Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 601 Uzo: Let’s play a show. Please vote for me.

"When Mr. Ogami held the tea cup, potassium cyanide was stained on his thumb. He bit off his thumb and died on the spot. When we entered the restaurant, we randomly selected seats.

“In other words, potassium cyanide was probably painted on all the teacups, and everyone’s hands are now stained with potassium cyanide.

“If you use such hands to pick up coins stained with patina, an oxidation-reduction reaction will occur, causing the coins to become brighter.

"Mother-in-law Qianjian rushed to take away the rust-stained coin that was far away from her. She was probably worried that if it was taken away by someone else, the person who got it would find that everyone else's hands were stained by the brightening of the coin. Potassium cyanide."

The cowboy detective laughed: "And if this fact is exposed, she won't be able to plan to kill me."

Having said this, he shook his hand and looked at "Jiang Xia" and Amuro Toru who had just returned: "While you were out, we briefly checked each room.

"Under the pillows in each guest room, there are guns hidden for us to kill each other. The door handle of the central control room is equipped with a killing device that will pop out a poisonous needle when turned... In addition, the old woman has probably already chosen it. My 'way of death' - as long as I relax and smoke with hands stained with potassium cyanide, I will soon die from the poison."

...Senjian Yoyo was probably blinded by the treasure. He was only happy to write the murder script, and did not consider the success rate of playing tricks against a group of detectives.

"But..." Gunda Ikumi sighed, "The problem now is how to ask her for the way to leave here. We can't arrest her and torture her to extract a confession - even if she does it, I feel like she won't tell her. "

Speaking of this, a voice suddenly floated down from above his head.

——Someone integrated into their conversation very naturally:

"In this case, why not follow her wishes and give her a show of 'killing each other' that she wants to see. Then when I am the only one left after 'death', I will help you find out how to leave here. method……"


Several detectives were startled for a moment, then suddenly raised their heads and looked diagonally upward in shock.

On the second floor, on the open-air balcony diagonally facing here, I don’t know when there was an extra person.

The young man in black was leaning on the railing casually. When he saw everyone raising their heads, he raised his hand and pushed up the light-colored sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, revealing a pair of slightly smiling eyes that were darker than the night sky.

"..." It was "Kurosawa Zuo" who was dismissed by them just now with excuses.

...the companion of Granny Qianjian.

"Did you send me away just now because you were worried that I was her accomplice?"

It was as if the young man could read minds and accurately exposed the issues that everyone was thinking about.

Under the vigilant and surprised gazes of the detectives, he stretched out his hands and jumped down from the balcony. Then he walked towards the crowd very naturally and blended into them:

"Actually, there's no need to be nervous. I only know her a few hours ago, and I gave her a ride in her car on the way here - really speaking, the friendship between us is far better than that of a group of detectives like you. It’s much more shallow.”

"..." Others thought about the previous relationship between Senma Yoyo and "Kurosawa Zuo" and were doubtful, "But she seems to take good care of you..." Are you really not her grandson or any other junior?

"We are not related."

The wind is very strong in the mountains, and even under the wide awning, there are still fine raindrops falling in.

Uzo took off his water-stained sunglasses and explained the puzzling relationship between an old man and a young man:

"The old lady seemed to take good care of me, just because in her eyes, I was a terminally ill traveler who came to the mountains to commit suicide - she thought that I, like her, had a short life, and that I was destined to die here, so We only had feelings briefly... Well, probably, although she didn't say it, I guess that's the case. Her pity and the murderous intention behind her sympathy were all too obvious. "

"..." This sentence has a lot of flaws and points.

The detectives looked at him with complicated eyes, and for a moment they didn't know where to start.

In the eerie silence, Uzo wiped the water off his sunglasses leisurely and put them back on the bridge of his nose.

I found that it quickly got wet again from the rain, so I simply pushed it up, put the sunglasses on my head, and at the same time pressed down the curly hair that was messed up by the mountain wind.

Then he continued what he just said: "Judging from the results of your search of the villa, even if you really find the treasure, Granny Qianjian may not let the person who solves the mystery leave here as she promised.

"But if it were me who asked the question, she might regard the method of escape as a puzzle when faced with someone like me who has no desire to live and just wants to know 'how to escape from this isolated island in the deep forest' out of curiosity. Answer the riddle for me - after all, you detectives seem to love answering other people's questions. If I remember correctly, Granny Qianjian is also a famous detective, so she should have the same habit."


Several detectives who "knew that the other detectives had also deduced the general situation, but still couldn't help but explain their reasoning carefully when they came to the door just now" fell into silence and felt like they were hit by an arrow in their hearts.

They do enjoy the thrill of telling a mystery. But, but there is a reason for this - there must be a right answer, otherwise if someone pretends to understand, it will affect the plan...

Speaking of which, the term "you detectives"... always sounds a bit weird, like something a villain who stands on the opposite side of the detective likes to say, such as the Kaitou Kidd.

in addition……

Toru Amuro frowned and picked out another key word in his words: "Terminally ill? Come here to commit suicide?"

"Just saying casually." Uzuo glanced at the wreckage of the vehicle he came in and sighed helplessly:

"My car broke down on a small road, and there was no signal in that area, so I had to go to the main road to find someone for help, and planned to use other people's cars to get to a place with human traces.

"And a young man dressed like me." He looked down at his black clothes, and then raised his finger to the sunglasses on top of his head, these two standard equipment that many villains also like, "——If you stop someone in the mountains, If the next old lady asked for a ride, she might be scared and wouldn't let me get on. And there were very few cars passing there, so I was worried about missing the opportunity, so in order to make myself look less threatening, I had no choice but to make it up. Such lies."

other people:"……"

...To be honest, apart from the occasional dangerous look in his eyes, the young man in front of him looked far from "scary".

On the contrary, he always seems to be able to bring people a sense of intimacy in a subtle way - even if he talks to her directly, Granny Qianjian will probably not refuse his request for a ride.

And, putting that aside...

Isn't it more terrifying than "an unlucky passer-by who wants help after his car breaks down" and "a person who wanders around in the mountains after suffering from a terminal illness, waiting for opportunities to find a place to commit suicide"?


Five updates!

Please...monthly ticket...(virtual)(__)ノ|bi

It’s the end of the month. If you don’t vote, your monthly ticket will expire. Why not throw it to the corpse collectors (with a helpless eye)

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