Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 77 Returning Home

Half a month later, the two stood in front of the gate of the Su Mansion.

Mo Xun was wearing a green robe and had a tall stature. Three years had sculpted his face to be more firm.

His skin was no longer dark, and his long hair was draped behind him. His deep eyes began to look a little more unfathomable.

Su Yunshang, who was standing next to him, had a veil on her face and was dressed in a white dress. Her sleeves and skirt fluttered in the wind. From a distance, she looked like a fairy from the mortal world.

Yunshang slowly took off her veil, revealing a stunning face that could turn everyone upside down.

"It's the second young lady..."

With the startled shout of an old man at the door, the entire Su family was boiling in an instant. The servants began to greet her respectfully and report to her, and the family was in chaos.

On the way back, Su Yunshang suddenly seemed like a different person, talking less and smiling less.

Mo Xun looked at her expressionless profile, wanting to say something, but not knowing what to say.

Both of them seemed to have something to say to each other, and they were waiting for the other to speak tacitly.

Su Yunshang knew that as long as he spoke, she would agree to anything.

However, Mo Xun just sighed in his heart.


Just as the two of them were thinking about their own things, a voice that was very familiar to both of them came.

When he saw Su Yunyi for the first time, she was still so stunning, but her hair...

Mo Xun looked behind her, a woman in her forties was holding a one or two-year-old baby.

The baby was delicate and beautiful, and his mouth kept sucking his little thumb. His big eyes stared curiously at the two strangers in the distance.

Next to the woman was a young man in his twenties, who looked handsome and had a bit of honesty on his face.

"Is she married?"

Mo Xun muttered to himself, but he was not sad, but unconsciously, he remembered that he was briefly absent-minded when he first met this young lady.

I guess many people in Baicaotang will feel lost!


"It's really Yunshang..."

Su Yunyi rushed forward and hugged Yunshang in her arms, tears streaming down her face in an instant.

At this moment, Su Sheng, the master of the Su family, rushed over with a group of servants.

When Su Sheng saw Yunshang, his body trembled involuntarily, and an excited smile appeared on his face, but when he saw Mo Xun next to him, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

He said with a sullen look: "Come here, take this thief down for me!"

In a moment, more than a dozen burly guards jumped out from all sides, each holding a sword in their hands, and surrounded Mo Xun with a fierce look.

Yunshang, who was crying and hugging Su Yunyi, saw this scene and hurriedly tried to stop it, but it was obviously too late.

Two of the big men, one on the left and one on the right, quickly rushed towards Mo Xun.

The moment he saw Su Sheng, Mo Xun had a cold smile on his face. He had forgotten about this old man who had no skills but liked to hide behind women.

Just as the two big hands were about to fall on his shoulders, Mo Xun moved his feet lightly and took a step back like a ghost. At the same time, he stretched out his hands and clasped the wrists of the two men tightly. He exerted force suddenly. After two crisp sounds of bones, the two men cried out in pain and half-knelt down.

Mo Xun kicked out with one foot, and one person flew out.

Before the others could react, another person flew out in the same way. Mo Xun's figure disappeared on the spot. In just two or three breaths, all the guards fell to the ground. For a while, wailing sounded in front of the Su family's door.

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