Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2398 2402 [Uzo’s Corpse Painter]

The painter who was pointed at by Akai Shuichi said: "?!"

He hugged his sketchbook tightly and took two steps back silently without saying a word.

Police Department Mumu looked over with suspicion, and then suddenly was stunned: "Why is it you?"

——If I remember correctly, isn’t this guy the strange painter whose head was chopped off by a serial killer not long ago?

When the police cleaned up the scene, they found many horrific sketches, which made them very suspicious that this unlucky painter was also a well-hidden serial killer... However, it later turned out that this person was just unlucky, or very lucky. , so you can always encounter all kinds of fresh murder scenes.

Mumu Police Department: "..." Generally speaking, detectives like Jiang Xia are somewhat similar, except that Jiang Xia came to the scene to solve crimes, but this painter came to cause trouble.

Based on the lessons learned from some of my younger brothers, the police department’s suspicion of the painter is not too high.

But since he had been bitten out by other suspects, the Megure Police Department could only go through the process. He cleared his throat and asked Kobayashi Seiji: "Where is that painting? Can you show it to us?"

Painter Xiaolin seemed reluctant, but probably because he had experienced many similar things and knew that resistance was useless, he finally reluctantly handed over his precious painting.

The Mumu Police Department took the book and flipped through it. What strikes the eye is a series of powerful rough lines, black and white, creating a series of death portraits with a strange atmosphere.

This made a certain police officer who hated corpses couldn't help but twitch his forehead: "..." This guy's painting is still so terrifying and depressing. Seeing it is like seeing death right in front of you... However, you can't completely think like this. If I remember correctly, the person opposite was a well-known painter. Maybe this was called art.

While muttering, Memu Police Department turned to the latest page.

Seeing clearly the man who was poisoned by coffee on the paper, he was shocked at first, and then felt something was wrong. He looked at Suspect No. 1 just now: "This man looks much taller than the corpse, and he doesn't wear any clothes." Glasses. And this baseball cap...this, isn't it you!"

Akai Shuichi: "...Yes, but what is more noteworthy than this is the way the person in the painting died."

The Mumu Police Department was not convinced. This experienced old policeman obviously had his own set of logic: "The painter discovered some clues and thought that you were about to be poisoned and murdered, so he painted a picture like this - —After seeing the painting, you realized your situation, and then diverted the trouble to others, transferring the poison that you almost drank to someone else..."

While listening to the policeman's story, Jiang Xia nodded very appreciatively. He pointed to the auditorium next to him and conscientiously completed the evidence for the Mu Mu police department's speculation: "If I remember correctly, it is said that this gentleman was sitting on the deceased's seat at the time. The right side of , that is, this location, and here..."

Several police officers looked over and suddenly understood what Jiang Xia was referring to.

Police Department Memu walked to the seat, squatted down, and carefully picked up a drink that had been casually placed on the ground with his gloved hands.

He opened the lid and checked: "Iced coffee, still full, almost empty - is this the drink you ordered?"


Akai Shuichi nodded slowly.

Sure enough, the next second, the police department's suspicious voice came: "Why did you buy coffee but not drink it?"

Akai Shuichi: "..." Of course it's because I don't want to be easily poisoned when I go out.

However, these words were obviously reasonable and reasonable, but they couldn't be said out loud, otherwise it would fall into line with the speculation of the Memu Police Department just now.

This situation of being unable to get off the tiger made him couldn't help but raise his hand and press his forehead: "..." Originally he thought that organizing the group of lawless gangsters who ignored the rules was the most difficult to deal with, but now it seems that the more difficult one is clearly that A guy who not only doesn't ignore the rules, but actually takes advantage of them.

——The police and detectives were originally supposed to be allies of the FBI, but now, these righteous people are being used unknowingly and become accomplices.

Facing this shield, Akai Shuichi felt powerless. At the same time, he had a vague hunch: in the worst case scenario, James might come to get him again today. After all, he didn't want to fight with the police. The detective has too many conflicts, and he doesn't want to become a fugitive.

...But before that, of course, we can't just lie down and accept our fate.

Akai Shuichi quickly assessed the situation, and then said calmly: "I originally wanted to drink, but the play was so attractive that I forgot about it without realizing it."

Suzuki Sonoko: "!"

Although this tall guy looks suspicious, he has great taste!

Sato Miwako happened to see this scene: "..." This tall man is not only suspicious, but he also talks sweetly in an attempt to gain the trust of high school female students... What a dangerous person, we must keep an eye on him today!

Although Shuichi Akai's answer aroused high suspicion from the police, this reason is barely justified.

So Jiang Xia didn't ask any more questions. The detective turned to the painter impartially, without missing any doubts: "What about you? Why did you paint such a painting? How did you know that someone wanted to murder this gentleman?"

Hearing this, Xiao Lin Xinger raised his head and glanced at Jiang Xia.

Next to him, the Memu Police Department has long seen how taciturn this painter is - before he asked Kobayashi Seiji to take notes, this man could not say a word for a long time and it was difficult to communicate at all.

At this time, he was too lazy to confront a piece of wood. The Mumu Police Department was planning to help Jiang Xia skip this step. Unexpectedly, at this moment, Xiaolin Xinger actually opened his mouth and explained: "Before the game started, there were people in the row behind who were chattering. The drinks were really noisy, and the tall guy squeezed into my stool as he passed by. I felt a little angry, but at the same time I was inspired, so I improvised.”

Memu Police Department: "?!"

Why is this guy so cooperative? It seems like he admires Jiang Xia very much?

...As expected of Jiang Xia, her personality and charm are so strong that nothing can be said.

When the police sighed and sighed.

Next to him, painter Xiao Lin, who likes corpses, appreciates corpses, and pursues murder cases, looked at Jiang Xia, the detective involved in the case, and tried to discuss: "My paintings only record my inspiration at the time, and have nothing to do with clues - can you return the album to me?" ? If it is seized as evidence, I will have to replace it with a new album. I am a bit obsessive. If a album is replaced before it is filled, I will be very uncomfortable. "

However, Jiang Xia shook his head sternly: "It's too early to say this now. Let's wait until the murder case is solved. If you think of any clues, you can tell me as soon as possible. Maybe this can speed up the progress of solving the case and let you get it back earlier. Your album."

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