Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 930 930 [The advantage is mine] Please vote for me (*ˊˋ)

Chapter 930 930 [The advantage is mine] Please vote for me (ˊˋ)

"Why don't you say anything?" The woman scratched the barrier patiently, "If they are really useful, you don't have to look for them..."

The "sea" beneath him suddenly boiled.

Something as sharp as a blade broke through the barrier from bottom to top, slicing through it like several long knives juxtaposed. The tentacle that was "knocking on the door" was drawn in and violently torn into countless pieces of flesh.

A vigorous figure flashed in the "sea". The mermaid breaks out of the water and creates huge waves.

Her slender fish tail circled Jiang Xia, and her nails stretched out without knowing when, like a knife with a curve, whirling in the wind, they cut heavily towards the entangled "thing" behind Jiang Xia.

The mermaid was originally a large ghost close to human size, and just now he secretly took a few bites of ghost mint that floated into the pattern space. At this time, her body stretched out and instantly expanded to several times its original size. Her fangs and sharp teeth were like guillotines.

The tentacles wrapped around Jiang Xia's body broke apart, and the mucus splashed all over the mermaid.

The disgusting touch made her ferocious expression freeze slightly.

After a while, the mermaid moved quietly and secretly rubbed its tail on Jiang Xia's back.

While using the psychic as a bath towel, the mermaid rolled Jiang Xia back diligently and separated from the woman in an instant. When dragging the psychic master away, the mermaid did not forget to sweep out her tail in the opposite direction. .

The translucent tail fin that was originally as thin as gauze was now as sharp as a diamond steel knife. The woman leaned back suddenly, and her head suddenly split from the middle.

No blood splattered.

All the "creatures" here only appear to be "alive", but they are all incorporeal.

The woman's head was split in two, but the person did not fall. The smaller half of her head gradually turned black and became darker in color, turning into something similar to the pile of tentacles.

The other half of the face still looks like a living human being. Her complexion is cool white and pink, her eyes are bright, and even her lips are still bright and soft.

She looked at Jiang Xia, who was swept away by the mermaid, and paused for a long time, her expression slowly becoming aggrieved: "Your ghost is so vicious, acting without the owner's orders, and secretly eating murderous intent... It's really too much."

Mermaid: "!"

The cheating was suddenly revealed, and she felt very embarrassed. Originally, the mermaid had no intention of attacking again, but now its fangs and sharp teeth were sharpened again, as if it wanted to rush in and fight.

But before that, Jiang Xia grabbed her tail and stopped her.

Jiang Xia glanced at the "woman" opposite and looked away because of the ugliness: "Who asked you to scold her in front of her face?"

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something and looked down at his feet.

Across the thick blue "lake water", you can see that in the space of the pattern, other ghosts seem to want to come over.

It's just that this "water" is much thicker than they expected. The foggy dog ​​was firmly stuck as soon as it came up. When it flapped its wings, it sucked in all the ghosts around it. Only the mermaid with good water ability escaped.

Jiang Xia: "..."...What a shame.

He pretended not to see anything and looked away as if nothing had happened.

Then suddenly he was startled, noticed something, and looked towards the sky.

After a while, Jiang Xia reached out and patted the mermaid: "Go back."

...By the way, take the unlucky ghosts down, "I'm leaving."

The mermaid glared angrily at the tentacle opposite. Compared to usual times, her entire fish was now enlarged several times. It was as big as a statue in the square, standing on the lake, looking down at the woman opposite.

However, even though she was the one who seemed to have the upper hand, the mermaid seemed to have some vague fear and never rushed over.

And now...

Hearing that Jiang Xia was leaving, the mermaid hesitated for a while, but decided not to do anything else.

She plunged into the "water surface", went straight down, passed through the barrier that the tentacles could not pass through, and then slapped the foggy dog ​​stuck in the water back to the pattern space with her tail, and the other ghosts followed suit and rolled back.

Soon, nothing could be seen from the water below.

The tentacles watched jealously as the merman passed through the barrier.

After a moment, she raised her head, put away all negative expressions, looked at Jiang Xia, the tentacles buried under the water, and quietly hugged him without giving up.

But before closing, Jiang Xia's figure flashed, disappearing out of thin air just like Noah disappeared from the fireplace.

——The "fish" he wanted to catch finally followed his trail and chased him. No need to stay here as bait.

On the "sea" surface.

The surrounding tentacles slowly closed and hugged a ball of air.

The woman walked through the sea water to the place where Jiang Xia last appeared.

She slowly leaned down and gently touched the water surface. The light in her eyes was no longer suppressed, and was far hotter than before.

Half of the face that was cut open returned to its original appearance at some point, intact as before.

The tentacles formed by swelling of the limbs also gradually melted away. She turned back into the beautiful "girl" of unknown age.

Not a few seconds passed.

The air was slightly distorted.

A figure appeared out of thin air and landed on the water.

——Noah followed the "path into the body" left by Jiang Xia and found it.

This time, he was much more prepared than before. A faint electric light floated in Noah's right hand. The electric current did not look violent, but it was enough to briefly affect the surrounding consciousness space. In other words, it could be used to deal with other souls.

This is Noah’s “weapon” when he goes all out.

Noah, who landed on the sea, suddenly felt that he had an entity.

He thought he had directly entered "Jiang Xia's" body, and opened his eyes with a slight surprise - he did not expect that Jiang Xia really had no defense against his soul. In this way, you can save the time of "seizing the body" and directly use this body to fight Sindora.

But when I opened my eyes, I saw my surroundings clearly for a moment.

Noah was stunned.

——This is not the Mihua Municipal Building.

Rather, it is a space that reaches as far as the eye can see.

What he stepped on was not the "soft carpet" he imagined, but a clear sea.

"..." Before he could figure out where he was lost. Noah's eyes suddenly paused.

——Nearly a hundred meters away, there was a "person".

That was a woman of indescribable age. She was kneeling on the ground, her face touching the water intimately. At this time, he seemed to be alarmed by Noah's appearance. He slowly sat upright and raised his eyes to look over.

That kind of "beauty" that has accumulated over the years and seems to carry countless complex cores seems to have exceeded the limits of human imagination.

Even though it was an artificial intelligence and only a ten-year-old child, when Noah looked at her, he couldn't help but blush and subconsciously looked away.

However, half of it is sane artificial intelligence after all. Moreover, he is still young and has a natural resistance to "beauty".

Noah quickly calmed down.


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