Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2348 2352 [Ambush]

On the shore, naive humans do not know that a shameless improper competition is taking place underwater, and ordinary fishing activities can continue peacefully.

Eka and Hattori Heiji were fishing at the lake.

In the nearby woods, several female high school students were happily picking - of course not helping Hattori Heiji find earthworms, but wanting to see if there were any mushrooms or game around. For them, who are used to living in the city, this forest itself is a charming attraction.

At the beginning, several people were still worried about the "villa destroyer" who might be hiding nearby, and they were careful not to disperse when they gathered together.

But as they walked, their vigilance inevitably decreased, and they were attracted by various things in the forest and spread out a little.

It was under this circumstance that Mao Lilan encountered a trap and sneak attack from a dark shadow and accidentally kicked down a tree.

However, all this truth was only presented to the eyes of the figure in black.

And from Mao Lilan's perspective...

"Xiaolan? What happened just now?" Toyama Heye and Suzuki Sonoko were alerted by Mao Lilan's screams and trotted over from different directions.

The two quickly joined Mao Lilan and looked around nervously, looking for possible enemies: "We seemed to have heard your voice just now."

Mao Lilan's face turned red and she said with a guilty conscience: "It's nothing, it's just... I just accidentally damaged some flowers, plants and trees."

Suzuki Sonoko looked back in the direction she ran in and saw a tree that had fallen down halfway and fresh stubble on the stump: "..."

She was stunned for a moment, then quickly activated the detective thinking she learned from Jiang Xia, and felt something was wrong: "Why did you suddenly kick the tree? Could it be that there was also..."

"No, no, there is no body on that tree." Mao Lilan quickly defended the tree that she had poisoned.

She sighed, calmed down and explained: "I was so unlucky just now. I was just staring at the fruits on the branches and didn't pay attention to my steps. I accidentally stepped on a branch that fell in the grass and almost sprained my foot.

"Although I didn't get injured, I was startled. At that moment, I felt a sound of wind behind me - I was nervous at the time and subconsciously thought it was someone sneaking up on me, so I kicked me behind me. But I accidentally kicked it into a tree... Thinking about it now, the wind noise I noticed at that time was probably just a passing bird. I was too nervous, but luckily I didn't kick it. "

The dark figure hiding nearby: "..."

...Accidentally stepped on a branch in the grass?

What branch? It was obviously a trigger trap carefully arranged by me!

And there are no birds! That gust of wind proved to be the sharp arrow fired after the trap was triggered!

The dark figure said: "..." The female high school student actually dodged the arrow that was said to be so fast.

And that was a tree in its prime, healthy and firm inside, and free of borers. Even if you give him an ax, it will take him a while to break it.

"What's going on with this woman, growing up as a logging champion?"

The dark figure realized that something was wrong. He touched his head, which was almost hit by a falling tree. He was afraid for a while: "It's careless. But it's not a big problem, since she thinks everything is wrong." It was an accident, and others didn’t pay much attention to it, so I still had a chance to do it again. Fortunately, I acted quickly and had already set up some other traps. As long as I lured people over..."

The dark figure clenched his fists and began to wait for the next opportunity to take action.

However, he soon discovered that something was not good: after what happened just now, even though the three girls thought it was just an accident, they still instinctively became vigilant, and they were much closer to each other, no longer scattered as before. look like.

In normal times, the dark figure would have dared to deliberately make some noise, attracting the three of them to come closer to investigate, and then let them trigger an archery trap and randomly injure an unlucky person.

But now...

"If I fail to attract you and get caught and beaten, things will be in trouble." The dark figure did not dare to look down on these three weak-looking female high school students, but began a careful analysis:

"Actually, if I think about it carefully, the girl named Toyama Kazuha seems to have quite a lot of strength. I remember that with a casual slap from her before, she pushed the relatively strong-looking Osaka boy around like a top. Several times. People are divided into groups. One of these women can barely survive by using the terrain, but two of them are really terrifying..."

"Forget it, let's change the target!" The dark figure sighed, "It's not that this matter is difficult to handle, it's just that it's not fun to bully girls all the time."

He took one last deep look at the three girls, then withdrew his gaze slightly reluctantly, and walked to the other side - just now he vaguely heard some movement here, and if he went this way, he might be able to find someone who was acting alone. Unlucky guy.

After walking for a while, the dark figure's ears twitched slightly, and sure enough, he heard a series of footsteps.

He immediately stepped aside and leaned behind a thick tree. He listened carefully to determine the opponent's position and thought about how to lead the person into a trap.

"I don't know who is coming, but judging from the footsteps, there is only one person on the other side, so it is very convenient to start."

The dark figure recalled the location of the trap, and he quickly made up his mind: "Two murder cases just happened, and the death conditions of the deceased were so miserable. No matter what they look like on the surface, these people must be secretly panicking in their hearts, just like the female high school student just now. It's the same - I don't need to do anything at all, as long as I make a little movement behind the person and between the two traps, then the person will either panic and run forward, or turn around and chase me regardless of where he is going. No matter which direction you go, you will step on a trap and be stabbed by sharp arrows.”

Having made up his mind, the dark figure stepped lightly, preparing to go around to a suitable place to take action.

However, at this moment, he made a move.

"Where are the people?" The dark figure's heart skipped a beat, "Why are there suddenly no footsteps?"

He stayed for a moment, took a deep breath, quietly took out a lens, adjusted the angle, and observed the direction of the footsteps from behind the tree.

But no matter how he adjusted it, there was always no one in sight.

"How is this possible?!" The dark figure was stunned, "I just heard someone here... It can't be that I was so nervous that I was hallucinating!"

More than ten meters away.

Behind a dense bush, the "new doctor" pushed up his glasses and glanced far behind the tree where the dark figure was hiding.

Looking at the guy who had already revealed his location but didn't know it, a sneer appeared on her lips, her fingertips touched the place where the gun was hidden, and she wanted to pull out the gun and shoot the sneaky guy.

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