Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2271: Guardian of the Mountain

   Chapter 2271 The person who guards the mountain

  Lin Tian didn't take cracks seriously at the moment, so he asked directly, "Where?"

   "Sir, you're not really going, are you?" This Lord Lu Jin frowned, and Lin Tianen said, "That's right."

  Lu Jinye was a little nervous, "This crack."

   "Okay, stop talking, just lead the way." Lin Tian didn't want to listen to his nonsense, and this Lu Jinye had to lead the way.

   After about a while, I came to the bottom of a mountain, and there was an abyss under the mountain.

  Lu Jinye pointed to the bottom and said, "There are many cracks below, which lead directly to an abyss in the mortal gate, but these cracks, unless the Immortal Venerable has the ability to enter, there is no way for other fleshly bodies."

   Lin Tian released the earth clone and floated directly in the abyss, and when those flickering cracks passed by him, Lin Tian's clone was fine.

   Lord Lu Jin was dumbfounded, "This."

  Nangongyan looked at Lord Lu Jin and said with a smile, "Don't worry about my elder brother's ability, he is very scary."

   Lord Lu Jin looked embarrassed and said, "Sorry!"

  Lin Tian didn't speak, but he still got them all into the ghost book, and then he cloned himself, sneaked in one by one, and entered the crack.

The    earth clone, effortlessly, passed through those cracks and came to another abyss.

   After walking out of that abyss, it was like coming to another world, because the place is full of flowers and greens, and there are many medicinal herbs in the mountains.

   Not only that, but the fairy spirit emanating from the entire mountain range is also very strong.

   "It's estimated to be a nine-star supreme immortal vein." Lin Tian never expected that there would be such a place in this immortal world.

   After sighing for a while, Lin Tian released Lu Jinye and Nangongyan, and Lu Jinye saw that he had come to the back of their door, and said in surprise, "Really come."

  Nangongyan was attracted by the surrounding scene, looked around in surprise and said, "Big brother, the scenery here is really beautiful."

  Lin Tian smiled and looked at Lord Lu Jin, "Let's lead the way."

   "Sir, are you really going to find the sect master?"


   Lord Lu Jin frowned, but he was still very helpless to lead the way, and Nangongyan was like a flying bird, touching flowers here and stepping on grass there.

   Not only that, but Nangongyan was still humming a little song, but the good times didn't last long, and in the blink of an eye, many people came.

   These people are all dressed in blue and green clothes, and the leader of them also wears green bracelets on both hands.

   Lord Lu Jin was shocked when he saw this person.

   "Who are you?" the leader asked, and Lord Lu Jin quickly took out the token, "All of them belong to the mortal sect."

  The leader took the token, scanned it, and then looked at Lin Tian and Nangongyan, "I will also check your token."

  Nangongyan didn't know how to answer, so he could only look at Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian said, "I lost it."

   "Lost? Do you think we are fools?" The leader immediately became angry, while that Lu Jinye panicked, like a thief with a guilty conscience.

  Nangongyan was not afraid, and he was confident, "We didn't say you are fools."

   As soon as these words came out, those people were a little angry, and the person in the lead said, "I have never seen a rude girl like you in all the years I have been in the mortal sect."

   "That's because you don't know." Nangong Yan was not afraid at all, this person had no choice but to unleash a powerful aura, pressing Nangong Yan.

   Who knew that Nangongyan threw a bubble directly, trapping the other party there, and the man was shocked, and the others hurried to help.

  Lin Tian shook his head helplessly, and some of the ghosts spread out, condensing one after another, and locked their souls.

   These people never thought that Lin Tian, ​​the Immortal King, burst out so terrifyingly.

The man headed by    was even more anxious, "Do you know who I am? How dare you attack me!"

   "I don't care who you are." Lin Tian's words made the man annoyed, "I am the disciple of the Fan Sect guarding the mountain, Qin Ke."

Lin Tian didn't know what the guardian mountain was, but this Lu Jinye quickly said, "Sir, there are many mountains in our mortal sect, and these mountains have their own forces and leaders, and the guardian mountain is the biggest force. And that mountain master is still one of the elders of the Fan Sect, and as for this Qin guest, he is still the grandson of that elder."

   After Lu Jinye finished speaking, the Qin Ke said proudly, "Don't let me go? Do you want to wait for my grandfather to waste you all?"

  Nangongyan didn't listen to Qin Ke, nor was he frightened, but looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Big brother, what should I do?"

  Lin Tian was very calm, still staring at this Qin Ke and said, "I don't care who you are, as long as you don't cause me trouble, I will spare your life, but if you provoke me, you will be at your own risk!"

   This Qin Ke didn't expect Lin Tian to be so mad and said angrily, "You kid, you don't know how to live or die, right?"

"What do you think?" Lin Tian became cold, and Qin Ke became impatient, the bracelet in his hand began to flash green, and he hummed, "I have already called someone, and when we wait for the masters who guard the mountain, they will all rush Come, let's see if you're still dead."

  Lin Tian heard this and said helplessly, "I didn't want to waste my time, but you actually caused me such trouble, then, I don't need to be polite."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian dragged his immortal soul directly in front of him, but at this moment a black light flashed in the air, directly cutting off those chains, making Qin Ke's immortal soul quickly return to his body.

   Qin Ke turned pale with fright, while Lin Tian looked at a black shadow in the sky.

   Qin Ke said excitedly when he saw the shadow, "Senior Brother Kong!"

   "Who are these people?" The person named Senior Brother Kong asked vaguely, and the Qin guest immediately complained to Lin Tian and Nangongyan for being rude, and shouted, "They are definitely not from our mortal sect."

   The man named Senior Brother Kong stared at Lin Tian from there, "Boy, if you are not from the ordinary sect and dare to make trouble here, I will kill you."

   "Destroy me? Is it just you? That's still a bit difficult." Lin Tian smiled and looked at each other, and these mountain guards were amused by Lin Tian.

  Some people teased, "Boy, is that your ability? Is it a little difficult?"

   "Boy, do you know how to write about death?"

   "I really don't know whether to live or die."

  Qin Ke laughed even more, "Boy, our Senior Brother Kong is almost half a million immortals, do you know what half a million means?"

   "Don't talk about Immortal Venerable Shadow, it's Immortal Venerable, I don't care." Lin Tian's words made these people even more amused.

   That Senior Brother Kong waved his hand, and strands of black rays of light wrapped around Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian said with a smile, "He's a ghost practitioner again."

   "Boy, you actually know that I cultivate ghosts, then you should know that I can easily destroy your soul!" Brother Kong said coldly.

   (end of this chapter)

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