ji was shocked, and then he had the idea of ​​shrinking.


However, there was no response from any Qin Jun, but a sharp weapon pounced on the face.

One of the two soldiers, Zhou Bo and Cao Sen, left and right, with the unparalleled impact of the horse, easily cut off the arm of Minori.

“Ah, my arm, my arm!”

Jize, who had just taken the throne, had not had time to be happy for a few days, and now it was spreading a chilling cry.

“No, go around me!”

Nuoda’s horseshoe prints grew larger and larger, until he was close to his nose, the fear of calculation was even greater than the pain, and he made a pleading before dying.


Horses galloped past one after another, and the skips that had lost their broken arms stepped on mud, and the whole body became completely unrecognizable.

Even if it is recognized by the closest relatives, it is estimated that they can’t recognize who it is, and there is no perfect place at all.

“Even if Jizi (Zaoyue) is freshly destroyed, don’t think about it. The local people will definitely rise up and resist, wait and see!”

Witnessing the tragic condition of the new king Jize, Mubei thought of Jizhun who was in a different place, and a strong hatred surged.

Two consecutive generations of kings were buried in the hands of the Qin army, and the whole country suffered a fall, and they were not given a chance.

“Is it really like this?”

Hearing such a hateful cry, Han Xin laughed instead of anger, while raising the sword in his hand.

“you you”[!”

Looking at that casual smile, Mu Bei suddenly had an inexplicable chill, which swept across his heart.


The extremely powerful force hit the whole body, and Mubei made a fatal bend of 60 degrees, and then straight away.

Accompanied by a crisp click, the waist of the whole person broke at the sound, as if he could not withstand the full blow of the horse’s charge.


The instant fracture caused great pain, Mu Bei’s face was almost sunken in, deformed to the point of no human being at all.

Immediately afterwards, the body that had lost its balance, fell to the ground abruptly, too much to die.

“I beg you, as long as we can be released, there is no problem in surrendering.”

“Yes, yes, even if Jizi (Zaoyue) rarely perishes, I will work for Daqin and manage the city well.”

“We are useful. I believe that with our presence, the people will not resist too much.

Jize and Mubei died tragically in front of them, and the ministers were completely scared, and they didn’t even have the slightest thought of resistance.


No matter how much the other party begged, no matter how he intended to save his life, the soldiers of the three armies such as Yu Ziqi waved the long weapon in his hand.


None of those ministers were spared, the hot blood and wine poured into the soil under their feet, and blood red colors appeared everywhere.

And what remained on the ground was a corpse that gradually became cold, and no one was an exception.


After cleaning up the monarchs and ministers headed by Jize and Mubei, as well as a part of the guarding Jijun, 30,000 soldiers continued to enter the Wangxian City.

Accompanied by bursts of screaming and killing, it was silently announced that Jizi (Zaoyue) was almost completely destroyed!

“The commander-in-chief of the king, the deputy commander-in-chief Chen, the thousands of Jijun in the city have been eliminated, and there is no excess resistance.”

“Among them, one hundred and sixty-three members of the Ji family were beheaded, and more than six thousand and four hundred families of those ministers.

After a brief period of clean-up, the soldiers of the three armies took full control of Wangxian City, and Han Xin rode his horse directly to the report.

“If the order is passed on, all the gold and silver treasures will be searched, and the rewards will be unified after the war. Anyone who violates the order will be dealt with.

In order to prevent chaos, Wang Li thought for a while and ordered.

“Other than that, what should we do with the women of the Ji family and the ministers’ family members?”

There is no official military position, and the decision-making power is still relatively limited. Han Xin, who understands the truth from this, has not made any decisions without authorization.

“Well, let’s find a place to be detained for the time being, it will definitely be useful in the future.

The fate of the brothers Ji Ze and Ji Zhun is still the same, let alone the women who subjugated the country, but Chen Qingzhi did not say it too blatantly.

If you want to say nothing about them and let them go, it would be better to beheaded on the spot, so as not to compromise the prestige of that declaration.


Even if Deputy Commander Chen didn’t say it clearly, Han Xin heard something, it was nothing more than directly acting as a military prostitute, or rewarding meritorious soldiers.

“Ziyun, you don’t want to

When Han Xin went to convey the military order, Wang Ben turned his head and said without saying a word.

Just now, Ziyun didn’t say it too blatantly, and he didn’t know what the reason was, but it might have a big impact.

“Commander, they are not ordinary people, most of them are royal women, or female family members of those ministers.

“Either kill it directly, or stay here.”

When talking about this, Chen Qingzhi’s face full of Confucianism, on the contrary, appeared exceptionally calm.

“If this is the case, some ministers in the DPRK may be unable to sit still.

I heard that Wang Ben stopped struggling with what he said just now, but instead thought of another thing.

“Destroying Jizi (Zao Yue) Xian, you and I just made military merits, they are spouting at best.”

“Furthermore, there is the most powerful backing-Your Majesty, you and I (Deno’s) as courtiers, what is there to be afraid of?”

Knowing the reason for Wang Li’s concerns, it was nothing more than a fear that the tree would attract the wind, Chen Qingzhi smiled and said.

“That’s right, when the time comes, your majesty will come forward.”

Thinking of the emperor who appointed himself as commander in chief, and trusting them in the Wang clan, Wang Ben felt more or less relieved.

With the current prestige of the emperor, and the power in his hand, that group of civil and military will not be too presumptuous.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the palace together, the so-called confidence of the small country.”

No longer staying, Chen Qingzhi raised the string in his hand high and steered the horse towards the direction of the palace.

After the official extinction of Jizi (Zhaoyue) Xian, the next step was naturally to be included in the scope of Daqin’s rule.

“Alright, I will announce the end of the war by the way, Da Qin is destroyed Jizi (Zao Yue) Xian!”

Regarding this, Wang Li had no reason to oppose him, nodded and said Gan.

PS: Third!.

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