Crisis Management Game

Chapter 18 Infiltration and Counter-Interception

The moment the gunfire rang out, Gu Ji was already holding a gun and rushing toward the target of the wine-red MPV, firing violently and shouting.

The muzzle velocity of the Type 56 submachine gun is as high as 700 meters per second, allowing it to penetrate a 6 mm thick steel plate at a distance of 100 meters, let alone the human body. Almost the moment he opened the door, the bullets he fired were The glass of the airport door was instantly shattered, hitting the first thug.

Bits of blood spurted out.

But the other police officers seemed to have not reacted for a while. Only Jillian and Jamie moved a little faster. After confirming with their eyes that the thugs were armed, they immediately joined them.

It wasn't until he shouted "fire" for the third time that the policemen raised their guns one by one. But by then the driver had woken up and suddenly stepped on the accelerator. The front tires made a screeching sound as they scratched the ground. With bursts of gray smoke, he roared and fled.

The gunshots suddenly stopped, and Gu Ji hurriedly took out a magazine and quickly replaced it, but the thug's car had disappeared from his sight, "Fuck!"

The police did not follow him immediately to focus their fire, and due to time constraints, many of them did not fill their magazines and ran out of ammunition after only firing a few rounds.

Such a good ambush opportunity was wasted.

If a dozen 56 guns were fired at the same time, forming a fire net to cover the MPV, the thugs would definitely die!



As soon as the gunfire stopped, the crowd immediately became panicked. Even though Ethiopia has frequent civil wars, there are still only a few incidents of crossfire attacks in the capital, let alone occasions like the international airport.

"Evacuate the crowd immediately and move the passengers to a safe location!"

Gu Ji returned to the lobby with a gun in his hand, "Contact the control center. Are the federal police and government troops providing support?"


An airport security officer stumbled and then quickly changed his words: "But we only contacted the federal police, not the military..."

"Contact me immediately, this group of people is not something ordinary police can deal with!"

Gu Ji glanced around and asked, "Who is the airport duty manager?"

"Me! I am..."

At this time, a middle-aged mixed-race man with brown skin and gray hair wearing a navy blue suit hurriedly squeezed out.

After confirming the silver badge on his chest, he continued: "Turn off the noisy fire alarm, contact the surveillance center immediately, and closely monitor all cameras inside and outside the airport. Give me a walkie-talkie. I must know the location of the thugs at all times. In addition, , get another airport building structure diagram, quickly!"

"Ah good!"

Gu Ji's voice was not loud, but his tone was cold, with a hint of unquestionable momentum. It was easy for the airport manager to obey his instructions. He pulled out a black walkie-talkie from his waist and handed it to him.

Gillian, who was observing from the sidelines, saw that he was issuing orders vigorously and resolutely. He looked like a commander who had been engaged in special operations or anti-terrorism operations. She couldn't help but ask: "Do you think the thugs will attack again?"

"90% probability, yes; this round of ambush will kill at most two of them, and the evidence in my hand is something they must not let go."

When she mentioned "evidence", Jillian thought of those photos, "Mr. Song, we have followed your request, now it's time to share the information you have..."


Halfway through the words, the huge white ceiling light in the atrium suddenly went out, and the entire terminal hall suddenly became dark.

After a delay of more than a second, the white emergency searchlights on the wall came on. Mixed with the sunlight reflected from the outside in the afternoon, it was not so dark that the faces could not be seen clearly.

"The battle is not over yet. When this crisis is resolved, I will give you what you want!"

Gu Ji's face twitched, he didn't expect the other party to be so eager to speak.

That's right, since it involved arms dealers, hundreds of innocent lives, and even attacked a 4D international airport for this reason, it was not a small case when you think about it.

"Zizi, command center, this is the control room. The circuit line of the main step-down station of the airport terminal has failed. We are trying to remotely start the backup power supply. However, the start-up failed. It is likely to need to be started manually. Currently, the airport is temporarily operated by emergency Power supply!"

Soon, a problem report from the airport control room came through the walkie-talkie in Gu Ji's hand.

He immediately pressed the main station button, "Monitoring center, can you hear me? Have you discovered anything over there?"

"This is the monitoring center. It was discovered that a dark red MPV attacked the main step-down station and broke the monitoring probe. They are currently moving to the north of the terminal."


Gu Ji narrowed his eyes.

Cut off the power, cause panic, disrupt vision, and the next step is...

While they were thinking, a series of gunshots suddenly struck from behind. Everyone turned around in a hurry. It came from behind the security checkpoint, the domestic boarding gate!

Da da da……

The bullets swept past, and the glass of the boarding gate cracked, and large pieces of debris fell to the ground, crackling like hailstones.

"Quick! Go to the boarding gate immediately!"

A federal policeman shouted quickly, holding a gun and coming to support.

But Gu Ji responded and said, "Don't go too many people. The thugs just suffered a loss in a frontal firefight with us, resulting in casualties and casualties. The firepower is not dominant. It is impossible to attack from the front from the first floor. It is just attacking in the east and attacking in the west!" "

At this point, he suddenly changed the topic, picked up the walkie-talkie and asked: "Where is the location of your monitoring center?"

"To the northwest of...the terminal."


After destroying the power supply, go around in a circle from the north. The next step is to break into the surveillance center and unplug their vision surveillance.

Don’t underestimate this point. In special counter-terrorism operations, intelligence is the first element, and any excellent tactics are customized based on intelligence. The party with a surveillance vision is equivalent to having a “God’s perspective” in the game, and can Keep track of the enemy's dynamics at all times, and as long as the firepower gap between the two sides is not too great, you can be completely invincible.

On the contrary, if there is no "field of view plug-in".

