Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2014: so deceitful

   Chapter 2014 What a lie

   Yan Jiu'an said coldly, "You brought him, and of course you used you to threaten him."

   "Me? Threatening him?" Dongfang Qingming suddenly felt a chill and looked aggrieved, but Lin Tian, ​​who was not far away, smiled and said, "He is your apprentice."

   "Huh, what about the apprentice?" Yan Jiu'an disagreed, while Dongfang Qingming was anxious, "Master!"

   "Don't call me master! You traitor!" That Yan Jiu'an glared.

   This made Dongfang Qingming feel very uncomfortable. He stared at Yan Jiu'an and said, "Master, I really didn't betray!"

   "Because of you, Elder Tao, and a group of disciples died, isn't it a betrayal?"

   Dongfang Qingming was very aggrieved after being wronged, "They asked for it by themselves, and I didn't mess with them!"

   "It's useless for you to argue, anyway, you betrayed the alliance, I won't make it easier for you." After speaking, this Yan Jiu'an stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, if you don't want him to die, just surrender obediently."

  Dongfang Qingming said in an uncomfortable tone, "Master, it's useless, I have nothing to do with him, it's useless for you to threaten me."

   "Shut up!" Yan Jiu'an shouted, while Dongfang Qingming was very depressed, but he didn't know what to do.

  Lin Tian stared at the palm of Yan Jiu'an that turned into bones and said with a smile, "You are cruel enough."

   "Boy, stop talking nonsense, just ask you! Surrender or not?" That Yan Jiu'an shouted, but Lin Tian went to laugh and said, "Then you do it, anyway, he is dead, it has nothing to do with me."

   "Really?" Yan Jiu'an's eyes flashed coldly, and the palm that turned into a bone was retracted and hit this Dongfang Qingming directly on the back.

   Dongfang Qingming screamed, and blood and bones appeared on his back.

   Everyone gasped, but Yan Jiu'an still stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, do I ask you to surrender again?"

   "It's no use if you kill him."

   "You!" Yan Jiu'an was so angry that he slapped this Dongfang Qingming again, and Dongfang Qingming was instantly in a coma.

   Yan Jiu'an was so angry that he threw this Dongfang Qingming aside, "Trash!"

   Everyone didn't know what to do, but that Yan Jiu'an shouted, "What are you doing? Take that kid down for me!"

   "Yes!" Those people continued to surround and suppress the ghosts of Lin Tian, ​​and the members of the alliance could only clean up these ghosts one by one.

  Lin Tian knew how powerful these people were. If he shot directly here, he would not be able to do anything to them, so Lin Tian planned to separate them.

   So Lin Tian's deity and some ghosts first attracted a few immortal emperors away one by one.

   After about a while, Lin Tian stood on a tree and smiled at the few immortal emperors in front of him, "Are you chasing so closely?"

   At this moment, these people thought that it was still a ghost standing there, so they didn't take it seriously. Some people even said, "Boy, surrender now."

  Lin Tian laughed and said, "You really think that I can't help you?"

   "Bullshit, we are Immortal Emperors. With a single thought, we can raze you and this place to the ground." Someone said proudly.

   The others followed suit, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "The objects of this ghostly star are all very hard. Although you are Immortal Emperors, you may not be able to destroy this place at once."

   "Stop talking nonsense!" Someone said unhappily after being exposed, but Lin Tian smiled, "Then I won't talk, just play with you!"

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian took out the Tianyin Qin, and when these people saw it for the first time, they didn't know what it was, so they looked at it curiously.

   But when the voice sounded, these immortal emperors felt uncomfortable, and then they stepped back to avoid the sound, and some people even scolded, "Fortunately, we are immortal emperors!"

  Lin Tian had to admire, "The Immortal Emperor's reaction is fast, and he didn't even hurt you."

   These Immortal Emperors are proud of each other, and some people even said, "Boy, give up and fight against our group of Immortal Emperors, you will not have a good result."

  Lin Tian smiled at them, "Don't worry, this is just the beginning."

"It's like you have a way to deal with us." Immortal Emperor Yi laughed even more, while Lin Tian smiled, but he muttered to himself, "It seems that if you want to hurt them, you have to let them be fooled. "

   "Boy, don't be in a daze, continue if you can!"

  Lin Tian looked back at these people with a smile, "So, let's play a game."

   "Playing games?" These people looked at each other, while Lin Tianen said, "Yes."

  Someone wondered, "What's breaking the game?"

   "How about I attack you once and you attack me once?" Lin Tian smiled at these people.

   These people thought they heard it wrong, and some people said strangely, "You attack us once?"

   "Yes!" Lin Tian nodded and said, but these people were dubious, and some even said, "You are a shadow, do you think I'm stupid?"

   "No, I'm the deity." Lin Tian smiled at them, and someone wanted to cheat Lin Tian, ​​so he said to Lin Tian, ​​"Come on, you attack me once, and I will attack you again."

   "Are you sure?" Lin Tian looked at the immortal emperor, and the immortal emperor believed in himself, "I am an immortal emperor, so I can still lie?"

  Lin Tian smiled slightly, took a leap, and landed in front of them. These Immortal Emperors were about to move, but they still held back, while the Immortal Emperor walked out and asked, "Are you sure I will attack first?"


   The flames flashed across the man's body immediately, and Lin Tian's deity immediately turned into a fire clone, so that when the opponent's attack landed on Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian's body became a sea of ​​fire everywhere.

  Everyone laughed immediately, and someone said proudly, "Look, this is not a shadow."

   "No, I thought it was a shadow too!"

   "Although it's not a shadow, this guy is too crazy, and now it is estimated that he will be madly killed by himself."

   "Yes, arrogance must die!"

   But after a while, the flame disappeared, and Lin Tian's avatar stood there intact and said with a smile, "Is it my turn?"

   Everyone was shocked, and the Immortal Emperor said strangely, "Why are you alright?"

   "Of course I have my own way."

   The Immortal Emperor had no choice but to say, "Come on! I'm still afraid that you won't succeed?"

   The other immortal emperors encouraged the immortal emperor, and the immortal emperor said confidently, "It's just an immortal, I'm not afraid!"

  Lin Tian smiled at the Immortal Emperor, "Then don't hide!"

   "Nonsense, I won't hide!" The other party stood there, opened a fairy hood to protect himself, and planned all attacks by local Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian secretly laughed in his heart, "I am arrogant, there is only one result in the end!"

  I saw Lin Tian cast a black shadow with one hand. It was actually the Ghost King, and the Ghost King was treated like an attack, and penetrated into the Immortal Qi hood, passed through the Immortal Qi hood, and entered the Immortal Emperor's body.

Everyone wondered what Lin Tian was attacking just now, and why he could pass through the fairy hood, and the person who was hit didn't think much of it at first, so he said proudly, "Boy, you see, the power of your fairy is that Rubbish!"

   (end of this chapter)

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