Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 878 Gold Medal Vodka-Happy New Year!

At this time, in Kaoru Kusano's apartment.

Vodka, who was suddenly stared at by Jiang Xia: "..."

Jiang Xia was talking to Hoshino Terumi just now, and it was impossible for Vodka not to listen carefully.

So now, he immediately understood what Jiang Xia meant - he was asking for his autograph.

Vodka: "..."... Just now in the club, his action of secretly transferring the signature book was seen by Uzo?

...Obviously Wuzo's back was turned to him at that time. Did this guy have extraordinary powers of observation and could tell his movements just by hearing, or was all of this... all part of his calculations?

A little cold sweat appeared on Vodka's forehead.

He looked at Jiang Xia's hand reaching out to him and was silent for a moment. I really want to say "What autograph book? Aren't we not prepared?"... to embarrass this cunning young man in front of Hoshino Terumi.

But ideals should be ideals, and reality should be reality...

A second later, Vodka opened his bag silently. . .

…It’s not that he’s worried about Uzo’s revenge after losing face.

The main thing is, if you think about it carefully: Uzuo is not star-chasing, and he can even give away such precious out-of-print posters. The so-called "celebrity autographs" are probably just a piece of waste paper in Uzuo's eyes.

In other words, the signatures that are coming now are all his vodka's, rounded off.

... Such a wonderful thing, you would be a fool not to cooperate!

I have been working as a vodka assistant for a long time and I have a good way of organizing items.

He quickly dug out the fresh signature book he had just hidden and handed it to Jiang Xia together with the signature pen.

Thinking of all the characters that Uzo had installed on him before. Vodka tried hard to imagine the other person as Gin, and there was some respect in his movements.

Jiang Xia took the booklet with satisfaction.

He opened the blank page, signed his name, and handed the signature book and signature pen to Hoshino Terumi.

Hoshino Terumi reservedly reached out and took it, then carefully tore off the signed page along the edge.

Then she signed her name on the newly exposed blank page.

After a pause, I looked at the black and white words on the signature book, but I still felt that it wasn't special enough.

Hoshino Terumi was silent for a moment, and suddenly remembered Yue Yexue's signature method.

She stared at the autograph book and hesitated for several seconds. Finally, she suddenly raised it higher, kissed it lightly on the paper, and put her lips on it.

Then she cleared her throat nonchalantly, shook it to dry, closed the autograph book, and handed it back to Jiang Xia: "Here."

...Stars sometimes chase stars.

Hoshino Terumi often appears in detective dramas. On the one hand, it's because she behaves like a mature and calm person from the inside out, which is very suitable for a role in this kind of drama. Secondly, she is very interested in detective scripts.

She has loved detective-related things since she was a child: mystery novels, mystery TV series, various movies, and of course various detectives - Hoshino Terumi used to be a die-hard fan of Kudo Shinichi.

However, a while ago, Kudo Shinichi suddenly disappeared for some unknown reason.

Hoshino Terumi looked through the relevant news with disappointment every day. In the end, she did not see Kudo Shinichi appear. Instead, she accidentally saw the strange headline "Kudo Shinichi's Classmate Possessed by the Dead Soul".

At first, Hoshino Terumi clicked on the news, and when she saw the news related to Jiang Xia, she kept a critical and critical eye, staring at the guy who was enjoying her idol's popularity across the newspaper.

However, I saw more later...

Hoshino Terumi took Jiang Xia's signature and rummaged around in her bag for a while. Finally, she found a magazine that she carried with her and tucked the signature page in smoothly.

Then she turned around with a cold look on her face, pretended to be reading a magazine, unfolded the pages, and admired them secretly.

Looking at Jiang Xia's signature in black and white, Hoshino Terumi felt vaguely regretful: It's a pity that she is still a bit thin-skinned and embarrassed to press Jiang Xia to apply lipstick and then let him kiss the paper. Otherwise, if Jiang Xia also gets a lip print like her, she can create a unique pair of signatures. That would be wonderful...

With a hint of strange regret in her contentment, she closed the pages of the book and put them away carefully.

the other side.

Jiang Xia also admired Hoshino Terumi's signature and then closed the signature book.

I was about to hand the extra luggage to the tool man and let him take it.

But before he could make any move, a pair of hands suddenly stretched out respectfully from beside him.

Jiang Xia: "...?"

Turning around, he saw Vodka holding out his hand, looking like an assistant - he seemed to be planning to take the autograph book and put it back into the detective tool box.

Jiang Xia was silent for a moment, took her bag, and stuffed the book inside in front of Vodka.

Vodka: "...?"

He had no choice but to raise his hand as if nothing had happened, pretending that he was just adjusting his hat to cover up his embarrassment. However, when he stretched out his hand to his forehead, he didn't touch anything. Only then did Vodka realize that he had changed his appearance today, so he had no choice but to rub his back angrily.

"..." Damn Uzo.

Vodka could tell: Uzo really didn't care much about the autograph book, and the guy's behavior just now seemed like he was going to hand the autograph book to him and let him, the assistant tool, help hold it.

But later on, I reached out a little too hastily, so...

Thinking of this, Vodka's forehead jumped.

...But I didn’t dare to do anything, so I had to let my blood vessels continue to beat.

Under Vodka's resentful gaze, Jiang Xia calmly buttoned up the bag.

——Tonight, the happy experience of getting along with vodka and idol is just like ice cream money.

As for these signatures, he might as well keep them as bait for himself - maybe Vodka is thinking about these and will be able to date him easily in the future. And it can be used repeatedly...

Next to him, unable to get his signed vodka, he looked up at the ceiling sadly for a while. His thoughts were strangely synchronized with Jiang Xia's.

——Although the damn Uzo didn’t give him his autograph. But looking on the bright side, the experience of getting along with idols today is a valuable asset in itself.

...Now that we are here, we must experience life well and make sure that everything we experience tonight is deeply imprinted in our minds. We must not lose anything.

Thinking of this, Vodka tore his eyes away from Jiang Xia's bag with heartache.

He looked aside, looking at the idols sadly, trying to calm down his mood.

Among the four idols, except for Hoshino Terumi, who looked at the "detective and assistant" with slight doubts, the other three had already turned their attention to their former teammates.

After the Earth Lady Team was disbanded, although they occasionally interacted with each other in private, it was true that they had not reunited for a long time.

Yoko Kinoshita happily held Kaoru Kusano's hand, looked at this tender former teammate, and sighed with emotion: "I didn't expect that among the four of us, Kaoru, the youngest, was the first to get married."


Happy Year of the Tiger!

Thanks to Mr. Huanyang for the reward

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