Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1928: valuable news

   Chapter 1928 Valuable news

   After hearing this, the door owner frowned, "I'll go and ask my ancestors about this matter, and you guys will be rectified here."

  Ximen was full of kindness, and the door owner asked the elder to stay and guard the last people of Huotianmen with everyone.

  The sect master himself went back to find Lin Tian, ​​while Lin Tian was still setting up the formation.

   "What? Is there something wrong?" Lin Tian asked curiously after seeing the door owner who was standing there and didn't come in, but the door owner said embarrassedly, "Ancestor, something has changed."

   "Oh? Say."

   The sect master said what happened just now, and finally said ashamed, "In these years, I only cared about my own cultivation, and I didn't care about Huotianmen, which caused the people below to become like this."

   "So, most people have defected?"


  Lin Tian understood and said, "You don't have to worry too much. After all, these people joined later, and they don't really want to stay in Huotianmen."

   "But there are already very few people in Huotianmen, and now that they are gone, they are even more pitiful." The door owner looked ashamed.

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry, when Fairy Huoyao's injury is healed, she will lead you to a stronger one."

   Fairy Huoyao who was there agreed with Lin Tian's point of view, and said, "You can take care of the rest with peace of mind."

   "But I'm afraid, those who escaped will attract some people who shouldn't come." The door owner said anxiously.

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "I will go out and change the formation for you, and this formation, without your permission, no outsiders can come in."

   "Really?" The door owner was surprised, and Lin Tian released countless ghosts at this time, and let the door owner lead the way.

   Fairy Huoyao who was in the pool looked at the deity Lin Tian and said, "Master, I really made you laugh."

   "That's the case in Immortal Realm. Not to mention these disciples, even those closest to you may betray you, so you must be extra careful."

   "Yes, Master, I understand." Fairy Huoyao nodded, while Lin Tian smiled and continued to set up there.

   However, Lin Tian's other ghosts have already transformed these formations one by one in Huotianmen.

  Qingyan, who had already escaped from here, rushed to Huoyuan City with a group of people.

   "Master, are we leaving like this?" That Su Mushan was very unwilling, while that Qingyan said very unwillingly, "This Great Elder, obviously with us, why did he hurt me?"

  Su Mushan also didn't understand, "Could it be that this Great Elder is a double-faced person?"

   "Damn, I must avenge this revenge!" Qing Yan was annoyed, and Su Mushan said anxiously, "Then what should we do now?"

  Qingyan looked at the people around him, "We have so many people, just go to Huoyuan City to join the City Lord's Mansion, join the Aotian Immortal Mansion, and still be able to eat and drink spicy food."

   "That's right." That Su Mushan said excitedly, while Qingyan hummed, "Let's go, let's go to the city for a while."

   "Yes." After Su Mushan said kindly, he took everyone to go.

  These more than 1,000 people suddenly appeared in Huoyuan City, which alerted the city owner's mansion, causing the city owner of Huoyuan City to come, and sent people to surround the Qingyan and others, "What are you doing?"

  Qingyan stared at the city lord with thick eyebrows and big eyes and said with a smile, "City Lord Yan, we are here to rely on you and join Aotian Immortal Mansion by the way."

   "Follow us? Wouldn't it be some bandits in the mountains, or some other immortal mansion mixed in with us?" The city owner showed a strange look.

   Qingyan immediately explained, "No, we were originally from Huotianmen, and now we quit Huotianmen and join you."

   "Huotianmen?" The city owner was even more surprised, and Qingyan said with kindness, "Yes, Huotianmen, once the Nine Star Immortal Gate, has since declined and has been hidden on this planet."

  The city owner gradually recovered, and then said strangely, "Do you think I am easy to deceive?"

   "I really didn't lie to you!" The Qingyan became anxious, but the city lord was still a little worried and was going to drive these people away.

   But that Su Mushan stared at the announcements on the street, and said excitedly, "Master, look at those announcements."

  Qingyan glanced at it and was immediately startled, "Is it him?"

  The city owner looked at the posted portrait, "What? You know him?"

  Qingyan said, "I know it when it turns into ashes!"

"Oh? Let's talk about it!" The city lord immediately became energetic, and Qing Yan saw that the city lord was so anxious to find Lin Tianhou and said suspiciously, "You can reward 10 million immortal stones for the trace of one person, isn't this person very good? value?"

  The city lord quickly cleaned up his mood and said, "This is the person that Aotian Immortal Mansion has specially requested to find, so if you are careful, hurry up and say, if it is really accurate, we will definitely give you ten million."

   "I don't want 10 million, I want a condition." That Qingyan stared at the city lord with a half-smile.

   "What conditions?"

   "Let's join the Aotian Immortal Mansion, and I need at least a ninth-rank official, while my apprentice is an eighth-rank, and the others are at least seventh-rank, how?" The city master said the same.

   The city owner was immediately startled, "I'm only Rank 7, and you need Rank 9 as soon as you open your mouth. Isn't that too much appetite?"

   "I think this news must be very important. If you can't decide, you can ask the owner of Aotian Immortal Mansion, otherwise we will leave." The Qingyan said hard-to-get.

   When the city owner heard this, he immediately said anxiously, "You wait, I will communicate with the above."

   "Okay, I'll wait."

  Then the city lord arranged for someone to watch these people, and he went to communicate. As for Su Mushan, he asked curiously, "Master, what is the origin of this kid, and why does this Aotian Immortal Mansion pay a lot of money to find him."

   "This guy, either he stole someone's stuff, or he cheated on someone's stuff, so people can't wait to catch him." Qing Yan guessed.

  Su Mushan thinks it makes sense, but at this time the city lord ran over excitedly, "You all go to the city lord's mansion and wait, and then the mansion lord of our Aotian Immortal Mansion and the general will come."

   "What? Come here?" Qing Yan was a little surprised, obviously not expecting that Lin Tian's news would have such a big effect.

  Ensheng, the city lord, quickly invited these people to the city lord's mansion, while Su Mushan and Qingyan were more curious about Lin Tian's identity, and at the same time discussed the conditions they gave to Aotian Immortal Mansion.

   "Master, do you think this Palace Master of Aotian Immortal Palace will agree to our conditions?"

   "It should be no problem depending on the situation." Qing Yan explained, and Su Mushan said excitedly, "If this is the case, then we can walk sideways in Aotian Immortal Mansion in the future."

   "Keep a low profile and talk about it later." Qing Yan said with a smile.

   "Yes." Su Mushan said with kindness, and Palace Lord Ao, Ao Changbai and others appeared in the City Lord's Palace one after another.

   However, Palace Master Ao and Ao Changbai were very weak due to their immortal souls being abolished, and they could only rely on some medicinal pills to maintain them.

   Not only that, this Spring Breeze Lei also followed them, until the Palace Master hurriedly pointed at Qing Yan and others, and then said to Palace Master Ao and the others, "Everyone, it's these people, they know the whereabouts of the person on the portrait!"

   (end of this chapter)

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