Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 362 Uzo has gone astray (two chapters in one)

When the police and staff discovered the fire in the wine cellar and were anxious to evacuate the crowd, three people dressed in black quietly left through the long-unused side door of the old hotel.

On the way, Vodka looked at Jiang Xia, then at Gin, and a bold and capitalized question mark came to his mind - Brother actually believed it like that?

...Although there is indeed no evidence now, I still feel that Pisk's death is inseparable from Uzo.

Shirley didn't catch it either... Vodka remembered the plan he had racked his brains to come up with before, and whispered reluctantly: "Boss, um, about the hostage plan..."

Gin paused for a moment, then remembered the plan to use Uzo to fish out Shirley.

Now when Gin thinks of Shirley, the murderous intention in his heart surges uncontrollably, and he even looks at the vodka that reminds him of this incident. He says coldly: "Idiot. She must have escaped long ago. , are you going to broadcast it live on TV?"

Vodka froze slightly when he heard the word "live broadcast".

...If it is really broadcast live, or their "hostage-taking" process is photographed by others, then most of the "gangsters" who appear on the screen will be included in the organization's silence list just like Pisk just now.

But now, Uzo has to be responsible for being a hostage, and the only gangster candidates are him and the boss, hiss...

Vodka silently closed his mouth and pretended that he had not said anything just now.

Jiang Xia looked at the murderous aura rolling around Qinjiu's body like a mist. Seeing that no one was paying attention, Jiang Xia reached out and pulled off a few strands.

He then glanced back at the vodka that had triggered the state.

As soon as their eyes met, Vodka immediately stiffened. He took two steps on both hands and feet, then bounced awkwardly and returned to his normal pace. At the same time, his eyes drifted away and he no longer looked at Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia's eyes turned suspicious as she looked at Vodka.

...Although I don't know what the "hostage plan" is, I always feel that Gin's little brother has bad intentions... But now that the plan has been rejected, naturally it will no longer have any impact.

He stopped staring at Vodka and threw a few ghosts at Gin to make them work hard.

There was no one at the unused side door.

Vodka used the old method to open the chain lock, and the three of them pushed the door open and left.

Jiang Xia listened intently to the sounds of approaching sirens and fire trucks, then looked at Gin and found that the boss didn't seem to have anything else to say, so he waved his hand, separated from the two suspicious men in black, and turned around slowly. Walk towards the station.

Gin took vodka and walked along the street to find the quietly parked Porsche 356A.

After getting into the car, I turned my head and looked in the direction of Aido City Hotel, and I saw that the fire had quickly spread from the ground to the ground. The flames burned, the smoke billowed, and the scene was filled with heart-stopping dust and despair. However, the sight shifted upward, and from a distance, the sky seemed to be burning with a bright orange neon light with mist.

Think again about Pisk, who was dressed in black, with black hair and a dull color in the fire scene, and his ups and downs life as a member of a mysterious organization and a rich man behind the scenes...

Gin lit up a cigarette leisurely and commented casually: "The ordinary but gorgeous way of death, in a sense, suits him very well..."

As he spoke, Gin's voice became lower.

...a designed and gorgeous way to die.

...suits him very well.


Gin suddenly fell silent.

Although there is no evidence. But these elements, these keywords, were so familiar that he couldn't ignore them.

...Thinking about it carefully, almost every time, after reading Uzo's crime report, he would unconsciously make similar comments.

Thinking of this, Gin's eyes turned away from the fire scene and faintly fell on another street, a figure gradually walking away.

After thinking for a few seconds, he pointed over there with a cigarette between his fingers.

As the sparks swayed, Vodka heard his elder brother command with complicated emotions: "Catch up."

Jiang Xia walked slowly.

He also has a few ghosts hanging on Gin.

Normally, with the number of ghost fetuses he possesses, it won't take long for Gin to be drained of all the daily murderous aura that floats on the surface.

But there were too many facts that happened today, and in the end, with the help of vodka, he suddenly felt murderous. Until Gin left, there was still murderous intent that had not been drained out.

Jiang Xia originally planned to let the ghost wait until Ginjiu's car drove out of the street, and then call the ghost back.

Unexpectedly, as he walked, the ghosts' auras were approaching him.