Now that the thugs have the structural diagram of the airport, coupled with the CQB's proficiency in coordinated operations, they can almost "pass unimpeded" in the terminal!

"Everyone, go to the police room immediately to sort out your equipment. Felson, arrange for seven people to guard the boarding gates on the first and second floors, the atrium of the second-floor stands, and the airport lobby on the first floor to prevent intrusions from broken windows and doors. "The rest of you, follow me to intercept the thugs from the side."

After figuring out the thugs' next attack target, Gu Ji spoke very quickly and began to make arrangements.

Fersen stared, as if he was completely stunned by the sudden appearance of this Asian man. From the moment he learned that thugs had attacked the main step-down station to the present, it only took him five or six seconds to formulate a detailed plan. The action plan, this experience was so terrifying that he even ignored why the other party could call him by his name.

There are two police offices at Ryde Airport, each with a total of six federal police officers.

Apart from maintaining order and arranging guard tasks, in the end it was still the "old men" from the previous round who were following Gu Ji, but this time Sam was missing.

“Where do we start with the interception?”

In the equipment warehouse of the police station, Jillian put on her body armor and asked while loading the magazine.

Gu Ji did not answer, but kept calmly arranging the equipment.

After a while, a young security man ran in panting, raised his mobile phone and said: "This... this is the fire map of the airport terminal taken by our duty manager. Do you think it's OK?"

Gu Ji took the phone and glanced at it. This fire map should be a promotional hanging board taken by the manager on a certain wall. Although the wall properties, structure, thickness, etc. were not marked, at least the location, function, and pipes of the room were clearly marked. , drainage system and other important factors.

In order to ensure a clear view of the boarding gate, airport terminals often use a large number of floor-to-ceiling windows at the gate and facing the runway, while the rest are brick walls.

Judging from the firepower configuration displayed by the thugs in the three rounds of death, the most powerful one is the 82-2 type grenade, which does not use high explosives or professional wall-breaking tools.

Otherwise, in the second round of the security inspection room, the thugs would have already deployed C4 from the non-load-bearing wall on the side to force the attack, so why waste time going around the ventilation duct.

Therefore, Gu Ji still prefers that they start with pipelines.

However, most of the air vents in the airport are concentrated on the ceiling, and the few vents on the exterior walls are also blocked by strong steel mesh to prevent cats, dogs, rats and other animals from entering.

Are there no other penetration points?

Gu Ji carefully zoomed in on the fire map and suddenly found a special room on the right side: the garbage disposal room!

In order to facilitate the centralized disposal of multi-layered garbage, large public places such as airports and shopping malls will set up special garbage treatment rooms, connected by a wide garbage lane.

He took another look at the location of the garbage disposal room, which happened to be not far from the monitoring center!

"This is right here, they should infiltrate through the garbage channel!"

Putting down the phone, Gu Ji pulled the bolt of the 56-charge gun with his backhand and glanced around the crowd, "Are you all ready?"


Everyone responded in unison.


After giving the order, Gu Ji immediately put his gun on his shoulder, pressed against the wall, and quickly moved towards the garbage disposal room marked on the fire map.

Behind him, Gillian and Jamie followed closely in position 2, followed by a few afros and middle-aged policemen, and finally Felsen was on guard.

Different intelligence information, different starts, and different firepower configurations between the enemy and ourselves have created two completely different tactical styles between Gu and Ji.

In the early stage, when the enemy is strong and we are weak, and the ultimate goal is unknown, he mainly focuses on survival and self-preservation.

Ever since he learned in the second round that the ultimate goal was to "protect airport passengers," his plan had to change. He could no longer focus on defense, not to mention that such a large airport had so many loopholes that he couldn't defend it.

This round's "start" was good. Not only did they injure the thugs, but they also allowed Gu Ji to concentrate all the police forces in the airport.

The firepower of both sides reversed.

Therefore, he decided to take the initiative, use offense as defense, intercept the thugs, and avoid as many civilian casualties as possible.

Follow the wall into the bathroom corridor.

In order not to affect the beauty of public areas, many airport offices and restaurant kitchens are actually hidden behind public areas.

Gu Ji walked through the corridor and came to a beige anti-theft iron door with a sign saying "No entry for non-staff". He pushed it open with a creak. With the echo, a musty smell that was slightly damp suddenly hit his nostrils. .

Because the airport's power system collapsed and only the emergency power supply was left, in addition to an emergency white light every ten meters, there were green-lighting escape signs on the walls.

After entering the corridor for a few seconds, his pupils began to gradually dilate and adapt to the dim light.

At this time, the intercom on his waist beeped, and the voice of the monitoring center came, "The thug's vehicle disappeared from the surveillance. The last place it appeared was on the northeast side of the terminal. Someone got out of the car, but soon The surveillance was broken and the number of people was not clearly seen."

"Hurry up and find a place to hide."

Gu Ji did not expect that this group of thugs would move so fast. After giving a reminder, he muted the sound of the intercom. It was still inconvenient without tactical headphones. "The thugs should have come in. Everyone, please be careful, especially pay attention." The sound above my head!”

Jillian looked up.

Looking at the dark plastic ceiling, I immediately thought that there were ventilation ducts inside, and I suddenly became nervous.

At this time, if a thug was lying inside and swept through the plastic board and the iron pipe, no one in the corridor would be able to escape.

Likewise, if they discover the thugs hiding inside in advance, the outcome will be the same.

This is the danger of CQB - indoor close quarters combat, because you never know whether you will encounter the enemy around the next corner.

Whoever dies first will die later.

The difference may only be a dozen milliseconds!

Put together, it is a big chapter. It will be launched for testing this week. This will determine whether it can continue to be recommended in the future. I hope you can support me a lot, especially by following up, collecting, recommending, monthly voting, giving rewards, and commenting. Thank you very much. !

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