Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2476 2480 [Kill List and Ireland]

But mature adults will not hang themselves on the same thing. Since there is no gain here, why not go to the other side to have some fun.

Jiang Xia poked the water ball squatting on his shoulder: "What about the thing that I asked you to pay attention to before?"

Noah came back to his senses and quickly understood what the psychic master was asking.

The AI ​​ghost looked at the police walking around next to him, and then whispered stealthily: "That person has contacted the killer and is planning to submit the relevant information."

Jiang Xia nodded thoughtfully.

A while ago, when Noah was surfing the Internet out of boredom, he accidentally caught a piece of news about Maori Kogoro - a prisoner that Maori Kogoro had captured recently successfully escaped from prison. At this time, the man was trying his best to retaliate against the middle-aged detective who sent him in, but he was worried that he was not strong enough alone, so he was looking for a killer at a high price.

"Since you have nothing to do, find a chance to replace Uncle Maori's photo with Ireland's." Jiang Xia decided to find something to do for his dear colleague, "But speaking of it, Ireland's photo..." In his impression, Ireland is quite cautious and usually very sensitive to the camera, and will not leave his image in the surveillance. If he must get his photo, it is not impossible for Noah to hack into the organization's database and steal two photos... But in that case, the organization may react violently. After thinking about it, Jiang Xia said: "Find someone who looks similar to him - it doesn't have to be exactly the same, as long as the features are similar. I remember that in Mr. Akai's team, there was a person whose eyebrows looked very similar to his." Noah was obviously very interested in this and was full of energy: "No problem, leave it to me!" ... In a narrow and dim office. A black figure's glasses reflected the reflection of the screen, and his hands were clacking on the keyboard. After writing the information, he raised his hand and pressed the print button. The printer made a sound and started working, and the black figure also stretched. At this moment, the electronic doorbell suddenly rang.


As a wanted criminal, the black figure was very nervous. He was startled, stood up, picked up the kitchen knife next to him, and walked to the door lightly.

However, looking out through the peephole, the door was empty and there was no one.

"... Prank doorbell?"

The black figure spat and cursed those idle guys in his heart. He looked out carefully for a few more times, and then returned to the table uneasily.

After typing a few pages of information, the black figure hurriedly grabbed the paper and stuffed it into the file bag. He didn't dare to stay any longer and climbed out the window.


While the lawless lunatics were hiding and waiting for an opportunity to retaliate.

In the Metropolitan Police Department, the detective was still working hard to solve the case.

- After a careful look, there was another piece of letter paper that fell out of the box left by the dead kidnapper.

[My father suffers from kidney disease and must be injected with medicine every 6 hours - this is a matter of life and death, please pay attention to it.

[We have enclosed the medicine my father uses with this letter. Please inject him in time.]

"This is it." Jiang Xia squatted down, rummaged through a pile of money, and found a narrow metal box buried in the money. "If it is true as the letter says, we must hand it over to the hostage as soon as possible."

Inspector Megure felt a headache: "But where is the hostage?"

"It is not clear where the hostage is, but we may be able to contact his family first." Jiang Xia handed the box containing the syringe to the young police officer next to him, "The hostage is in good financial condition and has long-term kidney disease. More importantly, his surname is 'Domoto', which is not a common surname. Tanaka, Yamamoto and the like are much easier to find. "

As Miwako Sato listened, she suddenly understood what the detective meant. She said in surprise: "That is to say, as long as we look for patients with kidney disease and the surname 'Domoto' in those large hospitals, we can confirm the identity of the hostage. Then we can get more information about the kidnappers from his family!"

Jiang Xia nodded. He looked at the Tokyo map taken out by a smart police officer next to him, and his eyes fell on one of the buildings: "Let's start with this Beihua Central Hospital."


On the other side.

After taking a long detour and sneaking to the hospital parking lot, Vodka was about to get out of the car, but he suddenly caught a glimpse of someone. He shrugged in his heart and shrank back into the car.

"What's wrong?" Ireland followed his gaze and paused.

-Inspector Megure, who had just met at the Metropolitan Police Department not long ago, appeared in front of them again with his gang of police subordinates.

"Come to see us?" Ireland was alert at first, and then felt something was wrong, "He didn't know you were coming to the hospital for treatment. Even if he wanted to see us, he wouldn't come here directly... Could it be something else?"

Vodka corrected him strictly: "I said, I'm not here to see a doctor, I'm just here to interview an outside member."

Ireland ignored this sentence: the unsuccessful car accident just now obviously hit this confident member of the organization slightly. He didn't want to communicate with his allies now, and just wanted Vodka to finish this boring interview task as soon as possible and do other things, so that he could collect some more useful information about Gin.

At this time, another person walked down from the back seat of Inspector Megure's car. The man looked around casually, and when his eyes fell in this direction, his eyes paused slightly.

Vodka: "?!"

For a moment, he had the urge to slide down the seat to the floor and hide. But soon he took a deep breath to remind himself to calm down.

"The current direction of the light, coupled with the special solar film of this car... Unless Uzo has a pair of laser eyes, he can't see clearly what's going on in the car."

Vodka comforted himself in his mind: "He probably just glanced here casually. As long as he stays steady, it's not a big problem! - That guy can't move rashly around the police. I just need to wait until he leaves with the police, and then I can go in." See a doctor.

"After seeing the doctor, I immediately returned to Brother Gin with the interview report and never left!"

When he stayed up late and worked overtime one after another, Vodka once imagined a happy life of saying goodbye to overtime work and wandering around leisurely outside every day.

But now, when this situation actually happened, he realized that he was still happy working overtime.

"I'm tired. At least I can live peacefully that way." Vodka sighed tiredly, "Unlike now... the outside world is really too dangerous."

When a member of the black organization silently revised his life plan.

At the door, Jiang Xia threw the ghosts over to let them show their murderous intent, and then entered the hospital with the Mu Mu Police Department.

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