Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 2329 2333 [Bedroom Roommate]

"Don't try to lie to me. You tripped. That person was obviously thrown out by you!"

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya wanted to say this loudly, but his attention was attracted by another key word in Bermod's words. He secretly glanced at a few beautiful female classmates hiding behind the tree, blushed and retorted: "I'm not scared!"

Conan looked at this face-saving classmate with sympathy: "..." Naive.

Then he looked at the "new doctor" who was about to play the leading role in the campus festival: "..." Cunning, insidious, and shameless!

The fake primary school student thought for a while and then brought the topic back to business as if nothing had happened: "Anyway, let's call the police first. When the police come, the matter will be solved easily."

However, Jiang Xia shook her head: "There is no signal for the mobile phone for the time being, and the landline in the villa is also broken."

Conan was startled: "Your landline is also broken?!"

Suzuki Sonoko has lived with her sister in many rural villas since she was a child, so she didn't quite understand his surprised tone: "It's normal for the equipment in a place like this to break down."

Vodka: "..." Tsk, tut, that's really pitiful - look, this is what happens when you stay next to Uzo every day, even your cognition becomes different from that of a normal person.

Brother Gin should really let him see this scene and persuade him to block Uzo's mailbox - if he comes into contact with this kind of ghost, sooner or later he will influence him into something he doesn't even recognize.

However, speaking of the reason why the landline phone broke down...

Vodka touched his swollen mouth and whispered: "Well, when I fell down just now, I seemed to have hit someone."


The others were silent for a moment and suddenly looked at the place where he fell just now: "Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Vodka: "..." Don't say it as if I was the only one who saw it. It's obvious that you all are talking about your own things and no one is paying attention to him!

The place where the vodka just fell was a slightly protruding cliff with a drop of less than two meters.

Just now, when he rolled to avoid the anesthesia needle, he accidentally stepped on the protruding part, and the bottom suddenly became a slope leading to the river ditch. Everyone walked all the way with flashlights, and no one was found until they reached the river.


Suzuki Sonoko touched her chin and looked at Vodka: "Did we make a mistake? What Mr. Yamada hit just now was actually a human-shaped stone?"

Vodka: "..." You're talking nonsense. What benefits did Uzo give you to make you lie like this?

Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya also recovered from his panic and remembered what happened just now: "There is also Doctor Shinde, he also knocked down someone!"

"That man tripped and fell on his own..." Belmode, with a fragrant apple-scented murderous aura floating around his body, suddenly remembered something.

She looked at the place where she was attacked just now, and then at the place where the vodka fell, and thought thoughtfully: "Maybe this is actually the same person. He was thrown by me... Well, he regained consciousness after being knocked unconscious for a short time. , so while we were looking elsewhere, we quietly moved down the slope to hide, trying to wait for an opportunity to escape.

"But before he could find his chance, Yamada fell down and hit him again. Then we repeated the mistake again and gave him the opportunity to go down the slope."

Speaking of this, Belmod sighed and shook his head regretfully: "We are all friends who know each other, and there should be more trust between each other - but children are in this environment. Among them, it’s normal to be suspicious because of fear.”

Conan: "..." Don't think that by summarizing Mitsuhiko and I as "frightened and suspicious little kids", you can clear away the suspicion!

"That's it!" Suzuki Sonoko felt that what Dr. Shinde said made sense. She laughed and said, "Of course I trust you. Mr. Shinde has helped us a lot with our stage play during this period - all of this These two little brats don’t understand people well. I’ll help you teach them a lesson when you get back!”

Conan: "..." You don't understand people clearly! !

He tiredly gave up communicating with this stupid classmate and turned to see Jiang Xia.

But Jiang Xia looked at the river in the night, as if thinking: "I don't know whether that is an ordinary passerby, or the legendary villa destroyer - it is a bit strange that the phones in two villas broke down at the same time. The line may have been cut artificially. Let’s go back to the villa first to prevent the children in the villa from being attacked.”

Conan sighed again: "..." Jiang Xia's observation skills were enough, but he was too jealous of evil. He couldn't help but want to track down the lurking gangster when he saw it, but this allowed the "new doctor" to escape.

Vodka and Belmode were watching eagerly, and Conan didn't dare to remind him face to face.

And he suddenly realized something bad: this area is quite remote and inaccessible. There is no cell phone signal, the landline is cut off, and there is even a slow-moving river in the middle of the villa area - no matter from which angle you look at it , this is simply a holy place to silence people.

If the new doctor is really from that organization, then he and vodka make two gunmen. Two gangsters with guns were hiding among the crowd. If they were offended, the consequences would be disastrous.


Conan touched his chin. He quietly looked at Belmod and then at Vodka: "..." I always felt that the relationship between these two people was not very harmonious. There was a slight hostility and wariness between them... Could it be that they were not in harmony with each other? Not from the same organization, but just know each other?

Wait, knowing about a mysterious organization like the Black Organization, and making myself feel threatened at the same time, coupled with the inexplicable appearance of Xiaobai not long ago... Could the new doctor also be an unknown person?

Next to him, Jiang Xia didn't know that in some people's minds, his organization had quietly grown.

He returned to the villa and had a barbecue with everyone, and then thought about it and said: "Actually, that person may not be a gangster, but to be on the safe side, we have to take more precautions - bring your bedding and come to the living room to sleep tonight. We take turns on duty. When the fog clears during the day, the signal may be better."

Suzuki Sonoko felt sleepy as soon as she was full. She had actually wanted to sleep for a long time, but she just didn't dare to close her eyes for fear of being attacked in the middle of the night. Now that Jiang Xia said this, she suddenly said happily: "Okay, let's do it!"

——There must be no problem with Jiang Xia’s proposal, and he can finally rest!

The others didn't object and dragged their beddings into the hall one after another - they were used to sleeping in separate bedrooms, but suddenly there was such a shared-bed atmosphere, and the children's mood improved significantly.

Vodka did not dare to relax, and always looked at the closed curtains warily, trying to find out what was going on outside.

This led to the fact that when he turned around, he suddenly found that a bed had been dragged over next to his bedding, and there was another person next to him.

Vodka: “?!

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