Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2195: He is the king of the cave

   Chapter 2195 He is the king of the cave

  The devil boy fought for a while, put away his spear, and looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Uncle Lin, there are a lot of these things."

   Lin Tianen said, "Then stop for a while."

   Gu Luotian said quickly, "Then let's withdraw."

  The old man was also a little worried, "How about, go?"

  Ke Lin Tian's soul power was turned on, and after these demon skeletons felt the powerful soul, they retreated one by one, as if they had seen something terrible.

   Seeing the reaction of these demon skeletons, Gu Luotian wondered, "This, what's going on?"

  The old man was also puzzled and stared at the demon skeletons who were retreating step by step. As for the demon boy, he thought it was very interesting, and he was still leading the way through these skeleton groups.

   After walking out of this canyon, the devil boy was overjoyed, "Uncle Lin, we're out."

   "Yes." Lin Tianen said, and walked out. At this time, Gu Luotian came out, staring at Lin Tian in confusion and asked, "Sir, what happened just now?"

  The old man was also very curious, and looked at Lin Tian, ​​while Lin Tian looked at the mountain in front and said, "Those demon skeletons, although powerful, are afraid of souls stronger than them."

   "Afraid of souls stronger than them?" Gu Luotian wondered, while the old man asked in surprise, "Are those demon skeletons afraid of me?"

  Gu Luotian was stunned for a moment and then stared at the old man, "Your soul is a bit strong, but not enough."

  The old man nodded and said, "No, when I went in and out, I also encountered those skeletons."

  Lin Tian didn't explain too much, but said as he walked, "Okay, it's alright, let's find the Demon King and talk about it."

  Gu Luotian was frightened, "Will this Demon King suddenly jump out, bite me, and kill me?"

  Lin Tian said coldly, "Maybe it will drag you away directly."

   "Ah, isn't it so scary, right?" The Gu Luotian said nervously, while the old man reminded, "Once this thing appears, you can only escape."

  Lin Tian stared at the old man, "Then hurry up and find your things."

   "Yes." The old man was stunned for a while, then nodded, and then began to look around, while Lin Tian was looking for a place to sit down. That Gu Luotian was puzzled, "Sir, are you not leaving?"

   "Don't go, wait." Lin Tian said, while Gu Luotian was startled, "Wait?"

   "Wait, wait for this Demon King to appear." Lin Tian said with a smile, while that Gu Luotian said embarrassedly, "Sir, are you really not afraid of death?"

   "I must find my apprentice, even if I die, I will see the body." Lin Tian said coldly, and that Gu Luotian was speechless.

The    demon boy looked around to see if he might find any demon king or something.

   Until a while, Mo Tong saw a red light in the distance, and immediately became excited, "Uncle Lin, look, there is a red light."

  Gu Luotian immediately looked over, and indeed saw a flash of red light, as if something had disappeared.

  Lin Tian laughed, "Don't worry about it."

   "Don't worry about it? Why?" The Gu Luotian was puzzled, and the devil boy also looked at Lin Tian in confusion, "Uncle Lin, aren't we here to find this devil king?"

   "Isn't the Demon King very powerful? Isn't he murderous? If he doesn't see us, he will come to kill us? Then why should we chase? Why don't we just let him come over?" Lin Tian smiled and looked at Gu Luotian.

  Gu Luotian thought it made sense, but he was still a little scared and said, "Sir, having said that, but that thing is really scary."

   "Wait." Lin Tian closed his eyes, while Gu Luotian was blinded, "Sir, are you really in no hurry?"

   "Wait." Lin Tian said that again, but Gu Luotian had to be on guard and stared at the place where the red light had appeared.

  The Demon Boy also held the Demon Dragon Spear. As for the old man who searched there for a long time and couldn't find anything, he came back in despair and said, "It is estimated that my things have been taken away by the Demon King."

   "Oh? What did you lose?" Lin Tian asked, and the old man sighed, "It's some herbs, and some medicine bottles."

  Lin Tian understood and said, "Then wait."

  The old man asked curiously, "Wait?"

   "Wait for the Demon King to come to us by himself." Lin Tian smiled at the old man, but the old man smiled and said, "Young man, you are so bold."

   "It's not big, how dare you stay here?" Lin Tian smiled at the old man, and the old man nodded, "That's right."

   After finishing speaking, the old man sat down and waited, while Lin Tian was also waiting there, until when it was very quiet, Lin Tian condensed a pen in his hand.

   Gu Luotian asked curiously, "Sir, what are you doing?"

   "I found the trace of the Demon King, let's see if I can force him out." Lin Tian said with a smile, while the Gu Luotian was suspicious, "Is it true or false?"


  The old man also looked at Lin Tian curiously, and Lin Tian hit countless shackles at this time, but these shackles were on the old man.

  The old man was stunned, "Young man, what are you doing?"

  Lin Tian smiled at him, "You are the Demon King."

   As soon as these words came out, Gu Luotian was shocked, and the old man stared, "I am the Demon King? What are you kidding?"

   "I'm not kidding, I just wanted to say, you are the Demon King." Lin Tian smiled at the old man.

  The old man stared at Lin Tian and asked strangely, "Young man, do you think I am the Demon King?"


   "What are you kidding me, how could I be the Sorcerer King?"

   That Gu Luotian didn't believe it, "Sir, he is obviously with us, how could he be the Demon King?"

   "He was with us in this mountain. Besides, have you seen the Demon King? How do you know what the Demon King looks like?" Lin Tian asked back, while Gu Luotian scratched his head, "This."

  The old man was anxious, "Boy, just because you haven't seen the Demon King and I appear in this mountain, you can't conclude that I am the Demon King, right?"

  Lin Tian smiled at the old man, "There is one more question."

"what is the problem?"

   "Tell me about the flowers and plants in the mountains and plains." Lin Tian laughed at the old man, and the old man asked suspiciously, "The flowers and plants in the mountains and fields?"

Lin Tian smiled slightly, "I can communicate with flowers and plants, that is to say, I can communicate with them, and there are so many herbs here, many of which have become refined, and you are here every day, they naturally know, the most important thing is that you are there Take care of these flowers and plants."

The old man's face began to change, and Lin Tian said, "As for you, you have never killed anyone, and the people who entered here by mistake, or who came to secretly pick flowers and plants, were actually just confused by you and sent to a special space. inside, so they can't come out."

  The old man had to quibble, "Then what happened to those skulls outside?"

   "Skulls? Those, although they are demon skeletons, they are just an illusion. It is estimated that those skeletons have long since disappeared." Lin Tian smiled at the old man.

  The old man's face changed, and the magic boy leaped out, then ran back and said excitedly, "Uncle Lin, the skeletons are indeed gone."

  Gu Luotian immediately widened his eyes and stared at the old man strangely.

   (end of this chapter)

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