Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2582 2586 [Frightened Witnesses] Ask for monthly votes

Chapter 2582 2586 [Horrified Witness] Please vote for me (づど)

There were already so many witnesses present, so the Megu Police Department didn't mind missing one.

He quickly looked back at the stream next to him. There were so many rescuers there that they almost filled the crystal clear stream, but still found nothing.

"It seems that Aben did fall by himself, but if so, where did his body go?"

Officer Memu scratched his head and suddenly had a guess, "Maybe he didn't fall to death, so he struggled to escape? - It's next to the parking lot, so it's quite convenient to walk."

Sato Miwako looked up and felt her neck was a little sore. She hesitated and said, "Can you really survive if you fall from such a high height?"

"Everything is possible." The Mumu Police Department was well-informed and nodded calmly, "But even if he is alive, with such a big gap, he must be injured - let's leave a few people to continue searching along the stream, and the others will search Search nearby hospitals and pay attention to the seriously injured patients who have just been admitted!”

After the Mumu Police Department gave the order, the police officers in the river breathed a sigh of relief and climbed onto the bank one after another.

Ms. Qiuye saw this and looked at her watch: "It's none of my business, so I'll leave first."

Officer Takagi remembered his mission and had no choice but to follow. But just after taking two steps, Ms. Qiuye glanced back at him and asked doubtfully: "Why are you following me?"

Officer Takagi was startled, suspecting that the woman had lost her memory: "I am protecting you personally."

"Protect? The source of the danger has already fallen to his death, so why protect him?" Qiuye waved his hands indifferently, "I really don't like dealing with the police - just end it like this, don't bother me, I still have to work."

As she said that, she turned around and climbed over the guardrail, went to the parking lot and drove away.

Officer Takagi was shocked: "...Am I that annoying?"

Jiang Xia patted his shoulder comfortingly: "Maybe she just thinks it's inconvenient for her to work with you around - if she wants to deceive people, she will easily feel guilty in front of the police, and this will delay her performance."

"I see." Officer Takagi felt much better immediately. He cheered up and devoted himself to the next task, "I'm going to the hospital right now! ... Oh, I hope to find Mr. Komoto who fell off the cliff as soon as possible. "

Suburbs not far away.

Shikikawa General Hospital.

This is a hospital known for its beautiful environment and conducive to recuperation. Even its interior decoration is in forest-like tones, and the environment is open and relaxing.

...But it can only make ordinary people relax.

For some prudent people, no matter how safe the environment seems to be, there are still countless crises lurking, and they must be dealt with carefully at all times.

"Yes, the escape route meets the basic standards. It is not blocked or locked for no reason, and it is also close to my ward. If something happens, it will only take me less than thirty seconds to rush out of the building."

After confirming one escape route, Vodka pushed up the dark glasses on the bridge of his nose and continued to inspect the other one - his opponent was Uzo. If he thought he was safe with only one emergency exit, the evil reality would be revealed to him. A hundred ways the roads are blocked.

"If I were bolder, climbed out of the window, and then used the bulge outside to roll to the ground, my escape time could even be shortened to ten seconds... But correspondingly, the level of danger would also be greatly increased - although the floor I live on is not high. , but if you are extremely unlucky, a fall on the ground can kill someone. In short, if you can take the stairs, you should try to take the stairs. "

With this in mind, he checked the second fire escape very seriously.

After the vodka goes away.

The two young nurses who were pretending to be sorting out documents raised their heads and looked in the direction he left.

"What is that person doing?" the young nurse asked the senior next to her in a low voice, "Could it be an undercover agent sent by the fire department? He thinks we lied about the safety measures, so he is checking?"

"Of course not. How can the fire department be so free?" The older nurse was well-informed and shook her head, "Didn't you read the patient's information? He is a newly transferred inpatient from the psychiatric department."

"!" The little nurse suddenly realized it, and recalling the gentleman's naughty behavior, she suddenly felt that everything became reasonable, "That's it."

"Ah sneeze!"

Vodka rubbed his nose and looked around cautiously: "I always feel like someone is whispering about me behind my back... No need to ask, it must be that kid Uzo again. Fortunately, I ran fast. By the time he came back to his senses and came over, I might have already written it. Reported to be discharged successfully.”

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly, the tips of his ears twitched, as if he heard a series of sirens.

Vodka: "?"

He held his breath and carefully identified it, and his expression changed slightly: I don't know if it was an illusion, but the string of sirens was heading towards the hospital.


Vodka ran to the window in disbelief, quietly turned sideways and looked out through the gap in the curtains. The next moment, a police car jumped into view. It stopped in the parking lot, and two police officers jumped out immediately.

Vodka: "..."

He had just been here for a long time, and his butt was not even hot yet, but the police who were deceived by Uzo actually came after him? !

"Could it be that you are here for me?... No, no, I am now a good citizen with no bad record - 'Mr. Yamada' does not have any criminal record. He even has a good reputation with the police because he solved several cases with Jiang Xia. A bit of status.”

Vodka took a deep breath: "Running away now will only arouse suspicion. Anyway, calm down and see what's going on - maybe these two policemen are just here to solve small cases like theft and robbery."

Thinking of this, he quietly went downstairs and shrank into a tool room not far from the parking lot, which was convenient for escape.

This place is far away from the front desk and nothing can be heard. But the mountain man has his own tricks. Vodka clicked a few times on his mobile phone and quickly called up an interface.

-During the time he came to the hospital, he was not only checking the fire escape, but he also installed eavesdropping devices in various key places to keep track of the hospital's movements at all times.

However, before the sound of the front desk was called up, there was a creak, and the door of the tool room was pushed open from the outside.

"?!" Vodka froze, instinctively shrank his body, pretending that he was just a mushroom in the corner.

He originally thought that it was a cleaner who came to get the tools, but soon, the keen organizational cadres realized that something was wrong: the person who came in had heavy and hurried steps, as if he was carrying something very heavy.

This is not right - there are all kinds of carts everywhere in the hospital. If someone really needs to transport something heavy, he can just use a cart to move it instead of carrying it.

Just as I was thinking, with a thud, someone threw the heavy object into a square cleaning cart.

Vodka: "..."

Vodka: "..." If I heard it right, this texture, it's a corpse, right?

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