The old man was in a hurry to get out of bed.

A strong wind blew across Zenin Maki's cheek, and a figure shot at the wall behind her like a cannonball, making her close her eyes subconsciously and step back a few steps


The smoke and dust had not yet completely dissipated. Under Gojou's calm gaze, a figure climbed up stiffly under the broken wall not far away

The originally clean and neat cassock was covered with dust, not only the clothes, but also other places. The strange bangs were also crooked, a little embarrassed

"...The speed is not bad, but the power is lacking …”

Getting up from the ground, Geto Xiayou took a deep breath and patted the dust off his body with his hands. Gojou, who was not far away, also had a condensed look in his eyes and thought to himself

Is this a special-grade magician...

Then he took the starting position for the battle, staring at Geto Xiayou with his eyes, and the cursed power in his body kept surging at a high frequency, just in case

Facing Gojou, who looked serious, Geto Xiayou just chuckled, but the contempt in his eyes had long disappeared. After tidying up his body, he summoned a purple insect-shaped cursed spirit and pulled out a A red nunchaku

Under the observation of the six eyes, Gojo Yu instantly discovered the wonder of the nunchaku in Xiayou Jie's hand. Unlike the low-level spell tools that were seen everywhere before, it reminded him of the high-level spell tools he saw in the spell tool library at home

"...Is it special grade?"

Gojo Yu whispered, staring

"Yes, this is the special grade spell tool - Youyun" Yun

Hearing Gojo Yu's mumbling, Xiayou Jie had a faint evil smile on his face as usual, and explained aloud, holding Youyun in his hand, and shook it casually, as if showing off Shining

Zenin Maki, who was not far away, was also attracted by Geto Suguru, and her eyes were on the red nunchaku in his hand. As a magician who was good at using cursed tools, even if she didn't have six eyes like Gojo U, she could still see the extraordinaryness of the weapon at a glance

Noticing Maki's strange look, she followed her gaze to Geto Suguru, and instantly understood something, and turned around and shouted to her

"Hey~ Maki, do you want that Youyun?"

Hearing the words, Maki was stunned, but still nodded subconsciously

Of course I want it!

Curse tools are so expensive. Not to mention the rare special grade curse tools, even the first grade or even the second grade curse tools are extremely expensive.

If the salary of a curse master is not low, she may not even be able to afford the curse tools...

Just when Maki was stunned, Xia Yujie twitched his mouth after hearing Gojo Ue's words. He looked a little strange, as if he thought of something, and then controlled his expression and returned to his calm smile.

"Want my things? Then you can try it."

Xia Yujie just finished speaking, and at Gojo Ue's Under the vigilant gaze, he exerted force on his legs, leaned back, leaped behind, raised his left hand, pointed at the sky blocked by the tent, and a large amount of black cursed power surged around him

In just a moment, a large number of insect-shaped cursed spirits rushed out from beside Geto Suguru, and the densely packed figures were like arrows released from a string

"Really disgusting..."

Gojo Yu saw the group of cursed spirits surging like a tide in front of him, and couldn't help but complain, but he didn't idle and began to mobilize the surging cursed power

"The technique is forward flow!"

Gojo Yu's figure Like a ghost, it disappeared from the spot. The group of cursed spirits also lost their target and rushed out recklessly. Zenin Maki had already escaped from the attack range of the cursed spirits and came to a safer place. She stared at the battlefield not far away and bit her lip.

She knew that if she rashly joined the battle now, she would definitely become a burden. Although she was unwilling, she didn't want to drag Gojo U down.

Back to the battlefield

Seeing Gojo U disappear from the spot, Xiayou Jie still had a calm expression on his face and stood on the ground. But green thorns appeared on Youyun's wrist holding the nunchaku, as if he was preparing something

At this moment, Gojo U's figure kept appearing around Geto Xiayou, forming a series of elusive afterimages, illusory yet real

At this time, Gojo U was using low-power techniques to accelerate himself in order to save energy. Even at low power, Geto Xiayou still found it difficult to capture his movement trajectory and could only rely on his years of combat intuition to make judgments

Gojo U, who was moving at high speed, looked at Geto Xiayou standing in place, and the surrounding

The scene kept changing as he moved, but Geto Xiayou didn't move, as if he didn't notice him

The irregular high-speed movement suddenly stopped, and his foot stepped on a tree trunk. He exerted force and instantly shot towards Geto Xiayou

The next moment, Geto Xiayou moved his arm, and the curse tool Youyun in his hand moved with the momentum of breaking through the air. The terrifying power contained in it instantly collided with Gojo Yu's kick


Gojo Yu fell from mid-air and took several steps back with his other foot. His right leg was numb with pain at the moment, and his face looked a little ugly. Geto Xiayou on the opposite side also chuckled and said sarcastically

"Can you only attack from behind? Do you want me to teach you a lesson instead of Wu..."


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