After returning to his residence, Ling Yuan began to think about his future arrangements.

He had originally mastered a bunch of Qi Refining Stage magic, but he couldn't keep up because he had too much of a hang-up.

But it didn't matter, he could now directly evolve magic from the law level, not to mention that he had a supernatural comprehension.

As for the Fire Crystal Sand in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, he still had to get some, although it didn't matter whether he had the Sky Fire Armor or not.

But Ling Yuan had a little obsessive-compulsive disorder, just like he had to collect all the achievements in a game.

If he didn't brush up the magic of each period in the Emperor's Scripture, he felt that his thoughts were not clear.

Moreover, he now has many ways to save his life, and the power of law is even more invincible. Isn't it just a waste of time to go to the Spirit Beast Mountain?

He plans to set off tomorrow, so let's make some small things first.

The law runes that Ling Yuan found in the Palm Heaven Gourd before are very interesting.

He plans to imitate it and see if he can use this rune technique to make some law-based weapons.

He did it right away. He sat cross-legged and took out a top-grade spirit sword from the space ring and placed it horizontally on his legs.

Concentrating and calming his mind, Ling Yuan stared at the spirit sword.

After a while, a fiery red light flashed in his eyes.

The next moment, starting from the tail of the spirit sword, a large number of mysterious and strange runes continued to flash into the sword body.

A large number of dense runes formed lines on the sword body.

A quarter of an hour later, with a brilliant red light covering the entire sword body, Ling Yuan finally completed the production of this sword of law.

The red light faded away, and the entire sword body turned light red, with two symmetrical fiery red lines in the middle.

The lines faintly glowed with bright red light, which was extremely conspicuous even in the daytime.

The runes in these lines were outlined based on the law of fire.

Although the lines are complex, their functions are simple and crude.

That is the extreme high temperature, and its highest flame temperature can reach the temperature of the core of the sun!

That is about 15 million degrees Celsius!

"The law artifact! It's born!" Ling Yuan shouted excitedly in his heart, and at the same time he raised the sword above his head with one hand, his face full of uncontrollable excitement.

At this time, he seemed to have become a child who got a new toy, with a happy light flashing in his eyes, and his hands constantly stroking the sword body, feeling the touch of the warm sword body caused by the runes.

"From now on, I am also a forging master!

Hehe, I'm so awesome, I can put my hands on my waist!"

Family members! Who understands the feeling of making a golden finger by yourself?

It was so cool!

In order to commemorate the first artifact of the law he made, he had to give it a good name.

Well, let's call it... Yanli!

Buzz! The sword body trembled slightly, as if responding to him.

"In the future, accompany me to fight in the world of immortal cultivation", after whispering softly, Ling Yuan put it into his dantian to nurture its spirituality.

Then his mind was opened up, whether he could plant the law rune on the body, such as the time rune.

As long as the physical body is seriously injured or dead, the time will be reversed immediately to regenerate the physical body!

Ling Yuan tried to make it and planted it on his right arm.

Soon, a square rune pile like a QR code appeared on his right arm.

Then he cut his palm with Yanli, and then actively used the time rune.

I saw a flash of green light, and the palm was restored to its original state!

"Success!" Ling Yuan was very surprised.

This rune can be used actively or passively. If the physical body dies, it will be passively activated to rewind the physical state to one day ago.

The only thing to note is that the flesh of the rune part should not be damaged during the battle, which will destroy the rune matrix.

After thinking about it, Ling Yuan planted another time-travel rune on the sole of his foot, so he would not be afraid of damage!

At this time, Ling Yuan's aura was immortal, and his body could be traced back, which was almost immortal!

Today is a good day~

After the end, Ling Yuan hummed a song while moving the table and a chair outside.

He took out a bottle of fat house happy water and placed it on the table. It was still cold, and there were some water droplets attached to the surface of the bottle.

What the happy water touched at that time was, what it is now copied.

