Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 617 You were intercepted by Wu Zuo

...either situation is not good.

However, Toru Amuro realized that no matter what, one thing was certain.

——The organization cadre who spread the news was probably on the helicopter they took when they left, and saw the gold in the Dusk Villa at the same time as them.

Because, if the boss learned the news earlier. With the efficiency of the organization, they must have secretly cleaned up the annex. It is impossible to let the gourmet detective and Senjian Yudai wander around inside, let alone let anyone have the opportunity to touch the mechanism and expose the gold in the annex. In front of the world.

Currently, from Toru Amuro's point of view, among the people on the helicopter, the most suspicious one is "Kurosawa".

...but it’s actually not possible to say for sure. Although there are many careless people in the organization, there are also some who are extremely good at disguise. When they are not doing tasks or revealing their identities, they look like people who are no different from ordinary citizens - other detectives cannot be easily excluded.

...In short, all these people in the annex today must be investigated strictly. Maybe you can catch a big fish in the net.

Speaking of which, I don’t know if Yuya Kazami and the others succeeded in holding back Matsuda after receiving the news.

Just as he was thinking about it, Toru Amuro's other phone also vibrated.

He avoided other people's eyes and opened it to check.

I discovered that this time it was an email from Yuya Kazami.

Not good news.

——Kurosawa disappeared.


The veins on Amuro Toe's forehead twitched, and he barely resisted the idea of ​​going back to beat the boys, and continued to check patiently.

——According to Yuya Kazami and other police officers, after Toru Amuro followed the police car to the gas station to look for Jiang Xia, Kurosawa went to the restroom in the police station.

Then he never came out again.

The policemen kept a close eye on the bathroom doors and windows to make sure no one passed by.

Currently, Kazami is leading people to search the vents of the entire building, trying to find the escaped "Kurosawa Zuo" inside.

After reading the email, Toru Amuro sighed inwardly.

——Calculating the time, if Matsuda really left along the vent as soon as he entered the bathroom, it would be too late for the police to pursue him now.

However, thinking of Matsuda's terminal illness that he didn't know was real or fake, Toru Amuro decided to ask Yuya Kazami to search the vents carefully. In order to prevent the patient from suddenly getting sick after getting in, and not having the strength to come out, and then being trapped in the corners of the building like some legendary hide-and-seek masters...

After sending the message, Toru Amuro looked at the darkened phone screen, feeling hesitant in his heart.

...Is Matsuda a member of the organization?

It seems that organizational cadres should not open the treasures of the Dusk Villa in front of so many people.

But on the other hand, maybe before the treasure was opened, Matsuda didn't know it was such a big golden building - who would have thought that just by cracking a riddle and turning the hands on the dial a few times, he could create such a big building? Something exaggerated?

There is currently too little known information, and even if you want to reason about it, you can't deduce anything.

Toru Amuro sighed and put away his phone. Put aside these useless thoughts for the time being, and start to focus on the current observation of Jiang Xia.

——When another organization cadre reported to the boss, Jiang Xia was still trapped in the gas station outside. He would not be the one who reported the news.

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro wanted to just write the conclusion "Jiang Xia is not Usa" to wrap up his observation report during this period.

But when I think about it carefully, I feel that the superiors at the police station are not fools and cannot and should not be fooled.

——The organization has manpower in various places, and some cadres also travel around to perform tasks in other places.

In other words, Toru Amuro cannot prove at all that "the person in the Dusk Annex who tipped off the boss of the organization is Usa", and naturally cannot effectively deny "Jiang Xia = Usa" based on this.

Although if you use the identity of "Bourbon" to talk to Rum and "reluctantly" ask who the person who cut off the beard is, you may be able to gain something.

But the boss may not tell Rum this news, and Rum may not tell him... Even if he finally gets the answer from Rum, not only will it easily arouse suspicion at the time, but in the future, once something happens to Uzo, Bourbon will also He was immediately targeted by the suspicious senior executives.

... After thinking about it, Toru Amuro finally felt that since the observation plan for Jiang Xia had been carried out for more than five days, it would be better to work harder and fool around with the only one or two days left.

Anyway, now, even if the plan is stopped midway, there is no good place for the free people to go - Yuya Kazami and others have been around the police station. Before, Toru Amuro was not too wary of this group of fellow detectives, so naturally he was not. Use this to remind your subordinates. If the same group of people were used to monitor him immediately, the cunning organization members who were among the detectives might find clues.

With this in mind, after receiving Jiang Xia, Amuro Toru habitually held the dice in his pocket and prepared to continue the journey.

But on second thought, I didn't take it out.

……Almost forgot. His car had been bombed, and now he had to ride with the police car back to the city. Of course, he couldn't choose his own route.

Moreover, under Kidd's interference, Jiang Xia stayed out of his sight for a long time, and the plan to "isolate Jiang Xia" was considered a complete failure.

So now, at least in terms of "randomly selecting routes to avoid Jiang Xia coming into contact with acquaintances", there is no need to be so strict...

Toru Amuro quickly and happily came to a conclusion - in short, stop rolling the dice and take Jiang Xia directly in the direction of the final mission.

Pay attention to Jiangxia on the way to see if there are any suspicious actions, and just fill in the report.

It happened that Feng saw that they were busy, so he might as well take a police car back to the city with Jiang Xia and find a star-rated hotel to have a good rest. Living in the mountains and forests every day for a while, I still couldn't sleep well, and I was even forced to stay up all night like yesterday. I feel like my thoughts have become sluggish...

"What's wrong?"

At this time, the police had already asked the gas station personnel about the situation and planned to take Jiang Xia and Amuro Toru back to the city.

However, when he turned around, he only found Jiang Xia waiting aside, but not Toru Amuro.

He and Jiang Xia looked at each other, followed Jiang Xia's direction and took a closer look, only to find that Toru Amuro had walked into a corner where no one was paying attention at any time, and was distracted by reading his pockets.

When Toru Amuro was called by the police, he quickly came to his senses and walked towards the police car.

When he took his hand back from his pocket, he was a little too fast, and there was a sudden clatter on the ground - the dice used to find the path accidentally fell out, bounced on the ground a few times, and rolled to Jiang Xia's feet.

Jiang Xia was startled, bent down to pick it up, and looked at it in his hand with some doubts. Then he looked at Toru Amuro, as if he didn't know why he would carry such a thing with him.

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