Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2286: top of fairyland

   Chapter 2286 The top of the fairyland

  The corners of Lin Tian's mouth twitched, and he smiled evilly. The fire clone appeared, and he immediately shot out a thousand layers of magic fire palm.

   This palm, even if there is no overlap, but the power of the colorful fire of heaven and earth hit the severely injured body of Tianzun Fan, and he immediately took a step back in discomfort.

   Not only that, the colorful fire on the ground entangled him that day, scaring him crazy to put out the fire, and Lin Tian took this opportunity to condense another stroke and seal it.

   In an instant, the shackles entangled this Fan Tianzun and pulled the fairy soul out, which scared the Fan Tianzun anxiously, "I, I was wrong!"

   "Tell me, where is Tiangu, and what is the unified title you said." Lin Tian asked, and the Venerable Fan hurriedly said, "Master, don't tell me!"

   "Don't tell me? Then I'll see for myself!" After Lin Tian finished speaking, he pulled his immortal soul to him, and then entered the soul imprint.

   The memories of this Fan Tianzun entered Lin Tian's mind one by one.

"The top of the fairyland, how did I hear about this place before?" Lin Tian was puzzled, and the memory of that Fan Tianzun had been seen through, and he didn't hide it, "The top of the fairyland is hidden in a certain area of ​​the fairyland, and this No one has been to the area for many years, but it has been occupied by the people of us, and no magic weapon can be detected in that place."

   "No wonder, neither the yin and yang map of heaven and earth nor the means to fix the soul can find the exact location of Tiangu. It turned out to be in such a special place." Lin Tian was pleasantly surprised.

  Because Lin Tian guessed that Tianluo might be in that place, and Venerable Fan said nervously, "That special place, I was also told by the master, I only knew about it."

   "Then what is your unified title?"

   "The Immortals."

  Lin Tian was suspicious, "Xianmingren? Why is it called such a name?"

   "I don't know either. I only found out when I went there." After that, the other party took out a token with a few big characters engraved on it, "Xianmingren."

   "Are they all immortals inside?"

   "That's not true, there are many immortal emperors, and each of them is a god-level immortal person with excellent talent."

  Lin Tian's eyes flashed strangely, "God-level immortal."

   "Yes." Fan Tianzun said nervously, but Lin Tian had to pack up and said, "Return to your body and lead the way."


"Ah what? Do you want me to destroy you?" Lin Tian knocked the opponent back into his body, and that Fan Tianzun had already been imprinted with a soul imprint by Lin Tian, ​​so he didn't dare to make trouble, but he said nervously, "Lin Emperor, it's not me. Looking down on you, the top of the fairyland is really different."

   "What's the difference?"

   "There are many geniuses and strong abilities. Even if I am there, I am only a low-class person." This Fan Tianzun said nervously.

  Lin Tian said with a cold eye, "I'm going to find someone, whoever stops me will not get along with me!"

   Seeing Lin Tian's eyes, Fan Tianzun was frightened and said quickly, "I, I'll take you there."

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian opened the space seal and walked out of the stone statue with this Fan Tianzun, and the nine immortals outside the stone statue retreated after seeing Lin Tian coming out.

   Not only that, Fan Tianzun also came out, but when he stood behind Lin Tian, ​​he was respectful to Lin Tian.

   This made the Nine Great Immortal Venerables wonder what happened to their Sect Master, but Lin Tian didn't say anything, he took Fan Tianzun and left here without leaving a word.

   Daxianzun was blinded on the spot, and he didn't know what to do, but when Lin Tian was about to leave the Fanmen, Nangongyan wanted to come out.

  Lin Tian had to get her out, and Nangongyan stretched out her palm, it was Tianhanzhu.

   I saw Tianhanzhu suddenly fly to a place, and Lin Tian was suspicious, "What else is there in this mortal sect?"

  Nangongyan didn't know, but she said, "Big brother, let's go take a look."

   "En." Lin Tianen said, and immediately brought Fan Tianzun, and Fan Tianzun could only keep up with depression until they came to a lake.

   But this lake leads to a void, and the Sky Frost Pearl floats and spins on the lake.

   A vortex immediately appeared on the lake, but Nangongyan asked curiously, "Big brother, how does this lake lead to the sky?"

  Lin Tian looked at Fan Tianzun, and Fan Tianzun explained, "This is the fairy lake, which is connected to the sky, crosses the void, and enters the stars."

   "Void? Stars? Together with Tianlian? This is too miraculous." That Nangongyan was startled.

  Fan Tianzun explained, "It is said that this fairy lake existed in ancient times, but no one knows when it is, and I only know that when Fanmen was established here, there was this."

  Nangongyan was puzzled, and Lin Tian stared at Tianhanzhu until Tianhanzhu sucked out huge white ice cubes from the lake, and he was surprised, "Deep Sea Ice Immortal Stone."

   "Big brother, what is the Deep Sea Ice Immortal Stone?"

   "Deep Sea Ice Immortal Stone is said to condense only in a cold place, and this cold is so cold that even Immortal Venerable can't resist it."

   "Isn't it very cold under the lake?"

  Lin Tian suddenly became interested, "I'll go take a look."

  I saw Lin Tianshui stand up, one dived in, and entered the water, but at the beginning, the surface of the water was no different from ordinary water.

   But Lin Tian dived very deeply, the temperature was getting lower and lower, and he gradually saw deep sea ice.

  These ice cubes exude a powerful blue light, and after Lin Tian resisted it, he was startled when he saw these ice cubes, "So many."

   This can ruin Lin Tianle, so Lin Tianshui absorbs these deep sea ice crystals, because deep sea ice crystals are similar to heaven and earth colorful stones, once they are fused to the body, they can enhance the body's ice spells.

   So now Lin Tian is absorbing it like crazy, until after the water is saturated, Lin Tian swims back to the surface.

   However, at this moment, Nangong Yan was sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed, while the Sky Cold Pearl floated above her head.

   "How long has she been like this?"

   "She'll be like this shortly after you go down." This Fan Tianzun explained, and after Lin Tian understood, he sent Nangongyan and Tianhanzhu to the "lamp" time, so that she slowly had an epiphany.

  Lin Tian himself looked at this strange lake and muttered, "This fairy lake is really strange."

   "No, everyone calls it Tianhe."

  Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "Tianhe? It is estimated that only the God Realm has it."

   "God Realm?" Fan Tianzun was puzzled, but Lin Tian did not explain, and directly asked Fan Tianzun to take him to the so-called top of the fairyland.

   That Fan Tianzun had to lead the way.

  In this way, Lin Tian followed the pace of Venerable Fan, left Fan Gate, left Yunshang City, and finally disappeared on Fan Yunxing.


   Half a month later, Lin Tian was standing on a planet, and on a certain mountain on this planet, there was a ladder.

   This ladder is shining with white light, and it leads to a "planet" that is shining with white light not far above the head.

   "Can you get there if you go up here?"

   "Yes, going up here is the top of the Immortal Realm, but only immortals can step in, and outsiders will be killed on this ladder." The Venerable Fan said with an embarrassed look.

   (end of this chapter)

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