In fact, the daimyo was also testing whether the Third Hokage was easy to control. In the scene in the reception room, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not hold on to him. The daimyo thought that the young Hokage was easy to fool and wanted to reduce the losses. But this guy didn't follow the rules of martial arts. Everyone had played their cards, but this guy said to pick up all the cards and play again. Is there such an operation? I can only play the emotional card.

"This cannot be confused. The Fire Country and Konoha are close, which is different from other major countries in the ninja world and the hidden villages. Look, our little Tsunade's grandfather is the first generation, the second grandfather is the second generation, and the teacher is the third generation. You can tell me how good our relationship is, right? What's the point of giving funds in advance? Let me make the decision. The 1 billion will be considered as an additional allocation from the Daimyo Mansion to Konoha, not a regular allocation. It's troublesome to transport it back and forth, right?" The Daimyo hurriedly wanted to solve this matter.

"It is true that Konoha is close to the Daimyo, but I only recognize you, the Daimyo. Other nobles are not recognized. After all, several generations of Hokage in our Konoha Village have a close relationship with you, the Daimyo. The establishment of checkpoints was originally for the safety of our Fire Country's caravans and national security. You see, other nobles thought that after Konoha established checkpoints, their caravans could not transport contraband items, and they even put a bounty on me. They don't care about the interests of the Fire Country and the Daimyo's Mansion at all. I think those nobles are not good people. I suggest that the Daimyo find a reason to remove a few and clean up these national parasites. Daimyo, please rest assured that our Konoha Village will always be the strong backing of the Daimyo."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took the opportunity to express his position to the Daimyo. We only recognize you, the Daimyo. Konoha is only a brother to you, the Daimyo. We don't care about other nobles. These nobles have killed your brother. Why don't you help your brother kill a few? It will also be good for you.

The daimyo was quite touched to hear that he was only a close friend of the daimyo, but the nobles played differently. I also wanted to kill those families, but I couldn't just kill them. You can suppress me, but you can't exterminate my family. Otherwise, you are being uncivilized, and all the nobles in the world will rebel against you.

"Thank you for the Hokage's kindness, but the noble system is different from the hidden village system. The hidden village's approach is not the nobles'. I will solve this problem in the noble way. I heard that Konoha has recently reorganized many departments and is under great financial pressure. I will see if the daimyo can allocate another 1 billion to Konoha, or use the special allocation, which is not included in the regular allocation." The 1 billion allocation from the daimyo is a reward for Sarutobi Hiruzen's statement just now, and he also wants to end this topic quickly.

"Thank you very much, daimyo, Konoha is grateful." Sarutobi Hiruzen bowed his hands in thanks. I didn't expect that I could get 1 billion just for expressing my attitude. This money is really easy to make. After all, the relationship between Konoha and the daimyo is too close, so I can only stand on the side of the daimyo.

But the daimyo didn't think so. He originally thought that the first and second generations of Konoha were gone, and the third Hokage was disgusted by the bounty offered by those nobles, so he would be alienated from the daimyo's mansion. After Sarutobi Hiruzen's statement just now, the daimyo felt that the third Hokage was close to him, so he simply spent another 1 billion to maintain this relationship. As long as there was this relationship with Konoha, the nobles in the country would not dare to act rashly.

"Hokage, what's the matter with the 10 caravan quotas between Konoha and Sunagakure this time? Tell me in detail." The daimyo quickly changed the subject.

"You are my elder, you can call me Sarutobi or Hiruzen."

"Well, I'll call you Sarutobi, let me tell you about this first."

"Last time I visited Sunagakure, Sunagakure intended to get closer to our Konoha in order to gain certain benefits at the next Five Kage Conference. We and Sunagakure are interested in commercial cooperation. This is the first tentative cooperation. The caravans that enter this quota can get a certain degree of help from Sunagakure in the territory of the Wind Country." Sarutobi Hiruzen replied

The daimyo thought for a while and asked: "Can you give a detailed introduction to the degree of cooperation? What is the specific degree of help? Now other merchants The team has been traveling to the Wind Country. What is the difference between your quota? What are the advantages? "

"The advantages are still great. You can enter the Wind Country without the checkpoint fee, and you will be treated better when you are inspected by the Sand Village patrol team. If you encounter difficulties in the Wind Country, you can ask for help from the Sand Village patrol ninjas. There are also various hidden benefits, such as being able to directly enter the Sand Village to rest and buy the unique specialties of the Sand Village. After all, these 10 quotas represent the official agreement between Konoha and Sand Village, and the nature is different.

