Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 20 The Secret of Heart Pills

Su Yunyi did not answer him directly, but turned around, took a small box from the bookshelf, and handed it to Mo Xun.

With doubts, Mo Xun slowly opened it, and there was a white porcelain bottle inside.

He looked at Su Yunyi and saw that the other party had no explanation, so he opened the porcelain bottle. Suddenly a medicinal fragrance filled the air. He sniffed it with his nose. After a while, he asked with some uncertainty: "Could this be a way to protect one's heart?" pill?"

Su Yunyi sat back on the opposite side and said somewhat mysteriously: "Yes...but not!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, not understanding what the other party meant.

"I'd better tell you the origin of this Baoxin Pill first!"

Mo Xun could only suppress his curiosity for the time being, staring at Su Yunyi, waiting for her next words.

He could probably feel that the medicinal fragrance did contain some spiritual power, but compared with the Baoxin Pill he had taken, it was very weak, and the taste was also very different.

Of course, the Baoxin Pill he got had been stored for who knows how many years. It is not surprising that there are some differences due to the deterioration of the medicinal properties.

"This Baoxin Pill was passed down from an ancestor of my Su family. It has been passed down to this day for about one or two hundred years. As for where it came from in the first place, it is no longer possible to verify, but by my father's generation, it is considered the ninth generation. Replacing.”

Mo Xun blinked, he was a little confused, why did Su Yunyi tell him this?

Although this kind of thing is not considered a secret of the Su family, it stands to reason that it is not enough for outsiders to know, right?

"At first, the ancestors of the Su family thought that the Baoxin Pill was only miraculous in healing injuries. Later, some warriors obtained it and found that the medicine was quite beneficial to those who practiced martial arts. That's why the Su family suffered this catastrophe tonight."

"Ever since the news about Baoxin Wan spread, almost every time Baoxin Wan comes out, the Su family will suffer this disaster!"

"But speaking of it, most of the reason why the Su family is able to achieve what it is today is due to Baoxinwanshang."

Mo Xun held the white porcelain bottle and was somewhat interested in talking about what Su Yunyi said. What he was more concerned about was what Su Yunyi's ambiguous answer just now meant.

"More than a hundred years ago, the Su family asked the imperial court for help in order to gain protection. This Baoxin Pill naturally became an offering. In fact, 90% of the Baoxin Pills prepared by the Su family each time ended up in the desert. "In the palace."

Seeing that Mo Xun was just listening quietly with no expression on his face, Su Yunyi suddenly asked: "Do you know what is the biggest difficulty in preparing this Baoxin Pill?"

Mo Xun wanted to shake his head, but felt that there was nothing to hide, so he said, "Is it a medicinal material?"

Su Yunyi looked at Mo Xun and said after a long time: "It seems that with Mr. Mo's ability, there is indeed a reason why he stayed in Baicaotang as a handyman."

At this point, Su Yunyi suddenly changed the topic and asked: "I guess the theft of the medicine field a few days ago is also related to sir, right?"

Although the words sounded like a question, the tone was gentler.

From Su Yunyi's point of view, what other reason could there be for an expert like Mo Xun to enter the Su family at this juncture and lurk in the Baicao Hall incognito, other than Baoxin Pill!

Mo Xun touched his nose awkwardly, not admitting it but not denying it either.

To say that he was not attracted to Baoxinwan would be a lie, but to say that the reason why he entered the Su family was indeed just for a living, who would have expected that in just over a year, his skills would become so great. Like!

Su Yunyi sighed softly in her heart. As the saying goes, good fortune and misfortune depend on each other. While Baoxinwan brought wealth to the Su family, it naturally had to bear risks.

It stands to reason that there is not much difference between Mo Xun and the masked man tonight. They both covet the Su family's Baoxin Pill, but the two methods are completely different.

At least Mo Xun didn't go on a killing spree in the Su family, and even came to the rescue tonight.

Of course, Su Yunyi was also betting on Mo Xun's character.

Seeing that Mo Xun did not answer, Su Yunyi had no intention of pursuing the question, and continued: "Sir, you are right, it is the medicinal material of Baoxin Pill."

Mo Xun composed himself, he wanted to hear this.

"There are three main ingredients in Baoxin Pills, which mature only every forty years. This is why this medicine is rare and precious."

Seeing that Mo Xun's face didn't show much surprise, Su Yunyi knew that Mo Xun also knew about this matter.

But before she could continue, Mo Xun spoke impatiently: "Miss, you just said that this medicine is both a Baoxin Pill and not. What do you mean?"

"This is what I want to talk about next... Originally every forty years, when the herbs matured, the Su family would prepare Baoxin Pills, but this time something unexpected happened... One of them was blindly The main medicine withered for no reason two years ago.”

Mo Xun frowned in confusion, withered for no reason?

"Then what's in this bottle..." Mo Xun raised the porcelain bottle in his hand and didn't understand what Su Yunyi meant for a while.

