Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 613 Hi, Bourbon, please vote for me

The others were startled and looked over.

At some unknown moment, the west half of the outer wall of the Dusk Villa collapsed and fell to the ground.

Through the dust that has not yet fallen, one can see the dark but dazzling golden light on the wall.

Toru Amuro glanced over there meaningfully, and then looked at his phone.

——After discovering that there was gold hidden in the wall, and guessing what the real "treasure" in this annex was, his first reaction was to report the news to prevent the organization from dragging the gold into the warehouse. .

However, the actual situation now...

Amuro glanced at "Kurosawa Zuo" out of the corner of his eye and decided to maintain his identity as "Bourbon" first.

The appearance of "Matsuda" in front of him, from the timing to the situation, was so coincidental that it was difficult for him not to think too much. Especially the previous speculation that "the organization was testing him" made Toru Amuro unable to take it lightly. Although the possibility is not high, if he is really exposed, the losses will be too heavy.

On the way out from the Dusk Annex just now, Toru Amuro deliberately ran a little slower and followed "Kurosawa", thinking that if this unknown patient suddenly fell behind halfway, he would be able to discover it in time to avoid waiting to go out. Then go back and find someone.

At present, it seems that this measure has failed to serve its original purpose.

But Toru Amuro was able to discover the gold in the wall. And he remembered that when he saw the gold in the wall, Matsuda also noticed it.

——In this situation where there are other insiders, even if it is just an ordinary passerby, Toru Amuro feels that he should maintain Bourbon's position to avoid capsizing in the gutter.

In short, until you find out the situation, be careful and deal with it.

However, in his heart, he still didn't want this resource to fall into the hands of the organization easily - the current owner of the annex, Dashang Zhushan, is now dead. With organized organizations keeping an eye on him, his heirs may not be able to keep this wealth.

So Toru Amuro found a way to collapse part of the outer wall of the Dusk Annex, creating more witnesses.

——Toru Amuro doesn’t know the positions of Kurosawa and Kidd.

But there were so many police officers and detectives there.

In this case, even if Bourbon loyally sends information to the organization, the police can quickly launch action... Although the result is currently uncertain, he has tried his best, and the rest depends on the efforts of others.

Jiang Xia did not see Amuro Toru falling behind and shooting secretly.

But the ghosts saw it.

And simultaneously reported the situation to Jiangxia.

Combining this news with the sudden collapse of the wall, Jiang Xia vaguely guessed the boss's plan.

——The wall was collapsed to let the police see the large amount of gold in the annex.

After that, when there is a signal, "Bourbon" will probably report the matter of the Golden Annex to the organization, and then let the organization decide how to deal with it.

The fight for gold is naturally not the work of a "lone wolf intelligence agent" like Bourbon, but will be handed over to others.

In this way, Bourbon is out of trouble, he has earned his merits, he does not have to reveal his identity, and his conscience is not damaged... Tsk, he is indeed a hard-working paddle monster. He has been undercover for many years and has accumulated rich experience.

...But, Jiang Xia thought.

In this case, my previous plan of "whispering into the boss's ear and saying, 'Concealing something or not reporting it is not what an intelligence officer should do. Do you want to keep all that gold, Bourbon?'" was a bit embarrassing. Already...

Jiang Xia looked at Toru Amuro, who was paddling without a trace, and was briefly confused.

Organizational leaders seem to like to play a role in mystery and then reveal their secrets at critical moments. In other words, if there is no reason for "Bourbon wants to steal the gold mine", then "Uzo" suddenly goes to find Bourbon to strip off his waistcoat for no reason, which always looks weird...

Moreover, speaking of it, Amuro Toru took Jiang Xia out this time to confirm "whether Jiang Xia is Usa". If it is confirmed that there is someone else in Uzo, wouldn't this pleasant trip end quickly?

"..." Thinking of this, Jiang Xia couldn't help but look at the boss who still had great potential, and the balance in his heart swayed back and forth.

Final decision, until next time.

——Isn’t it enough time for bourbon paddling? He was always caught once with solid evidence.

Then the line I wanted to say just now can be reworked if I change it.

In addition, if you find a suitable horse-displacement scene, you might be able to increase the coffee-flavored murderous aura, which is more cost-effective than the ordinary horse-displacement now... Well, I'll give it a try once the Uzo identity is clear. Look for an opportunity to apply for cooperation with Bourbon. This public security officer is very interested in new information from all organizations. If there is an opportunity to contact Uzo, he will not refuse.

By the way, maybe we can follow the tradition and get two more people to come over and form a group with his vest to choose one of the three...

Now, with "Uzo" who is not afraid of revealing his identity, he should be able to recruit a few younger brothers from the organization to use them - the abilities of the younger brothers don't matter, the main thing is that they have to have temperament, and it is best to be able to poke them in place. A talent with a mysterious villain aura surrounding him...

When Jiang Xia held her chin, imagining the future that was about to be realized.

The gaps in the building shell of the Dusk Villa gradually spread and cracked, finally exposing a corner of the building.

The detectives were still briefly silent at this shocking scene.

But not long after, they noticed something and gradually began to murmur.

"How do you feel..." Gunda Ikumi crossed her hands in front of her, looked at a corner of the Golden Annex through the window, and said carefully, "A bit bald?"


The word "bald" always feels a bit strange when used to describe architecture.

But at this time, others couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

Such a magnificent golden building has no carvings on the outside, and almost no bulges at all. It is like a flat cake with golden cream on it - it is expensive, but it always feels like it is missing something and is a bit rough.

"Maybe if the shape of the corners is too complicated, it won't be able to support the weight of gold."

Baima Tan touched the eagle that had done great work in his arms and guessed: "In addition, it may be that when the building shell collapsed just now, some delicate parts collapsed and fell into the ruins - if the craftsmen who built this golden castle did not So responsible and without careful calculation, this situation is indeed very likely to happen."

"I think it's the first type. No carvings were added when making it - you see, the walls and corners are as smooth as a knife. If the protruding part was crushed by the building, there wouldn't be such a neat break. "The cowboy detective blew out a puff of smoke, "If you ask me, it doesn't make any difference without decoration. Such a large piece of gold is art in itself - who can resist its beauty."

As soon as he finished speaking, a curious question came from the "Kurosawa" next to him: "So, who is more beautiful, Alfa Romeo or it?"


The cowboy detective thought of his sports car wife who had been brutally murdered. A vein popped out of his forehead, and the cigarette in his hand was pinched and deformed.

He stopped admiring the gold for a moment, snorted coldly at Senjian Fangdai, and sat back in his seat angrily.

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