Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2591 2595 [Vodka vs. Conan]

Conan stared at the plastic flower bud on the counter of the hospital, and said in a childish voice: "Why here... here... huh??"

The police were attracted by his movements and looked over: "What's wrong there?"

Conan: "This..."

Where is the bug in this flower bud? Where did it go? !

He suspected that he had missed it, but he searched the innocent fake flower left and right, but still found nothing.

Under the curious onlookers, Conan gradually sweated profusely. If he dragged it on, it might arouse suspicion. He could only continue to say dryly in the tone just now: "This, the flowers here have been picked and hung for so long, but they didn't wither. It's really strange."

The police thought he was going to say something serious: "..."

The little brat is still a little brat. Inspector Megure shook his head helplessly: "Although it is very realistic, this is a plastic flower, of course it won't wither-Okay, don't destroy the public property of the hospital, let's go."

Conan didn't want to leave, but he was worried that he would be exposed if he stayed abruptly. After weighing for a moment, he could only try his best to keep smiling under the supervision of the reliable police officer, and left the hospital and got on the police car.

After the police car drove a long way.

Conan: "..." Where is the bug? Where is the bug that Vodka is suspected to have installed? ?

In order to prevent alerting the enemy, he carefully slipped out of the hospital when he asked the police to come.

After sending the message, Conan returned to the lobby again. And after that, his eyes never left the fake flower with the bug.

"Did Vodka take the bug away during the few minutes I was away?" Conan's thoughts flew, and his face became more and more ugly. "After I saw the bug, I immediately pretended that I didn't find anything, but why did he still respond? Is this a coincidence, or... does he have an accomplice?"

At this time, thinking back to what happened just now, the beautiful receptionist came into his mind. Her sweet smile gradually twisted in Conan's eyes and gradually became unfathomable.


Shikigawa Hospital.

Vodka destroyed the bugs collected from various places urgently, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"That kid had been agreeing with the front desk, but suddenly stopped talking halfway... I knew there must be something fishy."

Vodka recalled the scene when Conan was at the front desk half an hour ago - with his keen judgment and rich experience in installing bugs, he judged that the kid was very close to his bug at that time.

Thinking carefully, the plastic flower with the bug hidden in it was located low, and adults really couldn't notice it, but with the height of the kid...

"I was careless, it seems that I must consider this aspect in the future." Vodka sighed, a little sad, "Speaking of which, it's okay not to carry a gun, and even a bug can't be installed casually... I am a cadre of the organization, but I have fallen to this level of abiding by the law."

He sighed and listened for a while.

After making sure that the police car and the police had gone far away and did not come to bother him, he breathed a sigh of relief and lay back on the bed quietly.

On the way back in the police car.

Fuyuki patted his heavy cash box and said cheerfully: "What a two unlucky fools, born poor, and dare to blackmail me, they are simply ignorant of the world."

Inspector Megure couldn't help but said coldly: "If it weren't for you guys who planted the seeds ten years ago, this wouldn't have happened now."

"…" Fuyuki was bored, and didn't dare to contradict the police at this critical moment. He snorted and turned to the detective to find face: "I heard that you are a great detective? Instead of running around with the police every day, why not come and work with me. I usually offend a lot of people, and this incident can be regarded as a reminder to me. I just need a capable bodyguard - you can set the salary, I have plenty of money."

Conan: "?" Detectives are detectives, bodyguards are bodyguards, these are not the same professions, you guys are looking for trouble!

Jiang Xia was not angry. He looked at Mr. Fuyuki, who was full of vigor and vitality: "I think I have exchanged business cards with you before. My contact information is on the business card. If anything happens, just find me."


After returning to the Metropolitan Police Department and taking a simple statement, Fuyuki Ryuzaburo did not stay in this place that made him uncomfortable. He took the money back to his office and happily counted the lost and recovered wealth.

And after he went upstairs, a young black shadow walked out from the corner.

Conan: "..." It is too risky to start the investigation directly from vodka. If you think about the worst, maybe the entire Shikigawa Hospital has become their nest.

- Therefore, for the sake of safety, it is better to start from the edge, such as following this Fuyuki Ryuzaburo to see if this guy's recent experience is related to vodka.

Seeing the target enter the office, Conan walked out and wanted to follow him in to see.

However, just as he reached the door, a hand suddenly reached out from behind and picked him up.

"Where have you been all day, kid?" Maori Kogoro grabbed the troublemaker, "You even tried to sneak into my office, you're really causing trouble for me!"

"Uncle Maori?!" Conan was shocked, "Why are you here?"

Mauri Kogoro carried him back to the street and smiled, "Xiaolan went to the supermarket to buy food. Before dinner, I came here to investigate the entertainment life of the local residents."

Conan: "...Investigation?"

Just when he was a little confused, he saw Maori Kogoro holding his head high and walking into a mahjong parlor opposite Fuyuki Financial Office.

Conan: "..." Well, that's normal.

He was a little speechless, but then he thought about it. This place is opposite Fuyuki Ryuzaburo's office, which is a good place to keep an eye on him. If he came here alone as a child, he might not even be able to get in the door. But now he can blend into the crowd and hide himself well with Maori Kogoro.

Thinking of this, Conan silently stopped the idea of ​​complaining to Maori Ran and followed him obediently.

Just as he was about to enter the door, another hand suddenly reached out from behind.

Conan was picked up again.

His heart skipped a beat, and he turned around suddenly, and then found that it was another false alarm: "...Jiang Xia? Why are you here?"

Jiang Xia looked into the mahjong hall with a little curiosity: "I have nothing to do tonight, and I was free anyway. I saw you sneaking out, so I followed you to see - I didn't expect that a primary school student like you would sneak out to play mahjong."

Conan: "..." What mahjong, this is obviously surveillance... Speaking of which, Jiang Xia's tracking technology is too good, with his keenness, he didn't even notice that there was an extra person behind him.

While sighing at this classmate's detective talent, he pushed the blame: "Who said I was going to play mahjong, it was Uncle Maori who brought me in without permission."

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