Konoha and Sand Village have initially established a good relationship. As the relationship deepens, these 10 quotas can be

The benefits you can enjoy will definitely increase, and there will be more and more restrictions on the checkpoints in the future. "

"This checkpoint still requires a lot of manpower and material resources. Does Konoha have enough manpower? How about the Daimyo Prefecture send some people to share the pressure with Konoha?" The Daimyo wants to intervene in the checkpoints directly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said implicitly: "Ordinary people may not be able to do the guarding and inspection work of the checkpoints. After all, most of the people they face are ninjas, samurai, etc. There may also be many bandits, wandering ninjas, and cultists. For ninjas, it is still bearable, but for ordinary civilians, it is a dead end. But we can't refuse the Daimyo's kindness. How about the Daimyo pays some money? We just need to do the work. "

What this means is, brother, this job is really not something your people can do. It is too dangerous, and it is hard and tiring. You can't do it without a fine drill. Do you understand? If you really feel bad, just pay some money.

The daimyo also understood, but still asked unwillingly: "Is there really no way? Ordinary people can handle some documents."

"There is really no way. Ordinary people can't do the work of ninjas." What a joke, a fight may happen at any time. When the fight breaks out, should you protect the ordinary people who handle the documents first, or kill the opponent first?

"Well, then Konoha will work hard. I will propose to increase the funding routine at the meeting of the daimyo mansion. By the way, how many of these 10 quotas can the daimyo mansion take?" The daimyo asked again.

"The daimyo mansion does not need to rush out. My suggestion is that the daimyo mansion and Konoha form a joint caravan. Konoha's face is more useful than any quota. "Sarutobi Hiruzen provided a suggestion.

The daimyo's eyes lit up: "Hokage, tell me about this joint caravan in detail."

"My initial consideration is that Konoha and the daimyo's mansion jointly invest and provide personnel to form an official company, um... an official trading company. Responsible for managing all caravans, jointly formulating rules, and regulating these noble caravans in the country. Among them, Konoha is responsible for communication and affairs with the extraordinary world, and the daimyo's mansion is responsible for communication and affairs of ordinary people." Sarutobi Hiruzen talked about his initial idea.

The daimyo lowered his head in thought. The Land of Fire is the largest country in the ninja world, and Konoha Village is the first hidden village in the ninja world. There is a way.

"Does this joint stock company have no caravans? How to make a profit?" This is a key question.

"Caravans can also have. I think caravans should be its main way of making profits. Its responsibility is to manage all caravans and solve all caravans' problems. Of course, there is a reward for solving problems. Policies can also be adjusted to mobilize caravans to serve us. Specific methods include: We can get a large amount of iron ore in the Iron Country with the reputation of Konoha and the Fire Country Daimyo Mansion as a guarantee. Because it is a large quantity, the price can be negotiated to be lower. After the negotiation, we can divide this large quantity of goods into small batches and sell them to small caravans at the market price. Small caravans can get the goods faster and may offer a slightly higher price to us. As for the Iron Country, because we have Konoha and the Fire Country Daimyo Mansion as support, we are not afraid of any problems. They also have benefits, so all three parties benefit.

This trading company can form its own caravan to transport some scarce items that ordinary caravans cannot transport, dare not transport, and cannot get. For example, the specialty products of each hidden village cannot be obtained by ordinary caravans without Konoha behind them, but Konoha is not good at commercial activities. Therefore, the establishment of a trading company is beneficial to Konoha and the Daimyo Mansion. "

"The suggestion of the Hokage is very good, but the specific matters and profit distribution, etc. still need to be carefully communicated. These are handed over to the people below. Come on, come on, Lord Hokage, have some tea, have some tea. "

"This tea is good. Can Lord Daimyo give me some?"

"It's a small matter, a small matter. I will send some of this tea to Konoha every year in the future."

"Thank you, thank you..."

"Okay, okay."


When Sarutobi Hiruzen and the Daimyo walked into the reception room together, talking and laughing, Danzo and the noble officials had almost finished discussing the 10 caravan quotas with the noble officials. Sarutobi Hiruzen and the Daimyo did not intervene. They just sat aside and did not speak.

"Lord Danzo, isn't your coordination fee of 50 million per caravan a bit high? After all, many other caravans can also go to the Wind Country for business, and it doesn't make much difference whether there is this quota or not."

"It's okay, we won't force it. We have said what we should say. As I said, if it weren't for the Daimyo's face, we wouldn't let you know about these 10 quotas. "Shimura Danzo glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen and the Daimyo who had reentered.

"But this is just a trial run plan between you and Sunagakure. There is no guarantee at all."

"We in Konoha are determined to implement this plan, and I believe Sunagakure is the same. Now that it is in the early stage of implementation, the coordination fee is so cheap. Do you think our coordination costs nothing? Is 50 million a lot? Going out of the village to coordinate once is at least an A-level task, right? A-level tasks cost 1-5 million taels each time. How many times can these 50 million taels be enough for coordination? Even A-level tasks may not be enough for major events. If you are still not satisfied, there is nothing we can do."

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