Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 545 The seal is lifted

Last night, when I met Rum in the restaurant of my choice, in order to prevent Jiang Xia from being spotted and taken away by the second-in-command of the evil organization, Toru Amuro reminded Jiang Xia to "reinforce herself" and not to show off too much.

In other words, it was actually just a one-time reminder.

...Who would have thought that Jiang Xia has been remembering it until now, and is always "converging".

However, after thinking of this, Toru Amuro quickly understood.

——This is normal.

After all, Jiang Xia didn't know Rum and didn't know the real reason why he "wanted to restrain himself" last night.

Maybe at that time, Jiang Xia just thought that Amuro Toru was in a hurry to catch up with the task and didn't want to cause trouble on the road, so she reminded him like that.

After thinking about it, Toru Amuro raised his head. He and Jiang Xia looked at each other for a moment with slightly confused but not sad eyes, and more than half of the romantic and tragic scene in their minds collapsed.

"..." Could it be that he was overthinking it, Jiang Xia didn't actually know Tadokoro Toshiya's sister, and this murder was just a coincidence?

...Well, to be on the safe side, I have to ask my subordinates to check the specific situation, such as whether there is evidence of contact between Jiangxia and Kaori Tadokoro, or conversely, evidence of no contact with her.

Toru Amuro made an extra note on the task list in his mind and planned to send this new task to his subordinates later.

After thinking briefly, he found an excuse to lift Jiang Xia's seal: "There are no reporters or police here now. Just follow your usual habits to solve the case."


Jiang Xia nodded. He didn't seem to have any special ideas about whether to solve the case or not to restrain himself. Looking from side to side, he looked like a subordinate with a good temper... unlike a subordinate who secretly plotted to kill two people for a year. Scum, by the way, the man behind letting a psychiatrist who he didn't like go to jail.

While talking, Gunda Ikumi noticed two people whispering next to them.

She observed for a moment, and although she couldn't hear clearly what the two said, she found that Jiang Xia was looking at Toshiya Tadokoro, one of the three suspects.

Gunda Ikumi was suddenly startled and said keenly: "Have you found the murderer?"

"That's right." Jiang Xia said, "Although there is no evidence yet, I probably know the method."

As he spoke, he looked at the map on the table and pointed to the collection room:

"The traces of snow show that no one has passed by on the roof and balcony. So at present, the murderer's sequence of actions seems to be to first take out the cypress wooden nail from the collection room, and then take it through the hall to the study. Killing in the study After the death, a wooden nail was driven into his heart...

“But actually, the order may be reversed.

"For example, first steal a real cypress nail, and then put an imitation into the collection room. After showing us around the collection room and making us think that the real 'cypress nail' is still in the collection room, we can find An excuse - such as delivering food or something - goes into the study, takes out the real wooden nails that have been hidden in advance, and uses them to nail the body to the cross after killing someone.

"After that, as long as you find an excuse, such as checking whether the doors and windows are locked, taking the opportunity to go to the collection room and get rid of the fake cypress nails, you can subtly reverse the action steps in other people's eyes and create a sense that 'the murderer is He first stole the wooden nails and then killed others, thereby clearing himself of suspicion."

... After solving the most critical problem, the rest is not difficult to figure out.

Even though Toru Amuro wandered off for a while, he was able to follow his train of thought seamlessly: "That thin piece of wood you asked me to take a picture of is a disposable device used to get stuck in the window lock - right? On the second floor, we could see two parallel indentations on the weather shield of the collection room window. Now it seems that someone put a ladder across the collection room and corridor, climbed up to the collection room window, and opened it to look like Locked vent window, used garden pliers or something like that, swapped cypress dowels from there."

"Yes." Jiang Xia nodded, "After the murderer finishes killing, he can leave normally through the corridor. As for the secret room in the study, it was probably arranged using the projector that was moved to the door - stretching the film and bypassing it If the clothes hanger is stained on the locked twist film, as long as the projector is turned on, the film will be pulled and recycled by the machine, the door will automatically lock... Put the deceased in the shape of an executed vampire, and then use the projector to shine on the deceased, and the door will lock automatically. To obscure the true purpose of moving the projector to the door and using it to create a secret room."


In the living room, everyone digested these sentences silently. Different from the question-and-answer and accompanying explanations that other detectives like to use, Jiang Xia really seemed to be reading from a script when solving the case. A series of concise techniques were poured into their ears.

…The auditing experience was not very good.

Some people understand, and some are still confused.

But in short, no matter whether they understood the whole process or not, everyone caught the key words.

——Although Jiang Xia never said who the murderer was from the beginning to the end, there were words such as "such as delivering food" and "such as checking whether the doors and windows were locked", combined with the trajectory of everyone's actions tonight...

It seems to be very obvious who the murderer is.

A group of people looked at Toshiya Tadokoro one after another with complicated expressions.

Jiang Xia also looked over.

...Unless Tadokoro Toshiya was so arrogant that he didn't wear gloves when he committed the crime, if he had been tougher, the case might have been fooled successfully - the imitation wooden peg, it can be said that he likes the cypress wooden peg, his imitation toy He originally used the ladder and pliers. It didn't matter if he took them out to repair the roof late at night. The house was prone to problems in the snow... In short, everything depended on his own desire for survival.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard Tadokoro Toshiya sneer, looked at Jiang Xia, and shook his head:

"You said one thing wrong.

"I made that man look like a vampire, not just to cover up the secret room methods, but also because - he is indeed an ugly, damn vampire!

"If he hadn't bribed the attending doctor in order to extend my ghostwriting time and asked him to only perform conservative treatment... my sister would not have died at all!"

Jiang Xia: "..." He is a cheerful person.

Just as he was thinking about it, he seemed to hear the words of confession, and the shikigami on Tadokoro Toshiya's calf fell like a piece of paper that had completely lost his mind.

Jiang Xia: "..."

...Well, this is also a refreshing ghost.

Speaking of which, isn't it afraid that Toshiya Tadokoro will meet an eloquent lawyer in the future and be released due to lack of evidence? The tacit trust between the murderer and the deceased is really amazing...

...Anyway, Shikigami picked it up.

As a passing psychic, Jiang Xia quickly stopped thinking about it.

He used the action of warming his hands to take the shikigami held by the ghost fetuses and put the shikigami into his pocket. He planned to find a time when Toru Amuro wasn't staring at him to sign it, and then he could take the shikigami back to the seal space at will.

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