Therefore, Ling Yuan has unlimited frozen happy water to drink.

Sitting on the armchair, Ling Yuan slowly poured half a cup of happy water into the golden goblet.

He shook his left hand gently, then raised his head and drank it all.

"Ha~~ cool!" Ling Yuan took a long breath of cold air, showing a comfortable expression on his face.

At this time, the sun sets and the afterglow

It reflects a golden color, like a dazzling gem inlaid in the sky.

Ling Yuan quietly stared at the setting sun in the distance, and a boundless longing for a beautiful future life of cultivating immortals surged in his heart.


Han Feiyu returned to his residence and couldn't help but try the palm gourd himself.

He took out a porcelain basin and dug some soil from the courtyard to fill it.

Then he planted a common spirit gathering grass, which is the main refining material of the Qi Gathering Pill.

Then he carefully dripped a drop of green liquid into the grass root.

As the green leaves were absorbed, the height of the spirit gathering grass began to rise.

"It seems that one drop can make it grow to hundreds of years. What if I drop a few more drops?"

Han Feiyu did it as he thought, and he dropped a lot more until the spirit gathering grass became a thousand-year spirit grass.

Looking at this scene, Han Feiyu's eyes were full of excitement!

"Too strong, if this is the case, it won't be a problem to wholesale ten thousand year old spiritual herbs in the future!"

However, he didn't plan to drip it in anymore. After all, it was just a spiritual gathering grass, so it didn't need to be so old. A thousand years was a bit of a waste.

After packing up the things, he felt a surge of pride in his heart.

Now I am also a person with a treasure!

Thank God, thank Senior Brother Ling!

Then he began to imagine a better life in the future.

After thinking for a while, he started to practice again, following Ling Yuan's instructions.

Half an hour later, Han Feiyu's spiritual light gathered on his body, and his momentum suddenly changed!

First level of Qi Refining!

"Huh~ I finally reached the Qi Refining stage. Senior Brother Ling's instructions are really powerful." Han Feiyu breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but sigh at the difficulty of practicing.

Then, he clenched his fists and carefully felt the power in his body.

Although the spiritual power is pitifully small (ಥ_ಥ), this is a realm that countless mortals yearn for.

He was excited, finally he was no longer a mortal.

Looking at the tea set on the table not far away, he had an idea and planned to try the most basic method of controlling objects with Qi.

Rise! Han Feiyu stretched out his sword finger and mobilized his spiritual energy.

The next moment, the small teacup pointed by Han Feiyu began to float in the air!

Success! Han Feiyu showed a look of surprise.

However, just when he was distracted, the teacup fell down.

"This... Haha, it seems that I still need to practice more." He touched the back of his head and laughed.

At night, a bright moon hung high in the sky, shedding a cold light and illuminating the entire earth.

"Husband, come on! As long as you get through it, your physical strength will be greatly improved!"

Li Yan was sitting cross-legged in a large wooden barrel.

Silver-blue liquid rolled in the barrel from time to time, and the height of the liquid left only his head outside.

Li Yan frowned, and sweat ran down his face from time to time.

Nangong Yan was cheering him up beside him.

As time passed, Li Yan's body actually emitted a faint silver-blue light.

The liquid in the bucket began to decrease, and the color and light in it began to fade.

After an unknown period of time, Lian's eyes suddenly opened, and the silver-blue light on his body began to enter his body.

At the same time, his aura began to rise.

Qi Refining Level 6!

"Success! Husband, with your current body, even if Qi Refining is perfect, it is not your opponent!" Seeing that the beloved successfully completed the body tempering, Nangong Yan couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth.

"This Blue Silver Overlord Art is indeed a wonderful way to refine the body!"

Feeling the power in his body, Li Yan also showed a satisfied smile.

At the same time, he thought in his heart: "After refining the red blood fruit given by the master, the body can be much stronger!"

It's time to do some sect tasks.

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