Although Xiao Qian said it lightly, Mo Xun was very dissatisfied in his heart, but since he had already promised the other party, he could only go there first to see.

After a moment, Mo Xun said: "Brother Xiao, let's talk about the second danger!"

Xiao Qian wanted to explain a few more words, but after looking at him, he said: "The second is the danger of restrictions. It is said that Tianxiang Valley was a medicine garden of a large sect in ancient times, so it is full of various arrays and restrictions. It can be said that the entire Tianxiang Valley is a large array, but most of the restrictions in it have been invalidated, except for a maze, which is the most troublesome."


Although Mo Xun has not been exposed to these, he is not completely ignorant of the matter of arrays.

"Brother Xiao, can you explain it in more detail?"

Xiao Qian nodded, and then said: "The most powerful thing about this formation is that it can make people who enter it lose their sense of direction, so that they will go around in circles inside and be trapped inside until they die, and they can't get out."

When Mo Xun heard this, he couldn't help but blurt out: "Illusion formation?"

Xiao Qian looked at him with a bit of surprise on his face.

"It seems that Brother Mo knows a little about the formation, but this maze is still very different from the illusion formation."

Mo Xun couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said: "I wonder if Brother Xiao can teach me?"

Xiao Qian smiled slightly and started his show-off again.

"The so-called illusion formation, the key is the word 'illusion', illusion means nothingness, that is to say, in the final analysis, it is all fake, but this maze is real."

After hearing this, Mo Xun couldn't help but nod repeatedly, and in his heart, he unconsciously looked up to Xiao Qian a little bit. The other party revealed the essence of the illusion formation in just a few words.

Xiao Qian continued, "The so-called maze is arranged according to certain rules through the five elements and eight trigrams, or the art of strange gates, and the advanced ones can even use certain mechanisms to change with the change of the intruder's position, and trap people to death in a certain place."

Speaking of these, it is obviously a bit profound. Although Mo Xun can't understand most of it, he can distinguish it from the illusion array.

After thinking about it, Mo Xun suddenly said, "I guess Brother Xiao wants to borrow my positioning symbol to find the exact position in this maze?"

Xiao Qian smiled and said, "It's easy to talk to smart people!"

Mo Xun didn't feel anything when listening to this flattery. He thought in his heart that if it was really as easy as Xiao Qian said, he could give it a try.

But then again, he didn't believe that there were no other means to determine the position in the huge world of cultivation.

"Brother Xiao, I wonder how many of those who entered Tianxiang Valley before can come out?"

Xiao Qian smiled dryly. In fact, he always wanted to avoid this question. If he said too much, he was afraid that Mo Xun would take it lightly. If he said too little, he was afraid that the other party would be timid and dare not accompany him in.

Mo Xun was so smart that he knew Xiao Qian's thoughts with just one look.

"Brother Xiao, please tell the truth. After all, this kind of thing is not a joke!"

Xiao Qian was silent for a moment before he said, "About 50%!"

When Mo Xun heard this ratio, he took a breath of cold air. 50%, how different is this from committing suicide?

"Brother Mo, don't worry too much. You and I will only move around in the outer valley at most. As long as we don't enter the inner valley, we will not worry about our lives."

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