The next day, after careful selection, Sarutobi Hiruzen selected three new generation ninjas to go to the Kingdom of Wind for exchanges. They were Yuhi Shinku, 13 years old, an elite Chunin, good at illusion. Hatake Sumo, 13 years old, a special Jonin, good at swordsmanship. Mitarai Naoto, 12 years old, an ordinary Chunin. These three 12-13 year old boys were definitely carefully selected, and definitely not selected by a certain Hokage looking at these surnames.

The entire visiting team, led by Sarutobi Hiruzen, left the village and headed for the Kingdom of Wind.

The entire travel team included Sarutobi Hiruzen, Nara Shikadai, Akimichi Tofu, the new Jonin Sarutobi Shinya, and three new generation ninjas. Yuhi Shinku, Hatake Shomo, Mitarai Naoto.

Among them, Nara Shikadai was the negotiator specially brought by Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Akimichi Tofu was the one he had to follow. Sarutobi Shin was also brought here to see the world, and the following three were brought here for communication.

During the journey, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at his panel with interest.

Sarutobi Hiruzen

Body: 12/12

Spirit: 135/135

Element: 87/87

Skills: Primary physical mastery, advanced combat mastery

Energy level: advanced fire mastery, intermediate earth mastery, primary water mastery, primary seal mastery, advanced energy mastery, advanced thunder mastery, advanced wind mastery, advanced illusion mastery

Skills: Primary fire and earth fusion: meteor shower

Primary earth and water fusion: mudslide

Primary fire and water fusion: nuclear bomb

Although several months have passed, Sarutobi Hiruzen's strength has not changed much due to his busy affairs. He only studied the seal scroll for a few hours every night to study the water and seal attributes to the primary level.

As for the advanced mastery of fire, it was when he was collecting basic ninjutsu that day, he saw a basic fire ninjutsu similar to dust explosion, and then he developed a large-scale explosion ninjutsu and turned it into a skill, named nuclear bomb.

Don't be fooled by the name, it turns out that the principle is similar to that of dust explosion, except that the dust is replaced by water molecules. First, use water escape to create a dense water molecule within a range, and then add fire escape ninjutsu with high temperature and high pressure to ignite it, and the water molecules will decompose into hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms and explode, just like the explosion caused by water mist fire extinguishing in the previous life.

God and Yuan don't seem to increase automatically. He guessed that when Konoha just crossed over in the 19th year last year, it might be the fusion of souls that caused God and Yuan to increase significantly. Now the fusion is complete. The most worrying thing is the body, which has not increased. It is only 12, which is too weak compared to other attributes. It is easy to cause shortcomings for yourself, which is very annoying. At present, there is no convenient way to improve it, and you can only rely on your own training.

It seems that I can only study the way of ninjutsu, but the way of ninjutsu in Konoha is the Akimichi clan, the secret family of Konoha, and the Hatake Summo, which will be formed in the future. The ninjutsu of the Akimichi clan is to store chakra and burst power, and the effect of improving physical fitness is not obvious.

Or asking for the ninjutsu of Kumogakure is probably unrealistic, and I still have to develop it myself in the end. When I have more time in the future, I must develop a technique to enhance my physical fitness.

The first time I followed the Hokage on a visit, the three little guys were very excited, and went to the left front to scout, and then to the right front to scout, so happy.

Suddenly, Naoto Mitarai came back from the right front to report: "Hokage, a wandering ninja was found at the border of the Fire Country on the right front. Shinku and Sakumo are following." Sakumo is Hatake Sumo, and people who are familiar with him basically call him Sakumo.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Nara Shikadai and Akimichi Tofu, and said with a smile, "Then let's go and take a look?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't even take off his Hokage robe, and followed Naoto Mitarai to find Yuhi Shinku and Hatake Sumo. The two of them stared at a public toilet in front of them. To be honest, it is a strange thing that a public toilet can appear in such an aristocratic and feudal era of the ninja world. And there are electric lights and other things. It is extremely unreasonable.

Nara Shikadai sighed and said: "It may be the gold exchange. Now that the security department is reorganized, ninjas who do not belong to Konoha are not allowed to appear in the Land of Fire."

"Since you have discovered it, let's go and take a look. See what the gold exchange looks like." He signaled Sarutobi Shinya with his eyes.

Sarutobi Shinya walked forward and began to make hand seals.

After the hand seals were completed, he slapped his hands on the ground, "Earth escape - cracking earth palm"

The ground cracked and a passage leading directly to the underground gold exchange. How could a Hokage crawl in through the toilet? Sarutobi Hiruzen was very satisfied. He stepped forward and prepared to go down

Go. Akimichi Tōfu went down first to explore the way.


The underground gold exchange was shaking, and Kakuzu took out a scroll and released a corpse, "Hurry up and give the money."

The staff of the gold exchange were just ordinary people. Although they were very worried about the safety of the gold exchange, they were under pressure from Kakuzu and still cheered up to check the identity of the target. After confirming the identity, they counted out the corresponding amount of money and put it into a box, and then handed the box to Kakuzu. Kakuzu took the box and prepared to find another exit to retreat. At this time, footsteps came from one of the passages.