Jiang Xia walked a few steps quickly, turned the corner, and came to the shade of a tree cast by a street lamp.

He stopped and waited patiently for a few seconds before he saw Gin's car, a car with a long hood and a simple appearance, also turned the intersection and parked next to him on the curb.

...A new mission? Or a new dark shark target?

Jiang Xia turned to look at the streets on both sides to check the surrounding situation.

After confirming that there was no one nearby, before the car came to a complete stop, he quickly opened the door and got into the car expectantly.

After sitting firmly, Jiang Xia looked up and found that the car window had been lowered by Gin at some point - as if he didn't want him to get in the car, but only wanted to say a few words through the open window.


The air was silent for a moment.

The corners of Vodka's eyes twitched, and he wanted to slap the armrest box angrily, and shout, "Who told you to come up? Get off!".

...It's a pity that I don't dare.

If Pisk's death today is really related to Uzo, then it means that Brother Gin can also be calculated by Uzo as part of the script... For a person who spends most of the day with Gin To my assistant, this is simply a terrifying ghost story!

Gin didn't notice Vodka's stiffness.

He glanced at Jiang Xia in the rearview mirror and couldn't find a reason to drive the person out of the car. He pondered for a moment and simply gave up the idea.

...It actually doesn’t make much difference where you speak. If I have to say it, the car is indeed more concealed and has better sound insulation.

Uzo's sense of confidentiality is pretty good, but he is occasionally a little too cautious...but that's not a bad thing after all.

Gin silently raised the car window again.

Jiang Xia also realized that he might have made a mistake, but he didn't want to get out of the car, so he had to pretend not to notice anything and sit still as if nothing had happened.

——It’s not all about taking advantage of the car to arouse murderous intent. But at this time and location, standing on the street talking to Gin, it is easy to be photographed.

There are still many reporters lingering around here. Although the reporters' attention is focused on the burning Aido City Hotel, the police around the hotel, and the celebrities who have not yet had time to leave, in case any reporter has nothing to do, Wander to this street, take a photo of him if you have nothing to do, and then be seen by Conan who is paying attention to the situation at the Cupido Hotel tonight...

This kind of thing can be a big or small problem.

Conan may be shocked to realize that he is a member of the black organization as if he is electrified, or he may think that Gin is looking for Jiang Xia for directions, or he may be eyeing this promising detective...

However, since these risks can be easily avoided, of course we should adopt the simplest solution - avoid places where it is easy to be photographed, such as the roadside.

The car windows stained with ice and water slowly rose and were embedded in the frame, blocking out the sounds from outside.

Gin waved his hand to signal Vodka to start, while suddenly talking about a seemingly unrelated topic:

"Belmode is proficient in disguise and disguise, and is good at controlling the psychology of others. She is very suitable for sneaking in to obtain intelligence, and can also play a role in many key things. She is an irreplaceable talent... But this is not the case for her teammates. The reason why she died an unexpected death and was not held accountable.”

Jiang Xia was still wondering why Gin suddenly mentioned Belmod, but when he heard this, he understood immediately.

As expected, Gin continued: "There are a lot of members who died due to her mistakes in decision-making or other reasons, but as long as there are no big mistakes, the master will not pursue her - because she is the one who Someone that adults like.

"So just because she can do some things, doesn't mean others can."

After laying the groundwork, Gin finally got to the point.

He glanced at Jiang Xia in the rearview mirror, and his tone turned cold: "Stop playing tricks like today. It won't happen next time."

...Although there is no evidence that "Uzo planned Pisk's death." But Gin felt that it was impossible for Uzo, a genius who was good at seeing the overall situation and turning any seemingly irrelevant detail into a murder prop at a critical moment, to miss the flash that coincidentally came on when the banquet hall had a power outage.

In other words, even if Uzo did not take the initiative to murder Pisk, he was at least willing to watch Pisk's death, and indirectly promoted this process by standing by and watching.

Uzo will later give the purple commemorative handkerchief to Pisk. Rather than rescuing this temporary teammate, his purpose is probably to deliver Pisk to the organization so that he can witness the death of this veteran employee, just like he did in the past. It's the same as the murderous drama planned.

