Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2127: goddess status

   Chapter 2127 Goddess Statue Identity

  Tianmaru showed greedy eyes, "You know, why am I called Tianmaru?"

   "I don't know." Lin Tian stared at the old man with a curious look, while the Tianwan smiled strangely, "I like to eat the souls of geniuses, so I ate them all!"

  Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "You are really cruel."

   "What is this?" That Tianwan didn't take it seriously, but he stared at Lin Tian as if he wanted to eat Lin Tian's soul.

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "Don't have other thoughts, or you will regret it."

   "Boy, if it weren't for you saving me and breaking this formation, I would have eaten your soul long ago."

   "Eat me? Give you a hundred courage, but you don't dare." Lin Tian said confidently.

  Tianwan didn't expect Lin Tian to be so mad and laughed, "It seems that if I don't take care of you, you really think you are lawless."

   After finishing speaking, this Tianwan released a powerful aura, and one hundred thousand immortals, how terrifying, but Lin Tian still smiled at him as if nothing had happened.

  Tianwan punched out with a palm, and the palm turned into a blood-red sphere and hit Lin Tian heavily.

   Lin Tian was sent flying, and his golden body was cracked a little, but Lin Tian was fine, and got up and said with a smile, "Is this the power of your 100,000 Immortal Dao?"

  Tianwan was a little surprised, and stared at Lin Tian strangely, "Why are you alright?"

   "I said, you can't do anything about me, but you don't believe it." Lin Tian smiled confidently at him, and this Tian Wan began to look at Lin Tian curiously, "It seems that I really underestimated you."

After   , Tianwan turned into a blood-red afterimage, and Lin Tian looked closely and found that when the opponent was moving, there was also a blood-red tail.

   But the tail just flashed by, and Lin Tian laughed, "So, you are not human."

   This day, Tianwan had already hit Lin Tian with the palm of his hand, but Lin Tian was fine, but was blown away, and the Tianwan tail disappeared immediately, and said in surprise, "Have you found it?"

"Do you think you're hiding well?" Lin Tian got up and asked the other party with a smile, while the Tianwan put his hands on his back, "Yes, I'm not a human, but that's because I practiced a strange spell, and then I changed. become inhuman."

   Lin Tian replied, "I'm not interested in whether you are a human being, I'm only interested in the Moon Palace."

"What do you want to know?"

"Will you tell me?" Lin Tian suddenly asked curiously, and the Tianwan said, "The matter of the Moon Palace was originally a secret. Anyone who disclosed it would die, but I am different. I have left the Moon Palace. Bondage, even if I reveal it, it won't matter."

  Lin Tian laughed and said after hearing this, "Well, tell me, Moon Palace, what happened to the goddess statue?"

   Hearing the goddess statue, Tenmaru's expression changed inexplicably and then said, "Boy, can you change the subject?"

"I am very interested in this goddess statue." That Lin Tian stared at Tian Wan, but Tian Wan said, "Boy, although the Moon Palace, I can say a lot of things, but only this one thing I can't reveal. "


   "No reason!" Tian Wan refused to answer, but Lin Tian insisted, "If you don't tell me, I will pester you."

   "Tangle me? Do you think you are an immortal and can catch up with me? Don't be naive!"

  Lin Tian believed to himself, "You can try it!"

   "Just try it!" After Tian Wan finished speaking, he disappeared from his original position, and Lin Tian also disappeared from that day prison.

   But when Lin Tian came out, he saw countless banners dancing around Tian Wan, and these flags formed a barrier to trap Tian Wan inside.

   At the same time, the mysterious woman returned to the sedan chair again at this moment, and she couldn't see what she looked like, but the woman said to Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, we'll take care of you when we seal him."

   After hearing this, Lin Tian smiled at the struggling Tianwan, "Just tell me what I want and I will save you."

  Tianmaru said depressedly, "So can you save me?"

   "Why not?" Lin Tian said with a confident smile, while that Tianwan hesitated, "Okay, if you can get me out, I'll tell you."

Hearing Tian Wan's words, Lin Tian took control of his mind, and the banners disappeared one by one. Without the power of the banner, Tian Wan immediately became free, and quickly came to Lin Tian and said, "Boy, It's a bit of a skill."

   "It's okay." Lin Tian smiled confidently, and that Tianwan had the confidence of Lin Tian, ​​looked directly at the sedan chair in the air and said, "Stinky girl, you can't catch me."

   The woman was in a hurry, and warned Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, I advise you, don't come together with him, otherwise."

   "He has what I want, you say, should I help?" Lin Tian smiled at the woman, and the woman gritted her teeth angrily, "You."

   "What am I?" Lin Tian stared at the sedan chair and asked with a smile.

The woman in the sedan chair became more and more uneasy, and threatened that Tianwan, "Tianwan, you should know that you were once one of the ten guardians of the Moon Palace. If you tell the secret here, you will die. of."

   "If he hadn't rescued me, I'd probably have been trapped by you all the time, didn't I?" The Tenmaru asked back.

   The mysterious woman said angrily, "So, are you going to stand by him?"

   "Yes." The Tianwan affirmed, and the mysterious woman gritted her teeth, "If this is the case, then don't blame me for being rude."

After    finished speaking, the sedan chair disappeared, and those who danced the banner disappeared one by one, but the surrounding sky changed, and then there was fog everywhere, and finally Lin Tian and the two appeared in a forest.

   That Tenmaru cursed, "It's this rogue trick again."

   "What place is this?"

   "The misty forest in the Moon Palace." That Tianwan said depressedly, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "Can you be trapped like this?"

   "Don't underestimate this forest, it's like a labyrinth everywhere, and there's no way to leave." That Tenmaru gave up.

   But Lin Tian stared at the sky, "I was in a similar land of ice and snow before and escaped, so I think it should be similar here."

  Tianmaru was overjoyed, "Really?"

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "Of course it is, but before you go out, you have to answer my question."

   "Goddess statue?" That Tianwan had expected it, and Lin Tianen said, "That's right."

  Tianwan sighed, "Boy, I advise you not to ask this, or you will regret it."


  Tianwan looked ugly, "That's what I said."

  Lin Tian listened quietly, and the Tianwan said as soon as he opened his mouth, "The Palace Lord of the Moon King Palace is the prototype of this goddess statue, but no one has seen her, only that this goddess is taller than our Moon King Palace."

   "Haven't seen her?"

   "Yes, I haven't seen her, but I heard from some old guys that she is the master of Moon King, and whoever gets her favor can leave Moon King, but it's just a rumor."

  Lin Tian said suspiciously after hearing this, "Then why are you so afraid of her?"

"It is said that someone once went to the main hall of the Moon Palace and smashed the statue of the goddess, and then that person died. There are also rumors that the more things about the statue of the goddess are revealed, the faster he will die." That day Maru explained.

   (end of this chapter)

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