Following the sound, a fat man slowly appeared with a forehead protector from Konoha on his head.

"A man from Konoha." Kakuzu murmured and quickly put away the box. He rushed out from another road, and not only that, he also collapsed the passage with earth escape.

Akimichi Tōfu looked puzzled here.

Just after coming down, he saw a man with a forehead protector from Takigakure Village running away and collapsed the passage. Judging from the marks on the forehead protector, it seems that he is still a rebel ninja.

There were footsteps behind him, and Akimichi Tofu quickly made way.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Nara Shikadai came down together and saw that the space was not too big, with exits leading to all directions and extending into the distance. One of the passages seemed to have just collapsed, and the only place with bright lights was a counter. There was a samurai inside the counter, and two ordinary people were looking at him inside. There were several documents on the counter.

Several people in the gold exchange were very depressed. Not to mention being found by Konoha's people, the group of people coming behind them seemed to be dressed like Hokage. Fuck, who was the one who ran away just now? I actually thought of the Hokage to catch him. The caretaker just now was a rebel ninja from Taki no Kuni. The most famous person in Taki no Kuni is Kakuzu, right? If the Hokage asks, tell him. Yes, the gold exchange will record the information of people who often go to the gold exchange.

Here, Hiruzen Sarutobi asked Akimichi Tofu what happened. After Akimichi Tofu reported the truth, Hiruzen Sarutobi signaled Shinya Sarutobi to go over and ask the people at the gold exchange.

Shinya Sarutobi walked to the counter and called a few staff members over.

"Come here, I'll ask you something on behalf of Konoha."

"What's going on here?"

The samurai looked at Shinya Sarutobi in confusion. You came after someone, and you asked me what's going on? But he didn't dare to neglect it. He replied, "His name is Kakuzu, a rebel ninja from Takigakure Village. He has been doing bounty tasks for our gold exchange. Just now he came down in a hurry and exchanged the task target for us. Here, this is the target." He pointed to the corpse on the ground.

"Who is he?"

"Komura Hoshino, a wandering ninja. He often robs caravans. The caravan that suffered heavy losses placed a bounty here, 400W." The samurai opened the bounty book and pointed to the task of Komura Hoshino, which also had a portrait and a description of the characteristics.

Sarutobi Shinya took the bounty book and flipped through it himself.

He was suddenly dumbfounded while flipping through it.

The target was written on the page: Sarutobi Hiruzen, the third Hokage of Konoha Village, 80 million taels, and there were also characteristics and photos. This guy doesn't want to get into trouble.

Sarutobi Shinya hurriedly showed the bounty book to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw that he was offered a bounty of 80 million taels, and his face changed immediately.

Nara Shikadai on the side hurriedly said: "Hokage, the people behind this exchange are all nobles in the ninja world. Don't do it easily."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was furious. Damn it, I am a Hokage. The leader of the first hidden village in the ninja world, I am only worth 80 million taels, who are you looking down on?

He immediately said: "Shinya, you arrest these three people and take all these things back to the village, let Jing take three teams to ask the daimyo what's going on."

"Qufeng, see how much money is left in this gold exchange, we will seize all of it."

Nara Shikadai looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen's rage and could only carefully explain: "Hokage-sama, the gold exchange is supported by the nobles of the ninja world behind the scenes, it is very important, I am afraid that it will cause trouble."

"Trouble? What trouble? Aren't they afraid of trouble? Is our Konoha's Kage so shameless? He was even given a bounty mission." Sarutobi Hiruzen said and walked up alone. Sarutobi Shinya and Akimichi Qufeng were left below to clean up the mess.

In fact, there has always been some tacit understanding between ninjas and nobles, such as the missions of the Hidden Village will not include missions to kill nobles, etc. The Hidden Village has to clear out the bandit forces every year, even if it knows that there is a noble behind the bandits, it does not pursue them too much. The gold exchange was an affair created by the nobles. Originally, it was only to hunt down some wandering ninjas who were causing disturbances and doing evil.

However, now the shadow of a great hidden village is hanging on it. Although Sarutobi Hiruzen is not afraid of the so-called bounty ninja,

The bounty ninja will not be stupid enough to complete this task. But being hung up on it will lose this tacit understanding. Since you, the nobles, can offer a bounty for the shadow of a hidden village, what if someone dislikes the daimyo and issues a task to the hidden village to kill the daimyo of a certain country. Should the hidden village send ninjas to take this task?

So the person who issued this task is either bad or stupid. The bad one is that he destroys this tacit understanding and stirs up conflicts between the nobles and the ninjas. The stupid one is that he does not see that this is a provocation to Konoha.

Now Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to finish the matter of the Wind Country quickly and talk to the daimyo. Maybe the daimyo will give him a large compensation.

After cleaning up below, Sarutobi Shin also took people back to the village.

Sarutobi Hiruzen led the people under the city to the Wind Country at full speed.

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