Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1401: teach

   Chapter 1401 Teaching

  Ma Guishi was furious in his consciousness space, "Who, get out of here."

  Zeng Xiaoyao hid in the space of consciousness and said with a smile, "My lord wants to see you."

   After saying that, Zeng Xiaoyao directly injured Ma Guishi who was seriously injured, then controlled his body, got up and walked out of here.

  The third prince hurriedly said after seeing Ma Guishi get up and leave, "Master, where are you going?"

   "I have something to do, don't get in my way." The horse ghost master said with a yin and yang peculiar air, then jumped and left the yard.

  The Fourth Prince said, "Why, there is no reliable one."

  The third prince's face was ugly, "I have used all the means I can use, and now I am afraid I can only wait until the time of the game before attacking him."

  The fourth prince gritted his teeth, "I don't know what this third round compares to."

   "No matter what it is, just wait." The third prince was very helpless, and the third prince became a little timid when he saw everyone like this.

   At this moment, Lin Tian, ​​who was in an inn, was resting when a person suddenly came in outside the window and stood in front of Lin Tian respectfully, "Sir."

   "Well, not bad." Lin Tian smiled, while the little fat man was stunned, "What's the situation?"

  Lin Tianxie smiled, "This guy's soul was injured by me, and now he is being controlled by Zeng Xiaoyao!"

   Little Fatty immediately felt interesting when he heard it, and Lin Tian put one hand on the forehead of this horse ghost master, and his consciousness penetrated.

   In this consciousness space, the seriously injured soul of the Ma Guishi was bound by Zeng Xiaoyao, until Lin Tian came in, the Ma Guishi glared, "It's you."

   "How are you, are you feeling well?" Lin Tian smiled at Ma Guishi, but Ma Guishi was annoyed, "Boy, believe it or not I'll kill you?"

   "Just you? Then you come, let me see how capable your severely injured soul is." Lin Tian smiled at the horse ghost master.

  Ma Guishi said angrily, "Boy, I'm just injured now."

   "I don't care if you are injured or not, anyway, in my eyes, you are just a little ant." Lin Tianxie smiled.

When   Ma Guishi heard this, he gritted his teeth angrily, "Boy, do you think I really can't help you?"

   "Oh? If you have any means, just come." Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, and the horse ghost master hummed, "I'm a ghost cultivator. Without my body, I can still exist."

   "That's the case, but only if your soul can escape this space." Lin Tian smiled at the horse ghost master.

  Ma Guishi wanted to escape, but Lin Tian and Zeng Xiaoyao stared at him, leaving him nowhere to escape. This made him grit his teeth, "What do you want?"

   "Follow me and do things for me." Lin Tian smiled at him, while Ma Guishi glared, "What do you mean."

   "You only need to agree or not, the rest, I will tell you slowly after I surrender to you."

   "Boy, I'm the number one ghost cultivator in the Water Country. You asked me to submit to you? What about my face?"

   "Number one? How come there are so many number one people in this water country?" Lin Tian smiled helplessly when he thought of what he had encountered during this time.

   "I was originally the number one in the water country."

  Lin Tian was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, just asked again, "You only need to agree or not, and don't talk nonsense."

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian's emptiness was released and wrapped around him, and the horse ghost Xiu immediately wilted, and said to Lin Tian in fright, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

   "It's almost the same." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he put a soul mark on the other party's soul, and then said to him, "Now, go to the underworld for me, and rush to the Nine Nether Ghost Capital."

   "Ah? Go to Jiuyou Ghost Capital? Why?"

   "You're here, I'll tell you again." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he let the ghost of Ma Guixiu leave.

  Ma Guixiu was helpless, so he could only enter the underworld with his soul, and under Lin Tian’s injunction, he rushed to Jiuyou Ghost Capital.

   Zeng Xiaoyao temporarily used this Ma Guixiu's body, and Lin Tian withdrew from this body and said with a smile, "You control this body first."

   "Yes, my lord."

  Lin Tian then let Zeng Xiaoyao leave, but the little fat man was curious, "Boss, why do you want to control this body?"

   "The people inside, I'm useful." Lin Tian thought of Ma Guixiu who went to the underworld, and smiled, but the little fat man didn't quite understand.

  Lin Tian didn't explain much, but rested there.


   At the moment in the National Teacher's Mansion, Shui Liu was reading a book in the study, while Shui Wu rushed in angrily, "Master."

   "Ninth Princess, who is messing with you again?" That Shui Liu put down the book in his hand, looked at his apprentice and said with a smile.

  Shui Wu said depressedly, "During this time, I met a strange guy."

   "Strange guy?"

   "Yes, this guy has become the master of my Eighth Emperor, and he seems to have some skills." Shui Wu said immediately.

   "Isn't this good?" Shui Liu asked with a smile, while Shui Wu said depressedly, "It's good, but it's a bit too good, which makes me suspect that he has no other purpose."

"Oh? Let's talk about it." Shui Liu smiled at Shui Wu, and Shui Wu explained Lin Tian's abilities one by one, and finally asked, "Master, what do you say about such a person in our country of water, It is also a top-notch existence, but I have never heard of it before, until it suddenly appeared when the prince was selected recently."

  Shui Liu smiled after hearing this, "So, you suspect that there is something wrong with him."

   "Yes, but I don't have any hands to investigate, so I want to come to you and ask you to help investigate her well to see what's going on." This Shui Wu looked forward to.

   Who knows, Shui Liu smiled at Shui Wu, "Girl, this person, the president of the executive court has already investigated."

   "Is there a problem with that?" Shui Wu asked expectantly, while Shui Liu smiled, "No problem."

  Shui Wu breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine."

   "But he's really good at it. If you can, you have to treat people well."

"Treat him well? Why?" Shui Wu was depressed, while Shui Liu smiled and said, "Think about it, if you don't treat him well, with his ability, he can choose another prince or princess at any time, then he will help you. The Eighth Emperor?"

   Shui Wu was stunned and said, "That's right."

   "So, you have to respect others well, and if possible, treat him like your master or master on the spot."

   "Master, Shizu? Dreaming, just him?" The Shui Wu immediately objected, and Shui Liu smiled and said, "Don't you want to learn some great skills?"

   "Master, you are already very good. If you want to learn, I will also ask you to learn."

  Shui Liu shook his head, "There are many of his abilities that your master doesn't know about me."

   "How is that possible." Shui Wu didn't believe it, but Shui Liu smiled, "Nine princesses, the world is so big, not only your master is powerful, but some people are even more powerful than your master."

   Hearing this, Shui Wu was still not reconciled, "No, my master is number one in the world."

   "You girl, I've already said what I should say. Whether it's for your Eighth Emperor Brother or for yourself, you have to treat others better, you know?" Shui Liu said with a smile.

   (end of this chapter)

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