"This medicine can only be said to be a substitute for Baoxin Pills!"


"Exactly, since the main ingredient has never bloomed, it cannot be used as medicine. Therefore, after discussing with several gentlemen, I can only find some alternative medicinal materials. After a period of debugging, it can also exert some medicinal effects."

Only then did Mo Xun understand Su Yunyi's original words, and at the same time he also understood some of his previous doubts.

It stands to reason that the preparation of Baoxin Pill is relatively easy. The reason why the Su family took so long is that they must have been secretly adjusting the prescription.

At the same time, it also explained another doubt in his mind, why the gentleman from Baicaotang was involved!

"How much of the medicinal effect of the Heart-Protecting Pill can the one prepared now?" This is what Mo Xun is most concerned about at the moment.

"It's not clear yet, but in my opinion, it can at least have 40% to 50% of the original effect."

Looking at Su Yunyi's unconfident eyes, Mo Xun guessed that this estimate might be quite exaggerated. How could the recipe of the immortality pill be changed in a hurry?

As the saying goes, a slight difference can lead to a thousand miles of error. Let alone 40% to 50% of the effect, maybe the "Heart-Protecting Pill" in hand has already become other medicinal effects, and even has some toxicity or side effects.

The two of them fell silent for a while, each with different thoughts.

Whether the "Heart-Protecting Pill" is genuine or not is actually irrelevant to him. According to Su Yunyi, most of this medicine is to be tributed to the court. Even if the Su family can give it to him, it is very limited.

His current idea is whether he can get those main medicines from the Su family.

According to Su Yunyi, the medicinal materials are withered, and it is unknown whether the Su family has left any seeds.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun immediately asked, "Why did it wither?"

Su Yunyi shook her head, she didn't quite understand.

In fact, there are many reasons for the death of herbs, climate, temperature, humidity, pests, soil, etc.

"Regarding this main medicine, have you left any seeds?"

Su Yunyi sighed and shook her head again: "This medicine is unusual. It grows all year round. It blooms once every forty years. When making medicine, this flower is used as medicine. It has never produced fruits, so there are no seeds!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun's heart immediately chilled. He had also heard of herbs with this habit. They are perennial plants and can only be cultivated by transplanting.

"Does the Su family only have this one?"

Seeing Su Yunyi nod, with an expression on her face that didn't seem fake, Mo Xun didn't know whether he was lucky or unlucky.

He happened to encounter the Baoxin Pill that only came out once every forty years, and he also had the black soil that ripened against the sky, but the medicinal materials withered.

After a moment of silence, Su Yunyi said, "Mr. Mo, I have a request, please agree to it!"

Mo Xun was thinking about what Su Yunyi had just said, and nodded vaguely, indicating that the other party should continue.

"Although there is a problem with the medicinal materials, the Su family's tribute to the court is indispensable. Tonight's incident has caused the Su family to lose most of its strength, so I would like to ask you to help escort this batch of "Heart-Protecting Pills" to Beijing."

Mo Xun raised the porcelain bottle in his hand: "Is this what you mean?"


"But didn't you say that this medicine can only be a substitute? How dare you offer it to the court?"

Su Yunyi sighed bitterly: "This is also unavoidable. The Su family wants to maintain its former wealth and glory, so it can only take a risk. I hope that after so many years, no one knows the true efficacy of the Heart-Protecting Pills!"

Mo Xun understood in his heart that the Su family seemed to have no choice but to do so.

But in a flash, he suddenly realized a problem.

Could it be that Su Yunyi in front of him deliberately made up such a reason to deceive him?

In fact, it is entirely possible. After all, the strength he showed tonight inevitably made the Su family feel defensive, so they told him in advance that the Su family did not have the real heart-protecting pills.

These were nothing more than substitutes.

Mo Xun looked into Su Yunyi's eyes, trying to find some clues, but with his experience, he could not see any traces of pretense.

"If you agree, in addition to the heart-protecting pill in your hand, the Su family will have another reward after the matter is completed."

Mo Xun ignored this and asked: "Miss, since these medicines are just substitutes, why did you risk the Su family being wiped out when the gang of villains attacked tonight and were unwilling to hand over the medicine?"

This was a doubt that Mo Xun suddenly thought of. In his opinion, if the family was gone, what was the point of keeping these defective pills?

"Sir, you don't know that the heart-protecting pill in your hand is the first one that has been tested. Who knew that these people would come to kill us before the rest of the medicine could be prepared!"

If it was really as Su Yunyi said, Mo Xun could only laugh and laugh at the stupidity of these people!

Su Yunyi's face suddenly showed some anger: "After these thieves broke in, they killed everyone they saw. Even if there is only a defective substitute, I will never give it to them. It's nothing more than destroying everything together!"

Mo Xun frowned, and was not infected by the other party's resolute emotions. Instead, he became more suspicious. Su Yunyi's words seemed to be specifically said to him to dispel his suspicion.

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