——In this way, although the script is not entirely written by Uzo, he can still have a very good sense of participation. Piske is both an organizational cadre and an upper-class person. Even if there are flaws in the script, the excitement and satisfaction that this kind of prey brings to Uzo must far exceed the ordinary murder cases in the past.

Having said that, this was the first time I encountered something similar, and I dared to be so bold and decisive in choosing to watch...

Gin thought about it, and gradually felt that if he turned a blind eye to Uzo's behavior this time and didn't remind him because the person who died was a loser like Pisk, then Uzo would only get worse in the future. The bolder.

In the most extreme case, he may even change from a talent in the organization to a scourge who specializes in hunting down members of the organization in pursuit of excitement.

… The wrong paths of growth are really everywhere, and we must be vigilant. Nowadays, it seems that even a genius needs to be pruned and straightened all the time. Good seedlings are important, but the people who prune them and the way they prune them are equally important... Gin looked at Uzo's reflective look in the rearview mirror after hearing the warning, and nodded secretly.

I mentioned Belmode just now because Gin felt that Uzo dared to boldly extend his poisonous hand to a veteran cadre he had never met. This choice must be related to what happened to him not long ago.

——I heard that Uzo was plotted once by Belmod. Although he not only escaped later, but also taught Belmode a lesson, but maybe it was this incident that gave Uzo a kind of "trap" The illusion that organizational members are normal and will not be held accountable.”

This dangerous sign must be stamped out.

At the same time, this will also make Uzo further aware of the danger of Belmode. When he faced that woman again in the future, he would be more vigilant... lest he be taken out by Belmode to do a mission one day, and then nothing would happen.

After solving Uzo's hidden dangers and taking away a lot of murderous intent without realizing it, Gin's mood subtly relaxed a little.

When passing by Mihua Town, he asked Jiang Xia to get out of the car. He and Vodka continued to drive to Councilor Tunkou's residence, intending to inspect the results of the mission there.

When Jiang Xia returned home, she first signed the gesture of the council member swallowing her mouth, and then pulled the murderous spirit out of the mermaid's arms and put it away.

After turning off the lights and lying on the bed, he tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. Finally, he had to sit up, take out the ghosts, arrange them and count them, barely making up for the loss of not being able to pick up the Pisk ghost today, and then gradually fell asleep.

The newly acquired mission has been completed, and Ginjiu has not sent him a new assassination list. Jiang Xia's life has temporarily returned to its previous routine.

When he went out the next morning, he thought about it in the crisp air outside. He planned to go to the doctor's house first and take the cat that the bad boys had left there to the office so that it could be given to the eagerly awaited clients and wives. .

Conan was also at the Doctor's house at this time.

I am talking on the phone.

Last night, Conan, who was anesthetized, fell into a deep sleep. Dr. Ari always felt that if he just sent people back like this, Maorilan might call an ambulance, so in the end he had to call the Maori Detective Agency and said that he had developed a new toy. Conan was having too much fun and didn’t want to Back - fortunately, Conan always used this kind of excuse to stay out at night. Mao Lilan had no doubts and Conan successfully stayed at the doctor's house.

In the early hours of the morning, Conan, who was forced to sleep, finally struggled to wake up.

After being stunned for a moment, he first woke up Dr. A Li and Haibara Ai in a very disrespectful manner and asked about the situation.

After that, he called the Megure Police Department using Kudo Shinichi's voice and inquired about what happened next in the hotel.

Then I was shocked to learn that a man named Masuyama Kenzo who had received a purple commemorative handkerchief died in the fire. The old wine cellar had been burned down, and the police could not find many useful clues.

Hearing "Purple Memorial Handkerchief", and then thinking about the "Wine Cellar", the place where Haibara Ai was once imprisoned... Before seeing the morning news, Conan understood that the person who died should be the codename "Pisk" in the organization. "People.

...Anonymous really killed him?

Conan's footsteps wandered around the room from fast to slow, and finally stopped heavily. In his mind, he thought of Anonymous, who rescued the high school detective almost every time he appeared, and Xiaobai, who liked to stab people and stabbed him countless times, and his scalp felt numb.

Although Miss Anonymous's dress, the tattoos on her face, and her past actions were all weird and weird, Conan always felt that she didn't look like someone who would kill someone.

But now...

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