Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2161: Simple Cultivation of Cepheus

   Chapter 2161 Simple Cultivation of Cepheus

   In the face of this Palace Master Wan's ridicule, Lin Tian didn't want to talk nonsense, he directly stretched out his right hand, and that You Wutian immediately reminded Palace Master Wan, "Palace Master, be careful of him."

   "What is this?" That Palace Master Wan didn't take it seriously, but at this time Lin Tian condensed his pen and stared at the Palace Master Wan with a weird smile.

   I saw countless shackles suddenly formed around this Mansion Master, and others were curious about what was going on.

  Palace Master Wan was so frightened that he quickly retreated and avoided the attack, but he felt a little empty in his heart.

  Lin Tian laughed and said, "What? Are you going to hide?"

   "Boy, don't be complacent, I just don't want to stand there like a fool and be dealt with by you!" Mansion Master Wan quibble.

  Lin Tian said, "Oh? Is that so?"

   At this time, the earth clone suddenly condensed the flesh behind this Wanfu Master, and a emptiness hit it down.

  Palace Master Wan never thought that Lin Tian could make a clone behind him so quickly, so that he couldn't dodge even if he wanted to, and was hit on the spot.

  The others were stunned, but Lin Tian smiled at the Palace Master Wan, "How is it? Are you still comfortable?"

  Palace Master Wan endured the pain, "Boy, I have nothing to do."

   "Oh? Then you should be careful." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he was about to continue his attack, but the Palace Master Wan immediately shouted to someone, "Wan Jingang, you go."

   At this moment, a big man jumped out, with golden light shining on his body, then clenched his fists, and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, it's time for me to take care of you."

   "Clean me up? You are naive!" Lin Tian laughed, but the big man snorted, his fists alternated, and punched countless shadows, but the ones he hit were all magic shadows.

   This made everyone wonder how Lin Tian did it, and the Palace Master Wan cursed inwardly, "Who is this kid?"

   At this moment, Lin Tiantu's clone appeared again and attacked the Mansion Master Wan, and the Mansion Master Wan screamed again, hid in the crowd and shouted, "Destroy him for me!"

  Those so-called geniuses surrounded Palace Master Wan one after another, and then stared at those phantoms attacking, and Yuan Lie sighed, "One Immortal King made Wan Xian Palace become like this?"

   Not only Yuan Lie, but many of the guards were shocked. After all, in their hearts, the Mansion of Ten Thousand Immortals, but the Immortal Mansion of Nine Stars, in the Immortal Realm, how to say, also has a face.

   But today, they saw the helplessness of these people, especially the geniuses led by Palace Master Wan, who couldn't hurt Lin Tiangeng at all.

   On the contrary, Lin Tian's ghost shadows and Lin Tian's earth avatar forced the Mansion Master Wan to dodge all kinds of people.

   That Wan Jingang, the big man, was in a hurry to throw his fists around, and Lin Tian surrounded him with a few ghosts, madly hitting the void.

  This big guy was crazy at first, but he lost his temper after a while, so he could only retreat in depression, "Palace Master, no, this guy has too many shadows, and he can't kill him at all."

   "Damn, withdraw, withdraw to the hall."


   These people retreated frantically, and then went to a hall in Wanxian Mansion one by one, and finally closed the door of the hall.

  The people of Wanxian Mansion were stunned, especially that You Wutian and others, they never thought that their Mansion Master and some geniuses would be forced away.

  Lin Tian came to the outside of the hall, smiled and looked inside, "What? Just relying on a hall, you want to resist me?"

  The Mansion Master snorted, "Boy, let me tell you, we have a peerless master here."

   "Peerless master?"

   "Yes, Immortal Emperor Nine Stars, has condensed a layer of Immortal Venerable Shadow!"

   Hearing the Immortal Venerable Shadow, everyone was startled, but Lin Tian was very calm, because he knew that Immortal Emperor Jiuxing would condense Immortal Venerable Shadow when he attacked Immortal Venerable.

   But the first level can't be compared with the real Immortal Venerable at all, but it is 999,999, just like the fairy way.

   Therefore, in Lin Tian's opinion, the first weight is garbage, and it even attracted a smile from Lin Tian, ​​"Don't mention the first weight, it is now, 200,000, 300,000 are coming, I'm not afraid."

  People didn't expect this Lin Tian to be so mad, and the Palace Master Wan said angrily, "You, if you have the ability, don't leave, I'll call him out."

   "If I don't leave, I will still go in." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he smashed the main hall door.

   The people inside were startled, while Lin Tian was standing there. Those people retreated one by one. As for the Mansion Master Wan, they had already fled, as if they were looking for someone.

  Lin Tian had to ask these people, "Where's your palace master?"

   "Look for someone from behind." Some people stammered, others stared at Lin Tian in horror, but Lin Tian smiled at them, "You, whoever wants to live, stand up."

   These people were frightened, so they had to stand out one after another, and the people from Wanxian Mansion who were watching outside sighed one by one, and some even said, "Even the geniuses have compromised."

   Who knew that Lin Tian said to them again, "The people of Jin Xiange, stand on the other side."

Those Jin Xiange people wondered why they had to stand on the other side, but they still did, and Lin Tian walked up to them, staring at these Jiuxing Immortal Emperor and Jin Xiange people with a smile, "I can spare you all. One life, but your cultivation base, you have to stay."

   These people were shocked, and at this time, the ghost king had passed through their bodies, and these people were even more cursing, and they wanted to make a move, but Lin Tian smiled at them and told them to stand up, so they didn't dare to move.

   Then these people became anxious one by one, and the connection that Wan Jingang was among them, and he said angrily, "Boy, we have all done according to you, you still want to take our cultivation base?"

   "It's good that I didn't let you all go to pieces, why? Still want to bargain?" Lin Tianbing said coldly.

   These people were suddenly speechless, while Immortal Emperor Lanjian and others outside were curious about what Lin Tian was going to do.

  I saw Lin Tian standing there, staring at the celestial body in his body, and finally read the "Immortal King" cultivation method, "Try the effect."

   Then Lin Tian ran the "Immortal King Art", and saw that after the operation, Lin Tian's Immortal Throne opened, and the cloud turned golden.

  Then the cloud and mist rolled over there, and the person in front of Jin Xiange suddenly released countless golden light from his body, and this golden light was absorbed by the cloud and mist of Lin Tian one by one.

   Not only that, those people's cultivation base went crazy backwards, and the people present were shocked.

  The people outside the hall were even more dumbfounded, and some people were even more glad that they were not the golden fairy.

  For Lin Tian, ​​after a while, he absorbed all the cultivation bases of seven or eight people to Cepheus, and this Cepheus changed from the size of a fist to the size of two fists.

   But Lin Tian knew that Cepheus had to reach the size of a basin to break through to the next level.

   "It seems that we have to absorb dozens of nine-star Immortal Emperor gold cultivation bases." Lin Tian muttered to himself.

   But everyone didn't know what Lin Tian was thinking, so they all looked at Lin Tian as if they were looking at monsters, and the Wan Jingang started to abuse Lin Tian after looking at the ruined cultivation base.

  Lin Tian glanced at him and said with a smile, "Isn't your fairy soul still there?"

   "You, are you giving alms?"

   "Otherwise? Do you want me to abolish your immortal soul too?" Lin Tian smiled and looked at him, while the Wan Jingang shivered with fright, "No, no need!"

   (end of this chapter)

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