Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1421: funny kill temple

   Chapter 1421 Interesting Killing Temple

   At the inn, Shui Wu looked at Lin Tian with admiration, but she soon returned to the divine way, "Now that we have a portrait of this person, we can find him."

   "This city is small, but there are many people. If the other party is wearing a mask or something, it will be very difficult to find." Lin Tian said a word, making Shui Wu depressed, "What should I do?"

   "This, wait for him to deliver it himself." Lin Tian smiled, while Shui Wu said depressedly, "Wait for him to deliver it himself? Are you kidding me?"

  Lin Tian opened his mouth and said, "The world is so big that there are many magic weapons that cannot be discarded."

"Can't be discarded? What do you mean?" Shui Wu was puzzled, and Master Fu was astonished, "It is rumored that if the soul-breaking needle is destroyed, there will be a trace of soul in it, and this soul is the master's soul, if this soul is within three days. , before returning to the master, this soul will disappear, then its master, the soul power will be greatly reduced, the cultivation base will also be greatly reduced, and it may even go crazy."

  Shui Wu was overjoyed, "Then quickly destroy this needle."

Master   Fu attacked, "It's very difficult to destroy the soul-breaking needle, and it's even more difficult to capture the trace of the soul inside."

  Shui Wu was disappointed and said, "Isn't that unable to catch people again?"

   Seeing Shui Wu like this, the king at the observation platform smiled and said, "This girl, thought it was so easy to find a killer."

   But at this moment, Lin Tian suddenly held the needle, and then the needle began to break into pieces little by little, and the black mass inside was directly wrapped by Lin Tian with a stream of air.

   The king said in surprise, "Is it just ruined?"

   Not only the country lord, but Master Fu in the inn was also stunned, "I said, is there anything you can't do?"

  The eighth prince was even more happy, "Master, you are really amazing."

  Shui Wu didn't want to admit it, but she urged, "Can you find this guy?"

   "Don't worry, he will deliver it himself." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he held the mass of qi, and then slammed it a few times, screaming from the qi.

  Shui Wu immediately said excitedly after hearing the sound, "Hey, there is a sound."

  The master of the anger said anxiously, "You, what are you doing?"

   "If you don't want to die, just get out of here." The Shui Wu said coldly, while the man said depressedly, "I'm just a killer, just doing a mission, why bother with me."

   "I don't care if you are a killer or what, as long as you kill someone, you have to come over to me." The Shui Wu continued to shout.

   The man was depressed, "I said everyone, even if you call me over, I can't tell you who is going to kill you. After all, this is a killer mission, and no killer will know who posted it."

  Shui Wu didn't believe it, and shouted, "Can't you come over?"

   At this moment, a figure came out of the inn with a look of alertness, and the water dancer immediately stepped forward, punching and kicking directly.

  The killer didn't dare to resist, who let his life be held by Lin Tian, ​​and the eighth prince stopped after seeing Shui Wu's fight, "Let him speak."

  Shui Wu relieved her breath, "It's all you."

   "I'm just doing a mission."

   "You can kill someone by doing a mission?" Shui Wu took out her sword and wanted to stab him to death, but the man said depressedly, "Even if you kill me, it's useless."

   "Who said it's useless? At least relieve your anger." The Shui Wu was about to swing his sword, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry, I want to have a good chat with him."

  Shui Wu was stunned and said, "What are you talking about?"

  Lin Tian looked at him, "If you don't want to die, just follow me."

   The killer followed Lin Tian's footsteps in confusion, while Lin Tian asked the innkeeper to open a room and went upstairs.

  Shui Wu and others were going to follow, but Lin Tian closed the door and said to the people outside, "Wait outside."

  The killer didn't understand why Lin Tian let those people outside, but Lin Tian looked inside the house and started to set up the formation again.

  The next moment, everyone in the observation deck could not see the situation in the house at all, but could only see the darkness.

  The Hall Master Yan said immediately, "This kid, he won't let us see it."

  The king laughed and said, "This genius doctor is a bit interesting."

   The Cang Palace Master asked, "The King, do you want to arrest the killer for questioning?"

   "No, leave it to them. After all, the killer is caught, and we can't ask anything." The king said.

   Palace Master Cang had no choice but to express his kindness, while the Palace Master Yan groaned inwardly, "Even if your kid can find this killer, so what? It's still impossible to convict this city lord's mansion."

   At this moment in the inn, the killer was puzzled, "Why are you doing so much?"

  Lin Tian smiled at him, "I don't want people to know about the next thing."

   After saying that, Lin Tian put one hand on the other's forehead, and the other side immediately avoided, "What are you doing?"

   "If you don't want to die, come here."

The   killer was anxious, "You man."

   "A trace of your soul is in my hand." Lin Tian held the trace of soul, and the man gritted his teeth and had to come to Lin Tian.

  When Lin Tian entered the soul imprint and read his memory, the talent looked at Lin Tian later and said, "You."

   "Your name is Sha Tianyan?"

   "Yes." The killer nodded, and Lin Tian smiled at the killer, "I saw your memory, it is indeed the killer's mission."

   Sha Tianyan immediately said excitedly, "You can't find anything from me, then you can let me go."

   "No, I want you to do one thing." Lin Tian stared at Sha Tianyan, and Sha Tianyan said depressedly, "What's the matter?"

   "There will be killers coming to us one after another and hindering us. I need you to lead those killers, don't let them mess with us."

   Sha Tianyan immediately said embarrassedly, "Sir, killers are originally unrestrained, and they won't listen to others, and once they have a task, they will execute the task."

  Lin Tian muttered to himself, "It seems that this killer world has to be taken down quickly."

   "Sir, what's the matter with you?"

   "Where is this place where tasks are issued?"

   "The Temple of Killing in the City."

   "Kill the Temple?"

   "Yes, in every city, there is a Temple of Killing, and tasks will be issued in it."

"How do I get the reward after completing the task?" Lin Tian asked, and the killing Tianyan explained, "Every time you complete a task, you only need to place one hand on the stone statue of the God of Killing in the Temple of Death, and inject the process screen of completing the task into it. , the stone statue of killing God will judge whether you have completed it, and then give you a reward.

  Lin Tian smiled after hearing this, "Then you kill this captain this time, is it a new mission?"

"Yes, after I received the quest that was just released, I hurriedly arrived." After Sha Tianyan finished speaking, he also took out a black token, "This is a quest token for killers, all the time, it will come from all over the world. I just happened to be nearby, so I decided to get the quest reward after I solved it."

  Lin Tian took the token and smiled, "Killer mission order?"


  Lin Tian smiled, "Looks like I'm going to this Temple of Killing."

   "It's no use if you go."


   "Yes, if anyone dares to destroy the Temple of Killing, that is against the killers, so they will become a death warrant and will never be released." The killing Tianyan explained.

"Could it be that the task will still be lifted?" Lin Tianxiao asked, Sha Tianyan explained, "General tasks have a time limit, so the longer the time, the more money it will cost, so the average person will only be limited for a few days, beyond this day, That mission is ineffective."

  Lin Tian smiled strangely, "Then I want to try this Death Wanted, what's it like."

   "Death is wanted, not only are all killers wanted, but they may also attract people to kill the Temple of Immortals."

   "Killing Immortal Hall?"

"Yes, it is rumored that the Killing Temple is run by the Killing Immortal Temple, which is independent of Kyushu and does not belong to any power, but no one knows where it is, nor how terrifying the people in it are." The killing Tianyan explained. .

   (end of this chapter)

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