Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2468 2472 [Conan’s Adventure]


Conan felt for a moment that this was just a line used by Mrs. Sakihara to deal with him, but for a while he felt that it had a deeper meaning.

Mrs. Sakihara, who realized that she had said too much, did not continue. She politely sent Conan out the door.

Conan adjusted his crooked collar and looked back at the closed door. He felt as if a secret that had just emerged had also been closed again, ruthlessly shutting him out.

For a moment, he wanted to open his foot-strengthening shoes, fly through the door, and drag Mrs. Sakihara to ask everything clearly... But before he had time, he transformed into an outlaw and returned. Mouri Kogoro had already picked him up: "You kid is running around again, come back with me quickly!"

Conan couldn't resist the strength of the uncle next door and refused to retreat.

On the way back in the car, he rethought every word and expression of Mrs. Sakihara.

Suddenly, the fake primary school student looked up and asked Mouri Kogoro: "Uncle, are there any famous theaters in Tokyo recently?"

"Theatre? Why go to a place like that? Why don't you go out for a few drinks if you have time?" Mouri Kogoro just wanted to drink to drown his sorrows now, "Oh, I am a good student, why did I become like this..."

Mao Lilan did not ignore the spiritual appeal of the primary school students: "I know a few famous theaters..." But why did he add "recently"? Isn’t it true that things like theater are famous and have always been famous? They are not some disposable consumables that have suddenly appeared recently.

After a brief reading comprehension, Mao Lilan felt that she understood: "You want to say that there has been a lot of movement recently and the theater has been on the news?"

Conan nodded quickly.

Mao Lilan thought about it seriously: "I'm not sure. The last theater that made the news seemed to be the small theater rented by Tamanosuke Ito of our class."

Mouri Kogoro, who was driving, suddenly remembered something: "Speaking of which, do you still remember the Crystal Restaurant from before?"

"Of course." Mao Lilan was still frightened: the prisoner that time was obviously her father's friend, but he attacked all the people around Mao Li Kogoro along the way. In the end, he tricked a group of people into an undersea restaurant and blew up the building. As a result, everyone almost died at the bottom of the sea... Fortunately, the survivors managed to escape in the end, but the murderer was unlucky to get stuck in the chaotic explosion and eventually died at the bottom of the sea.

Mouri Kogoro: "I heard that someone bought that land and it is currently being developed. I asked about it when I was free last time, and I found out that it seems to be built into a theater, and it is an original replica of an old building. Theater—three people died there, and the bodies haven’t been recovered yet. The buyer is really unlucky.”

When Mao Lilan heard that a theater was going to be built in the center of the sea, she was still a little ready to move. When Mao Li Kogoro mentioned the corpses in the ruins, she suddenly shrank again.

Conan felt that he had caught something, and noticed Mao Lilan's strange movements. He quickly said: "Since the buyer can rebuild the theater, he must have spent a lot of money to clean up the ruins. This theater and other haunted houses It’s no different - let’s go and see it when it opens. A theater built in the middle of the sea..." A theater built on the ruins of a haunted house... sounds like that person’s bad taste.

Although he still doesn't know the person's true identity and has never had direct contact with that person, for some reason, Conan's intuition tells him that the theater may be able to give him the answer.

...but here comes the problem.

——After returning home, Conan immediately found an excuse and slipped out of the door alone. He walked all the way to the seaside, and then looked at the busy ships coming and going on the sea, and fell into deep thought.

"When will this place be built?" Conan clicked on the magnifying function of his glasses and looked at the roughly shaped theater that had just been built. He was silent for a moment, and for the first time he became anxious about the enemy in his heart. "How can such a small ship be enough? ? Invest more money and hire more people! ——Gin drives such expensive antique cars around every day, and his transactions can easily reach tens of millions. Such an organization must not be short of money, so you guys should invest more. Come in and get down to business!”

As he muttered, he took out his mobile phone, pointed at the club logo on the boat and took a photo.

"Ah sneeze!"

On the island, Maya Hashimoto, who was busy directing, rubbed his nose and sneezed.

He quickly walked away to avoid the dust splashed by the construction. At this moment, his phone vibrated and he received an email.

Maya Hashimoto took out her phone and took a casual look.

Soon, he looked at the well-worded email and showed doubts in his eyes: "...A legal consultant who is here to apply? Who said I was going to recruit?"

He originally wanted to treat this as an accidental harassment email, but in the blink of an eye, a flash of thought struck his mind.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Wait. Based on his experience during this period, any word related to "accidental" cannot be ignored.

And if you think about it carefully, although there are a lot of harassing emails these days, there are not many emails saying that you want to apply for a job - this way you can't deceive people at all, and it is more reliable to pretend to be a rich man who has only a few days left, and randomly distribute inheritances. .

"Since it is too low-end in terms of deception, then conversely, maybe it is true?" Maya Hashimoto thought thoughtfully, "But why did that person suddenly come to apply for this theater that has not yet opened?"

To be cautious, Maya Hashimoto decided to get in touch first.

He picked two familiar coffee shops and sent the other party the address of one of them. He then planned to wait for the person to arrive and then immediately ask her to go to the second coffee shop, so that the woman who called herself Sakihara Megumi would not arrive at the first coffee shop in advance. The layout of the hall brings danger.

While waiting, Maya Hashimoto looked at the email address column, and a figure appeared in his mind.

Maya Hashimoto: "..." Although there was no evidence, but it was related to the theater, and he always felt that this applicant who appeared out of nowhere had something to do with his boss.

Theoretically speaking, as the person in charge of this Haixin Theater, it seems that he should send an email to his boss at this time to ask politely.

However, in reality, his fingertips rubbed back and forth on the phone, and finally, Maya Hashimoto withdrew his hand in silence.

"Or forget it."

Maya Hashimoto calmly analyzed in her mind: "If the applicant has nothing to do with Uzo, then I sent him a message just to make trouble, and it will only attract his attention - and if that person is really introduced by Mr. Uzo. Maybe Uzo Zuo didn't take this matter seriously at first, but when I asked him, it aroused his interest again..."

Although he has been forced to defect to Uzo and become his loyal subordinate, it is obvious that Maya Hashimoto has not been able to relax at all.

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