Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2074: people's doubts

   Chapter 2074 The doubts of everyone

  In this arena, Lin Tianxiao looked at the Sanghua City Lord, "I'm optimistic."

  Sanghua City Lord stared at Lin Tian curiously and said, "I want to see what abilities you have."

   Lin Tian smiled slightly, the deity began to exude ghost energy, and at the same time, a pen appeared in Lin Tian's hand, and it was a pen transformed by ghost energy.

   Then Lin Tian began to paint here, and the next moment, countless chains appeared and entangled the Sanghua City Lord one by one.

  Sanghua City Lord couldn't see the difference between the chains, so she asked curiously, "What is this?"

  Lin Tian didn't say a word, just danced the "pen" in his hand, and the immortal soul of the Sanghua City Lord broke away from the body little by little, which shocked the Sanghua City Lord.

  Lin Tian looked at her with a smile, "Do you want to explode with all your strength, or give up."

  Sanghua City Lord chose the latter, and quickly said, "I admit defeat!"

   When the people outside heard that they conceded defeat, they were all shocked, and some people were even more curious about what happened in the arena and why this Sanghua City Lord chose to concede defeat.

  Lin Tian had to put away his power, and the ghost disappeared, and the arena returned to calm, but the Sanghua City Lord lost his face, as if something major happened just now.

  Guardian Jiao was even more worried, "Palace Master, are you alright?"

  Sanghua City Lord shook his head, "I'm fine!"

   But everyone with discernment knows that something must have happened to the Sanghua City Lord just now, but Lin Tian was very calm, still staring at the Sanghua City Lord and said with a smile, "Are you so willing to admit defeat?"

   "If you lose, you lose, there's nothing to say." Sanghua City Lord faced it calmly, but Lin Tian had to say with a smile, "Well, do you want to give me whatever I ask you to give me now?"

   "Yes, as long as I can afford it, I will give it." The Sanghua City Lord was very straightforward, but everyone looked envious.

  Lin Tian stared at Sanghua City Lord for a while and said, "I haven't figured it out yet. When I figure it out, I'll find you again."

   "Yes." Sanghua City Lord finished speaking and left with a leap, leaving only a bunch of petals on the arena.

  Guard Jiao had no choice but to leave with someone, but the scene was lively, and many people from big families came forward to invite.

But Lin Tian refused one by one, and led Dongfang Qingming out of the crowd. As for the Immortal Emperor Lanjian, he couldn't help but ask, "Sir, what did you do to that city lord? Why did she turn pale with fright. "

   "Her fairy soul was almost pulled out by me and sealed." Lin Tian said with a smile, while Immortal Emperor Lanjian gasped, "Have you learned the skills there?"

   Dongfang Qingming was also amazed, "You learned it in just a few days?"

   "It's been a few days outside, but inside my magic weapon, it's been several years." Lin Tian said with a smile.

   Dongfang Qingming and Immortal Emperor Lanjian were stunned for a while, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "Okay, let's go back to the inn first, there are too many people here."

   The other two hurried back to the inn, and the masked woman who was watching from a distance said, "What a terrible person."

  The maid was very happy, "Miss, he won, so he is still free."

   "What about being free? Do you think he will go to our Wen's house?" The masked woman asked back, and the maid hesitated, "That's better than surrendering to Sanghua City."

   "That's right, at least it won't be too bad." The masked woman muttered, but at this time the maid pointed to a place, "Miss, look, the Jiang family is here too."

   The masked woman frowned, "The people of the Jiang family have always been vicious and vicious, and they will do anything to achieve their goals."

   The maid said in surprise, "Could it be that the Jiang family would look for that kid?"

   "Definitely, there is the Ning family." The masked woman looked at Erye Ning on the other side, her expression dignified.

   "What should we do then?" The maid became anxious, and the masked woman said helplessly, "With our strength, we can't stop it, so we can only see."

  The maid snorted and watched silently. As for the masked woman, she brought her to follow.


   At the moment in the City Lord's Mansion, outside a study, the guard Jiao said urgently, "Palace Lord, what happened, why did you admit defeat."

   "You think I conceded defeat on purpose?" the Sanghua City Lord inside asked, while the guard Jiao hesitated, "With the power of the Palace Lord, you can completely ignore any of his attacks."

   "Ignore? You probably don't know how terrifying the thaumaturgy he just performed."


   "Yes, a kind of thaumaturgy that can pull people's immortal souls and seal immortal souls." The Sanghua City Lord thought at this moment, and he was still afraid for a while.

   "Soul Sealing Thaumaturgy? Could it be the rumored soul painting technique?" The Jiao guard was suspicious, while Sanghua City Lord hesitated, "I can't guarantee it, but it should be similar."

  Guard Jiao was stunned, "If this is the case, then this kid is simply too scary."

   "But other people don't know, so those family members will definitely mess with him, and what you have to do now is to spy on him, and at the same time, let our people not disturb him."

   "Then if the people of these families are in the city, should we come forward?" Jiao Huwei hesitated.

   "If you come forward, you may not be able to stop it, so you can figure it out. If it's not too much trouble, treat it as nothing happened. If they make a mess in my city, it won't work."

   "Understood." After the guard Jiao finished speaking, he turned around and left, while Sanghua City Lord muttered, "I'll see if you can survive in front of the five major families."


  Lin Tian was in the inn. Before he could sit still, there was a knock on the door, and a voice asked, "Mr. Lin, we belong to the Jiang family, can we talk about it?"

   "My lord, I don't have time." The Blue Sword Immortal Emperor refused, and the people outside became persistent, "Our Jiangbian, the first five families, have the greatest potential, so if Mr. Lin is willing to join us, he will definitely rise to the top in the future."

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian said impatiently, "It's no longer necessary, why are you so persistent?"

   At this moment, a yin and yang strange voice came from outside the door, "Please also ask Mr. Lin to think carefully, otherwise the consequences will be very serious."

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian said with contempt, "Consequences? Are you trying to threaten us adults? Then you should not have such thoughts."

   The people from the Jiang family outside became more and more impatient, and the person who took the lead finally said, "Then you can do it yourself!"

   After finishing speaking, the Jiang family left, and the Immortal Emperor Lanjian looked at Lin Tian after heaving a sigh of relief, "My lord, drive them away."

  Lin Tian laughed, "Next, there will be a lot of interesting things."

   "Sir, what do you mean?"

   "As far as I know, this Jiang family is the most insidious family among the five major families, and in order to achieve their goals, they will do anything to achieve their goals." Lin Tian said with a smile, and the Immortal Emperor Lanjian gasped, "So terrible?"

   Dongfang Qingming said strangely, "It's so dangerous, you still stay in this city?"

   (end of this chapter)

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