Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 881 I really don’t want to die

in the corridor. Kinoshita Yoko and Yue Yexue entered the living room, intending to rehearse their debut song and the details of various blessings.

Vodka looked at the cute clothes in Yoko Kinoshita's hands, her feet moved before her brain, and she followed them to the living room.

However, as he approached the door of the living room, Vodka keenly sensed something was wrong.

He turned around quickly.

After Jiang Xia left the balcony, she didn't come to the living room to join everyone. Instead, she turned to the right, as if she was about to go out.

Vodka: "...?"

He stared alertly for a moment, walked over quickly, stopped the person, and asked in a cautious whisper: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's just that someone outside may be in danger. I'm going out to check the situation." Jiang Xia was not as sneaky as him, and her voice was normal, "I don't need help... you can stay."

Vodka: "...??"

While he was thinking suspiciously, Jiang Xia pushed him away, pushed the door open, and went straight downstairs.

Jian Xiong Du also walked back from the balcony.

He looked at Jiang Xia's back and nodded towards Vodka, half as a greeting and half as a sincere emotion: "What a dedicated young man."

Vodka: "..."

... Dedication is really dedicated.

It’s just that I’m afraid it’s not the kind of “dedication” you think of.

Jian Xiong Du pushed the door open and entered the living room.

When the door opened, the faint laughter of three young idols could be heard inside.

Vodka, who was standing in the corridor, couldn't help but turn his head and take a look.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally followed Jian Xiongdu and entered the door together.

——To be fair, of course Vodka would rather stay here than hang out with Uzo.

Judging from this point alone, everything seemed to be developing according to his wishes.

But the problem is, Vodka discovered that this also developed in accordance with Uzo's wishes - just now Uzo specifically asked him to stay here.

...It's a good thing, but there is a bad element like "Uzo thinks it's wonderful".

In Vodka's eyes, the originally warm and happy scene suddenly became terrifying.

It was like sitting lively with a table of people, toasting to celebrate. He raised his hand to put a shoulder to the brother sitting next to him, but when he stretched out his hand, he touched the puppet string hanging on the other person's head. After I woke up and took a closer look, I saw that the people around me were all rejoicing. Their heads were all connected to a thread, and their every move was hung by the thread. The expressions on their faces seemed to be arranged in a template production...

——I originally thought it was "complete" and "warmth". In fact, it was just a scene deliberately arranged by the mastermind with evil intentions.

What's even more frightening is that the man behind the scenes is still a crazy pervert. No one knows what he will do next with this scene.

"..." Thinking of this, Vodka suddenly felt on pins and needles. He even touched his head subconsciously.

Of course, things didn't go in the direction of a horror story - there were no weird threads on his head. The same goes for others.

But Vodka still can't rest assured.

He was sitting among a group of young and beautiful idols, but he had no intention of enjoying himself and looked around warily.

After observing for a while, I suddenly smelled a smell of oil smoke.

Vodka was startled, followed the smell, and saw Xiong Du, a busy broker.

"..." Vodka was silent for a moment, stood up, walked to Jian Xiongdu, leaned close to him and asked in a low voice, "Were you cooking just now?"

The agent nodded doubtfully.

Originally, this was a very common problem.

But Vodka's solemn attitude, with even a little cold sweat on his forehead, made Maxiong Atsushi unable to help but tense up.

He unconsciously lowered his voice and whispered like two undercover spies: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Vodka frowned, but his voice was still very low: "Have you turned off the fire? Is there still a gas valve?"

"...?" The manager nodded doubtfully, "Of course, the last dish has been prepared just now."


After hearing this, Vodka still felt uneasy. I went into the kitchen and took a look myself.

The gas valve is indeed closed and the pipes are normal. There is no peculiar smell in the kitchen except for the aroma of vegetables, and there is no unpleasant gas leakage.

After thinking for a moment, Vodka leaned out the window again, sniffed carefully, and found that there was no problem upstairs or downstairs.

...At least for now, there won't be a terrible reversal like "when everyone is having a happy gathering, the gas suddenly explodes and everyone is in a pot".

Next to him, Ma Xiongdu didn't know what happened, and followed Vodka with a question mark.

"Detective Assistant Mr. Yamada" finally stopped after performing a series of quite professional operations.

Seeing this, Ma Xiongdu approached carefully and respectfully asked in the tone of consulting a professional: "What happened?"

"...It seems that nothing is wrong at the moment." Vodka still dared not let go of his heart.

However, after personally confirming the living environment, he was not as nervous as before, and returned to the living room with Ma Xiongdu.

Vodka sat back on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief.

——Think about it, simple and crude things like "a sudden explosion blowing a group of people into the sky" are what the organization and Gin love to do. This doesn’t fit Uzo’s aesthetic.

In other words, Uzo is not very interested in any action such as "killing a bunch of people with artillery fire", and may feel it is a waste.

Vodka always feels better than rough cleaning. Uzo, a pervert, must prefer to keep people alive and kill them slowly one by one. Before killing, you probably have to poke the deceased and the murderer carefully to let them show a sufficiently exciting reaction, so that you can make the best use of them.

...In other words, as long as you stay with other people at all times, pay more attention to what you put in your mouth, and don't eat poison by mistake, it's actually quite safe.

Speaking of this, Vodka suddenly thought: the last time he met Uzo and Bourbon at the seance ceremony and was forced by those two bastards to eat two anesthetic snacks, it happened to be when he was "alone".

Thinking of this, Vodka felt happy, feeling that he held the key to the path of survival when facing Uzo.

But at this time, he also realized another thing.

Speaking of being single...

Miss Xiaoxun is taking a bath alone in the bathroom! !

Vodka stood up and wanted to rush to the bathroom.

But he soon woke up again:

Kaoru Kusano was taking a bath. He looked like a pervert when he rushed over like this. If he had done that, maybe someone else would have called the police as soon as he knocked on the door, causing the police to carefully investigate him as a "peeping tom."

And his "Yamada Taro" certificate was fake. Uzzo himself said it: When serving as a witness, those certificates could be deceived, but they could not withstand careful inspection. And once you are targeted by the police because of "false evidence"...

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