Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 847 She has a problem

"..." Belmod was silent for a moment, pretending not to notice the vibration of his phone.

After a while, after enough time passed, she took out her phone and took a look at it, as if she was bored and wanted to take a look at the time.

I saw an extra email inside.

Judging from the email address, it turned out to be from Uzo.

This arrogant young man actually talked about dark topics in front of a group of police officers without any care:

[I remember you said before that you want to experience the perspective of the mastermind behind the scenes? ]

Belmode: "..."

She stared at the meaningless sentence for two seconds, her heart suddenly raised, and she suddenly had a bad premonition.


Conan is working hard to find clues while secretly observing Jiang Xia's progress in solving the case.

Seeing Jiang Xia yawning and moving to the sofa, Conan was slightly startled and thought Jiang Xia looked a little strange: "Are you sleepy?"

Jiang Xia responded vaguely: "A bit, maybe because I slept too late yesterday."

Conan showed a look of realization: Jiang Xia went racing late at night again?

He only thought about this in his mind and did not say it out loud. After all, there were police all around him. And it’s better not to say something like this that is somewhat illegal in person.

Therefore, Conan's attention quickly turned to the current case.

He suddenly remembered something and asked Jiang Xia: "When Miss Shimamura and Uncle Maori were describing their itinerary just now, did you want to say something?"

——Conan remembered that when Mouri Kogoro was reviewing the timeline just now, Jiang Xia's eyes kept going back and forth between him and Shimamura Sayuri, hesitating to speak, and he obviously noticed something.

But later, Xiaolan suddenly asked about Maori Kogoro's date with a woman, but Jiang Xia didn't have time to say anything.

"This..." Jiang Xia's tone became a little hesitant when she heard Conan ask these questions.

As he spoke, he yawned again, slowly leaned back on the sofa, and recalled:

"Actually, the Toto Beach Bridge can also be seen from the driving spot Takenaka-san took me to just now.

"And while we were chatting, I accidentally looked out through the front window of the car and saw a person who vaguely resembled Uncle Maori more than ten meters ahead. At that time, there was indeed a short-haired woman standing next to him. .”

Sayuri Shimamura has short hair, what a coincidence? Conan was a little surprised: "In other words, you are also Miss Shimamura's alibi?"

"Almost. But when we got there, it was already around ten o'clock in the evening, and the murder occurred at nine o'clock. I didn't see their movements at nine o'clock." Jiang Xia closed his eyes as he spoke Some of them talked about their experiences and reasoning like they were dreaming:

"When it comes to this, I always feel that things are a bit strange. According to Uncle Maori, he and Miss Shimamura stayed there for a full hour and a half.

“But when I saw them, they didn’t look like they were stopping too much—the garbage bags only contained the tabs of cans, there were no leftover snack packages, and the drinks only had one can in each hand... We couldn't have just talked for an hour. But the light was very dark at the time, maybe I recognized the wrong person..."

Conan shook his head: "Your observation skills have always been very keen. If you read it correctly this time, it means that the time they actually arrived there was not 8:30 pm, but closer to the time when you passed by..."

Before he had time to dwell on this doubtful point, he suddenly noticed another problem.

Conan looked at Jiang Xia: "Speaking of which, we are so close, why didn't you go over and say hello?"

"I wanted to go. But when I wanted to get out of the car, Miss Takenaka grabbed me and said not to disturb them... I couldn't force her to get out of the car." Speaking of this, Jiang Xia seemed to be recalling some scene, He blushed and stopped talking, paused for a moment before continuing, "In addition, I thought that Uncle Maori went to an izakaya to drink with his friends, so I might just see people who looked very similar to him, so I didn't go there... Not long after that, they left.”

Conan was nodding and listening.

On the way to clicking, he suddenly felt something was wrong and looked at Jiang Xia: "...?" Why are you blushing?

Originally, Conan didn't think much about it. After all, some people just like to match up randomly - Miss Takenaka didn't let Eka disturb Kogoro Mori and Sayuri Shimamura, maybe she was just jealous of gossip and wanted to match them up easily.

But when Jiang Xia talked about this matter, she was strangely shy...

Conan thought about what Jiang Xia had just said. Suddenly she felt that she had grasped the key point: Jiang Xia actually had to "get rid of" Miss Takenaka before she could get off the car...

Conan touched his chin, and the scene at that time gradually emerged in his mind.

——The moon was dark and the wind was high, and a man and a woman were alone in a car. Jiang Xia saw an acquaintance and wanted to open the door and get out of the car to say hello and help Xiaolan keep an eye on her restless father. However, before getting off the car, "Miss Takenaka" next to him suddenly hugged his arm affectionately, pulled him back coquettishly, and continued to hold him until he persuaded Jiang Xia to give up getting out of the car to check.

Thinking of this, Conan's eyes gradually became suspicious: Why did Miss Takenaka try so hard to prevent Jiang Xia from getting off the car? And they actually happened to be driving to a key location...

Was it simply that she didn't want to be disturbed during the date, or was there some crucial connection between her and the murder?

In the corridor, Belmod was observing secretly: "..."

Although at present, Uzo has not begun to expose the methods used in the case.

But Belmod followed him all the way, and combined with the news she just heard from the police, she had roughly guessed the truth of this incident.

Combine this with what Uzo is doing now...

Although the distance was a bit far away, Belmode couldn't hear clearly what Jiang Xia was saying to Conan.

But combined with their respective expressions and reactions, as well as Conan's suddenly serious eyes...

Belmod always felt that he seemed to understand the meaning of Uzo's email just now.

...Could Uzo want others to think that she is the mastermind behind these cases?

Belmode: "..."...Although she did say "I want to see a behind-the-scenes view," she was just making an excuse to hear spoilers about Moori Kogoro.

Moreover, even if she really wants to experience the behind-the-scenes experience, what she wants to experience is definitely the miraculous planning process and the pleasure of looking down at all living beings from God's perspective and smiling at them spinning around like headless flies... Who would want to experience the behind-the-scenes perspective only in terms of "taking the blame"!

Belmode looked calm on his face, but the cigarette in his hand squeaked and changed its shape.

For a moment, she suddenly felt a little lucky: Fortunately, when she asked Uzuo out before, Uzuo always refused.

If Uzo said yes every time...

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