Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2534 2538 [Graybara Ai's Journey to Hell]

Judy: "..." Although if you think about it carefully, it hasn't been that long since then. However, compared with the previous cases, life now is so peaceful that it makes people feel uneasy.

"Is it really our new policy that works?"

Judy murmured in her heart: "As long as he doesn't provoke Uzo, he won't create that terrible scene of killing us... Is Uzo such an easy talker?

"Speaking of which, we launched such a large-scale targeted investigation against him before, but he didn't hold any grudge at all. Those murder cases stopped as soon as he said they would. This is really surprising. I am more and more curious about his true identity. What kind of person is he... But maybe after we retreated, he couldn't accurately capture the FBI's movements, so he had to stop? "

When an FBI carefully considers his opponent.

Next to her, the "new doctor" who listened to her talk was also secretly thinking about something similar.

"These annoying FBI finally thought of getting down to business." It had been a while since Bermod had been so annoyed by Judy. Now that she had returned to her previous state, she couldn't help but sigh secretly in disappointment.

However, as an organizational leader with outstanding mobility, the Thousand-Faced Witch quickly refocused her attention on her real goal: "In this case, I should speed up the progress."

"Cool Guy's identity has been confirmed, can the escaped wild cat be far away?" Belmod, wearing the appearance of a gentle male school nurse, pushed up the flat glasses on the bridge of his nose, a cold light flashed in his eyes, "Shirley's true identity Where, I probably already have a clue, but..."

But there seems to be a terrifying thing guarding the weak prey. Although there is no evidence, just because Shirley has not been in the news as a victim so far, Belmod can be sure that before catching or killing Xue, Uzo would not side with Li on this matter.

Thinking of this, Belmode had some intention of retreating.

But soon, thinking of the so-called scientists who made APTX4869, she took a slow breath and reaffirmed her goal: The problem is not big, as long as she operates it properly, Uzo may not know that she has arrested someone.

To say the least, even if Uzo guessed long as she completed this matter in time, she would be able to give up her status as the "new doctor". Even if Uzo is dissatisfied with her behavior by then, everything will have been settled and she can retreat to the darkness again and stay away from here.

"Oh, the car is here!"

A voice interrupted the battle between heaven and man in her mind. Judy, who was beside her, looked towards the end of the road and said happily: "Luckily, there was a car as soon as we arrived - we don't have to wait."

The spacious bus turned the corner and stopped in front of them.

The two lined up behind several other passengers and stepped onto the bus amid the announcement.

On the bus.

Hui Yuan Ai felt as if her heart was suddenly squeezed by a big hand, and there were violent beating sounds of "gudong" and "gudong" in her chest. Some kind of indescribable intuition told her that an even more disgusting and dangerous smell appeared on this bus than before.

...No, there is more to the organization than just that one!

——Before she came to her senses, another passenger walked up among the crowd at the bus entrance.

The already strong tissue smell in the air suddenly became so strong that it seemed to solidify. Haiyuan Ai shrank in his hood, his pupils trembling: Why, why are there so many? ——What happened? Could it be that she had a sensory problem due to staying up late for too long recently?


"Okay, a lot of organizational ordinary bus, haha, how is this possible." Haiyuan Ai's expression was slightly dull, and he was thinking in confusion, "There should be something wrong with me... Calm down, calm down first, and then feel it again - maybe everything is just my illusion? "

Hui Yuan Ai closed her eyes, took a few slow and deep breaths, and looked around again.


A few seconds later, a young figure fell into silence.

"Jiang Xia?"

A voice sounded from the aisle. Judy spotted an acquaintance in the car and said hello in surprise: "And these children, what a coincidence, you are also going out?"

Although she wants to return her work focus to the "new teacher", after paying attention to Jiang Xia for a long time, Judy still unconsciously cares about the movements of this high school student - after all, not long ago, she was still trying every possible means to figure out how to get in. Jiang Xia travels with Jiang Xia.

"Now I didn't take the initiative to get closer, but I met him easily." Judy couldn't help but sigh in her heart, and at the same time she started to get nervous instinctively, "Speaking of which, the crime rate around Jiang Xia... this bus should be There won’t be any brutal murder.”

After a few peaceful days, looking back and looking forward, Judy realized how hard her life had been just a while ago. Now that she thought about the possibility of that time coming back, she couldn't help but feel numb.

"No, no, no, Jiangxia has always been active in Mihua Town. Isn't it normal to meet this high school student here? Don't think too much."

"However, as an FBI, it seems that I should not avoid difficulties. On the contrary, I must proactively assume the various dangers that may be encountered and always think about ways to deal with them."

Instinct and responsibility pulled back and forth, and in the end, Judy closed her eyes and chose the third path.

"It's not a big problem. Shuichi is following us in today's tracking." Judy shifted the burden to another place, and her heart suddenly lightened. "If there is anything, I will observe his movements and cooperate with him. As a qualified agent, the first thing to learn is to trust your teammates."


When Judy was struggling.

In the car, Conan didn't expect that a small bus would suddenly gather so many suspicious people in his eyes.

After thinking for a while, Conan decided to test the waters. He put on an innocent child's voice: "Are Dr. Shinde and Teacher Judy dating?"

"Of course not." "Dr. Shinde" laughed, "We just ran into a colleague and went together."

"No no no." Judy came back to her senses and laughed too. She shook her finger at Conan and corrected him, "Smart boy, you guessed right - we are going to the Ueno Museum of Art together for a date today."

"Dr. Shinde" firmly kept his distance from her: "We just happened to meet on this road."

"Oh, so cold." Judy snorted, "A gentleman shouldn't let a girl be embarrassed outside."

"Dr. Shinde" was unmoved: "We are colleagues after all. It would be bad if there were rumors of office romance in the school."

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