Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 663 Come and exorcise ghosts

After finishing the buns quickly, a group of people wiped their hands and got ready to work.

However, along the way, I didn't see where the "falling forward and hiding on the ground" was.

Previously, although some criminal police officers were sent around to look for the missing divine treasure Nobita. But they still have enough manpower to dig out treasures - not to mention a few young and strong detectives, there are several curious employees in the hotel alone who are willing to help.

Taking advantage of the large number of people, Shancun Cao simply divided into two groups on the way here - according to Jiang Xia's two conjectures, after finding the "Front-Falling Ksitigarbha", one group would dig eight meters away from the Ksitigarbha. The other group dug eight steps with their toes touching their heels, which allowed for efficient verification.

However, I walked along the path until I saw two cars crashing into each other in the distance...

Toru Amuro fell into silence.

...Half of it was because my new car had a flat tire and was suddenly hit. The car behind looked strangely familiar... No wonder Mouri Kogoro was particularly polite to him today.

The other half is because the place where he parked his car symbolized some kind of sign.

Toru Amuro shouted to the policemen who were still moving forward:

"Wait, we've passed it. Go back and look for it again - after our car had a puncture yesterday, I met that front-legged Tibetan dog on the way from the car to the hotel. So it should be in our car On the way here."

"Really?" Officer Yamamura's suspicion broke out again. He looked back and forth and felt that everything on this mountain road looked similar. "What if you mistakenly identified the stones on the roadside as Ksitigarbha? Is the 'Front-Down Hidden' actually still further away? - So many of us were looking for it in the grass just now, but we couldn't find it. But yesterday evening, the light was so dark, you and Jiang Xia actually saw it just passing by. This is unreasonable!"

"...Because when we passed by yesterday, it looked like it was protruding from the weeds and lying on the road." Toru Amuro said with a smile, "Later, I was worried that it would trip pedestrians or puncture the tires of passing vehicles, so I put it on the road. It lifted me up.”

Jiang Xia nodded, indicating that this was indeed the case.

"..." Yamamura suddenly stopped for a moment.

"Helped up?!" After a moment, he yelled, "——It is used to suppress the evil spirits in the Forest of Gods! No wonder someone died last night... You, you indirect murderer! Did you do it on purpose? You ruined Lord Jizo's posture and want to take advantage of it to kill people? I've long thought you don't look like a good person!"

Conan: "..."

He was observing Toru Amuro as usual.

At this time, he couldn't help but glance at Yamamura Cao, with a very complicated mood: his own thoughts were, to some extent, synchronized with that of this idiot policeman. He, his reasoning is not clean...

"I usually live in Tokyo, and I don't know the legend here about the 'Fighting Ksitigarbha'." Toru Amuro seemed to be unusually calm, looking like a Jiang Xia who encountered a commission, "Anyway, since I missed it, , we can only look back again.”

Yamamura Cao's face turned blue. Master Ksitigarbha had been there before, so when he came to this holy place to commit suicide, he gained some confidence.

But now, Ksitigarbha is being helped up by the boss of the detective agency with sinister intentions...

Yamamura Cao didn't want to stay here for a second longer.

Unfortunately, at this time, everyone else had ignored him. According to the detective, they turned back in the direction they came from to look for Jizo who had been helped up and became less conspicuous.


A whooshing mountain wind swirled by.

Yamamura Cao looked at the retreating figures of the group, shivered miserably, and quickly followed them.

On the way back, I was sent back to Weedong by the enthusiastic police last night because of the "Front Tibetan" who was lying on the roadside. A group of people could only stare at the weeds carefully and even push away the overgrown areas.

Jiang Xia also picked up a wooden stick and followed the troops to poke it here and there. But he knew very well that he would not be able to find the front-end hiding place in this way - yesterday, after he dug out the clay pot containing 100 million yen, he moved the front-end hiding place into the vacated pit and filled it. Level the soil. In this way, without the markers, the local police will spend more time looking for stolen goods, while the passing travelers like them will have no one to care about and can leave first and continue to the next place.

Ten minutes passed, and the shadow of Aoiya Hotel appeared in front of them. This means the road is coming to an end.

However, there was still no Jizo lying, standing or prone in the grass.

A group of people stopped in confusion.

Jiang Xia looked back at the mountain road from where he came, and speculated: "Did the murderer also read the relevant information about the 'Falling Ksitigarbha' from the newspaper, and thought that Ksitigarbha was a key item, so he took it away?"

"If this is the case, the murderer must have died of the curse." Yamamura crossed his arms, nodded seriously, and thought, "Otherwise, let's withdraw the team first and go back to borrow some masters who are good at exorcism. This time The person who guided me was not professional and did not speak well..."

Just as he said this, several people came running from a distance in the direction of the hotel.

It's some detectives. Just now, Yamamura Cao asked them to find Shenbao Nobita - judging from the surveillance sent by "Passing Eyes", Shenbao Nobita was the murderer of "Fake Jiang Xia". Since then, he has disappeared and no one has seen him.

At this time, seeing the sudden appearance of these criminal police officers responsible for finding people, Yamamura Cao became nervous: "Did you find his body?"

"...Huh?" The detectives didn't understand why he suddenly said this, and were a little confused, "No, Shenbao is not in the hotel, and he is not in every room. I asked other people, but they all said they didn't know."... Corpse what's going on?

"Haha, that's it."

Yamamura Cao said "Sure enough," and his expression was slightly dull: "We are looking in the wrong place. In fact, we should not be looking for it in the hotel. We should go deeper into the woods - in that suicide holy land, there must be him hanging in the tree. The figure on the top. Oh, who let the ignorant people move forward and fall to Ksitigarbha?"


The main diggers last night, Matsuda Jinpei and Miss Spider couldn't help but drift over and knocked on his head.

Shancun was agitated: "Someone! Someone is touching my hair!! The head god must be angry! Go back quickly and ask a master to exorcise ghosts first... Ah no, Lord Tou God, I didn't say you are a ghost. mean!"

Toru Amuro: "..."

He glanced at the criminal police officers standing nearby with embarrassed expressions: "There should be signals around here now. Send people to come and look for them. People here should not be idle. Group into groups and go around nearby places where people may be hiding. . The storm was so violent yesterday, the murderer might not choose to escape in the middle of the night. If he ran away after the rain, it would inevitably leave traces nearby."

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